2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母C篇


1. CEO ‘turnover 總經理更替
1.    CGI: Computer ‘Graphics ‘Interface 電腦圖像介面
‘tempering 修片

2.    CMS 緊湊渺子線圈
Atlas 超環面偵測器
CERN 1954年歐洲粒子研究中心
3.    C.O. [] 營長, 連長
4.    CT scans 斷層掃瞄
5.    C’mon. 少來.
6.    cable-stayed bridge 斜拉橋
       New River Gorge (Virginia 拱橋)
7.    ‘cabstand 計程車行
8.    Grand Cabrio 皇敞 [Mase’ratti 馬賽拉蒂]
9.    ca’cao belt 原生巧克力樹生長帶
10.   ‘cache 貯藏室 / ‘k æ ʃ /
11.   Caesar door 鍘刀門 [Lambor’ghini 藍寶堅尼]
12.   rib cage 胸腔
13.   Cairn 凱恩
14.   ‘Caisson disease 潛水夫症
15.   ‘Cajun /-e-/ 卡津人; 法裔路易西安那州人, 說舊式法語;
‘Cajun food 嘉郡式食物
16.   ‘calcium ‘carbonate 碳酸鈣
17.   calculation table 計算表
18.   calf 小象
19.   the 30 caliber  30 口徑的 (“Springfield”)
20.   It has to be ‘calibrated. 校正
21.   I call the eye ball. 我指定要吃那個眼球.
It’s a calling. 天職
It’s a tough call. 這是很困難的抉擇.
Obama regards the prize as a call to action. 歐巴馬把和平獎看做需要採取行動的象徵.
It’s a good call. (點菜)點得好.
Who (do) you gonna call? 你要找誰幫忙?
Call it quit. 金盆洗手. 不幹了.
22.   ‘calla 海芋
23.   callus 手腳的繭
24.   Cal’pella 宏碁 1 cm 厚度筆電
25.   cama’raderie 同袍間友愛忠誠
26.   Chevi Ca’maro 雪佛蘭卡邁羅(變形金剛大黃蜂)
Bumble Bee 大黃蜂
27.   It came off. 脫落了.
  His creation came about by chance. 他的創作通常天外飛  .
28.   ‘camisole 女用絲質小襯衣

29.   ca’nary 金絲雀
30.   ‘candor 真誠
31.   ‘Caneles 可露莉餅乾
32.   ‘cannabis [] 大麻
33.   He is canned. 炒魷魚.  / k æ n d /
34.   ca‘nnoli [It.] 西西里奶油捲; 希臘煎餅捲
35.   canny 精明的
36.   ‘canopy 戰鬥機駕駛人艙蓋
4 poster-canopy bed 四柱床鋪
37.   Can’t wait to see you. 再見囉.
38.   ‘cantaloup(e) 哈密瓜
39.   can’teen 軍士之水壺
40.   ‘caotao [Chin.] 叩頭
41.   She’s there in the ca’pacity of a mentor. 她是導師的立場在那現場.
42.   You are a troublemaker with a capital T. 特大號麻煩鬼.
43.   Capitol Hill 首都山莊; 位於西雅圖, 該地最高級住宅區, 另類文化集中區. 據聞該房地產名稱是  由房產經紀人James A. Moore 命名, 希望如此命名能使美國政府移至此地. HistoryLink 主編以為除此動機以外, Moore 氏還以老婆家鄉     Corolado Denver 市的名為 Capitol Hill 區為名. Moore  1901 名如此命名之前, 該區名稱為Broadway Hill.
44.   capitu’lation 投降協定, 投降要點
Germany ca’pitulated finally. 終於投降.
Germany would be forced to ‘capitulate. 德國只好投降.
45.   ‘capillary action 毛細現象 []’---- []-‘---
46.   They ‘capitalize the opportunity. 善用機會
47.   Cappu’chin 捲尾猴
48.   Capu’chin [It.] 嘉布遣會修士; 天主教聖方濟會旁支
The Order of Friars Minor Capuchin = O.F.M.Cap.
O.S.F.C. [英格蘭與愛爾蘭的名稱]
49.   capy’bara 水豚
50.   cara’mali [It.] 花枝
51.   ‘caravan (馬戲團)大拖車
52.   low carb food 低醣食品
53.   ‘carbine 卡賓槍 / ′kαrbaīn /
54.   ‘carbon fiber 碳纖維
55.   carbonated water 碳酸飲料; 蘇打水
56.   ‘cardiac ar’rest 心跳停止
57.   ca’reering off its bridge 衝出橋下
58.   The cargo door is gone. 貨艙門不見了.
59.   ‘Carlin [加國女子名]
60.   New world should submerge from blood and ‘carnage
of the past. 忘掉從前的鮮血與大屠殺
61.   Beta ‘Carotin 胡蘿蔔素 [= ‘carotene]
62.   carpet bombing 地毯式轟炸; 一分鐘六十架次起飛;
63.   ‘carrier 航空母艦
64.   Carry-on is banned afte nine eleven. 九一一之後可攜式行李就被禁止了.
65.   chasing drug car’tel 追緝販毒集團; 販毒組織
car’tel gunmen販毒集團槍手
66.   ‘cartilage 軟骨
67.   The train cas’cades back. 倒退嚕
It cas’cades from the hill. 從山上傾洩而下
cas’cade effect 骨牌效應
The shorter girls cas’cade out of stage. 排排退下舞台
68.   ‘cassowary 食火雞
69.   ‘castanets [] 响板
70.   casual smart 休閒時尚風
71.   ‘cataclysm 大洪水, 戰爭, 革命, 大變動 /-i/
72.   ‘catacomb 地下墓穴
73.   ‘catapult 中世紀石弩
74.   Catch you later. 待回見.
always playing catch-up 永遠在後面追趕的份.
There’s a catch. 有個難題. 有個小問題.
We caught her off guard. 我們了她一大跳.
75.   ‘category 3 三級颱風
76.   archi’tectural ca’tinery [建築]垂曲線: 鐵鍊的下垂形成
77.   ca’vort (v.) 跳躍
78.   Curra’hee [] 酷拉利 [二戰傘兵長跑訓練] “Three
miles up, three miles down!” (“上三浬, 下三浬!”)
79.   card slave 卡奴; cash card debtor
This is my card up the sleeves. 我的錦囊妙計.
80.   Carrie-Anne Moss 凱特摩絲; 2008 最性感女藝人第二
81.   Casa’blanca 北非諜影



原著 Everybody Goes to Rick’s (By Murray Burnett, Joan    Alison)
       原著改編 Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein, Howard Koch
       大部分台詞是在該幕拍攝前一晚才倉促寫成, 某些幕甚     至邊拍邊寫. 最後一幕 (Rick跟法國矮個子愛國詼諧警探        Renault 並肩走出機場那一幕)的配音甚至是在殺青後後  製加上. 因此, 認真地說, 並沒有所謂的北非諜影對白.  目前所有的文獻, 只有根據當年電影拍攝現場還存  留的台詞遺稿, 以及根據目前所見電影版的審慎分析後     蒐集的台詞集

  A penny for your thought.
  Here’s looking at you, kid.
  為我能盯著妳看而乾杯, 小朋友.
  Rick : Sam, Ferrari wants you to work for him at the
Blue Parrot.
山姆, 法拉先生希望你能考慮到他的藍鸚鵡酒吧上班.
          Sam: I like it fine here.
         R: He’ll double what I pay you.
         S: Yeah, but I ain’t got time to spend the money I
make here.
是喔. 不過我連這裡的薪水都沒有空可以花
           Rick to Ferrari: Sorry.
  Renault: And what in heaven’s name brought you to
                     R: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.
                     我有隱疾. 我聽說這裡的水有療效.
                 Renault: Waters? What waters? We’re in the desert.
                     ? 甚麼水? 這裡是沙漠.
                     R: I was misinformed.
  Renault: If you are thinking of warning him(Laszlo),
don’t put yourself out.  He cannot possibly escape.
如果你是妄想警告他的話, 不要費力了. 他不可能逃出去的.
                     R: I stick my neck out for nobody.
                     Renault: A wise foreign policy.
  Strasser(德軍上校): Do you mind if I ask you a few
questions?  Unofficially, of course.
您介意我問幾個小小問題嗎? 當然是不會留下任  何記錄的.
                     R: Make it official, if you like.
       S: What is your nationality?
                     R: I’m a drunkard.
  Strasser: Are you one of those people who cannot
imagine the Germans in their beloved Paris?
                     R: It’s not particulary my beloved Paris.
                     巴黎是誰的, 我不痛不癢.
                     Heinze(德軍副將): Can you imagine us in London?
                     R: When you get there, ask me.
                     S: How about New York?
                     , 紐約呢?
             R: Well, there are certain sections of New York,   Major, that I wouldn’t advise you to try to invade.
             說真的, 上校, 紐約有些地方你要侵略的話,    妨再多想想.

  S: “Richard Blaine, American.  Age, 37.  Cannot
return to his country.”  The reason is a little vague.  We also know what you did in Paris, Mr. Blaine, and also we know why you left Paris.  Don’t worry.  We are not going to broadcast it.
李察.布蘭恩, 美國人, 37 . 不得回國….理由不明. 我們還知道你都在法國做了甚麼, 布先生, 也知道你為何離開. 別操心. 我們不會到處說的.(: 指他的情資顯示R被女人甩後不得已離開)
              R: (只注意S的檔案報告書上的自己照片) Are my
eyes really brown?

  Renault: You will forgive my curiosity, Mr. Blaine.   
The point is, an enemy of the Reich has come to Casablanca and we are checking up on anybody who can be of any help to us.
布先生請原諒我們問東問西只是, 納粹德國有一個敵人來到卡薩布蘭加, 我們必須檢查任何一個可能對此有幫助的人.
               R: My interest in whether Victor Laszlo stays or goes                     is purely a sportingt one.
我對 Victor Laszlo 先生有沒有辦法離開純粹是想打賭而已.
                     Renault: In this case, you have no sympathy for the
fox, huh?
也就是說, 您對被獵者其實不具甚麼實質的同情心囉?
              R: Not particularly.  I understand the point of view
of the hound, too.
                     沒錯. 獵人有獵人的立場.

  Ilsa: Hello, Sam.
哈囉, 山姆.
               S: Hello, Miss Ilsa.  I never expected to see you                            again.
                     哈囉, 薏爾莎小姐. 沒想到還會見面.
                     I: It’s been a long time.
                     S: Yes, ma’am.  A lot of water under the bridge.
是的女士. 發生了這許多沒人知道為什麼的事.
                     I: S ome of the old songs, Sam.
                     來幾首老歌, 山姆.
                     S: Yes, ma’am.
                     I: Where is Rick?
                     S: I don’t know.  I ain’t seen him all night.
                     不知道ㄝ. 整晚沒看到人.
                     I: When will he be back?
              S: Not tonight no more.  He ain’t coming.  Uh, he
went home.
今晚應該不回來了. 他不會來. , 他回家了.
                     I: Does he always leave so early?
              S: Oh, he never…well…He’s got a girl up at the Blue
Parrot.  He goes up there all the time.
他從來沒他在蘭鸚鵡(酒吧)有女朋友, 他老在那裏.
                     I: You used to be a much better liar, Sam.
                     山姆, 你再掰就不像了.
              S: Leave him alone, Miss Ilsa.  You’re bad luck to
                     不要再來了, 薏爾莎小姐, 妳來他就倒楣.
                     I: Play it once, Sam, for old time’s sake.
                     為我再彈一次, 山姆, 看在從前的份上.
                     S: I don’t know what you mean, Miss Ilsa.
                     我不懂您的意思, 薏爾莎小姐.
                     I: Play it, Sam. Play “As Time Goes By”.
                     就彈, 山姆. 彈那首 As Time Goes By.
              S: Oh, I can’t remember it, Miss Ilsa.  I’m a little
rusty on it.
                     , 我記不得了薏爾莎小姐. 我真的不記得.
                     I: I’ll hum it for you. (hum) Sing it, Sam.
                     我幫你哼. , 山姆.
              R: (沖沖走進來) Sam, I thought I told you never to
                     山姆, 我不是叫你永遠不准彈
  Laszlo: Everything in order?
                     R: All except one thing.  There’s something you
should know before you leave.
都好了, 只剩一件事. 你走以前, 有一件事你該知道.
                     L: Monsieur Blaine.  I don’t ask you to explain
                     布先生, 我不需要您解釋甚麼.
                     R: I’m going to anyway, because it may make a
difference to you later on.  You said you knew about Ilsa and me.
不管你想不想聽我都會講不講的話, 會有人很冤枉. 你說你知道我跟薏爾莎的過去.
                     L: Yes.  是的.
                     R: But you didn’t know she was at my place last                          night when you were.  She came there for the                       letters of transit.  Isn’t that true, Ilsa?
但你不知道你昨晚來找我時她也在她是為了出境護照來找我. 不是嗎薏爾莎?
                    I: Yes. 我是.
                     R: She tried everything to get them, and nothing
worked.  She did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me, but that was all over long ago.  For your sake, she pretended it wasn’t, and I let her pretend.
她為了拿到護照用盡所有辦法, 都沒有用. 她想說服我她還愛我, 但那都過去了. 為你, 她願意假裝還愛著我, 我也讓她假裝.
                     L: I understand. 我知道了.
                     R: Here it is. 護照在這裡.
                     L: Thanks.  I appreciate it. 謝謝, 十分感謝.

  R to Ilsa: Where I’m going, you can’t follow. 
  Whatever I do, you can’t be any part of.
我要去的, 妳沒法跟. 我需要做的, 妳都不能做.
82.   Fat Cat 奢糜的 CEO
cat-eye head light 貓眼頭燈
cat and mouse 貓捉老鼠
83.   You cater to her. 逢迎.
catering the child 管教小孩
84.   ‘caterwaul (v.) 貓叫春
The cats ‘caterwauled. /’kæ-/
hooting of an owl 貓頭鷹的呼呼聲
85.   ‘catfish 鯰魚
86.   Catch car 彈簧車
87.   Cattle class 經濟艙
88.   ‘Caucasus 高加索山
Cau’casian 高加索人; ()
89.   Cause’mel Mexico 科租美
90.   ‘causeway 堤道
91.   a caution from the police 警方警告
Caution is the best part of valor. 最好的勇氣是謹慎
92.   with the caved-in roof 塌下的屋頂
93.   ‘cayman 鱷魚
Cayman trough (Cayman trench/Bartlett Deep) 開曼海溝
94.   Cebu [Phil.]宿霧
95.   ‘celadon 青瓷; 青瓷傳到法國時上演的戲劇男主角名, 因劇服剛好是青色, 以該男主角名為瓷器名
96.   ce’lebrity spotting 追星
97.   ‘Celsius 攝氏
98.   Celts 塞爾迪克族 / ‘kεlts /
99.   cen’trifugal force 離心力
100.              cera’topcians 角龍類
101.              She’s giving away tattoo cer’tificate. 禮券
102.              ‘cesium []
103.              ‘cesspool (n.) 污水坑;糞坑;污穢場所
104.             chain sticks [nunchucks; Nunchaku] 雙節棍
3-section staff 三節棍
chain smoker 老菸槍
105.             winter cha’let 冬季別館 /- ‘le/
106.             chamber around 上膛
107.              championing children 寶貝孩童
108.              ‘champion (v.) 提倡, 擁護
       The policy was ‘championed by Beaudelier. 波地萊爾提              倡這個政見.
109.              There's some decent chance of ... 至少還有的機會
110.              pretty high chance of a fall 快掉下來
111.              Chanel No.5
“It’s not a journey. Every journey ends. But we go on. The world turns. And we turn with it. Plans disappear. Dreams take over. But wherever I go, there you are. My luck, my fate, my fortune. Chanel number 5. Inevitable.” (Brad Pitt)
112.              The Book of Changes 易經
       Do you have the change for a thousand? 你一千元找得       開嗎?
113.              Salem Chapter 榭冷分舵; 會堂; 分會
114.              the charred debris 焦黑的殘骸; 破瓦碎片
115.              do something completely out of character 與個性不符
always in character 永遠入戲中
116.              Cathédrale Notre-Dame de ‘Chartres沙特爾大教堂
1194蓋到 1260 11 16
Flying ‘buttress 飛扶壁
That anonymous mason alone invented Crane by himself constructing Chatre. 該佚名泥水匠獨自發明建造沙特爾的起重機.
Bishop Reynald 與女伯爵為了 taxes 交惡
Stained glass 彩繪玻璃 172
“Atheist will feel uneasy”.(Napoleon on Chartres Cathedral) 拿破崙: “沙特爾讓無神論者無地自容”.
117.              It’s actually characterized as stupid; don’t try it at home.        事實上像這樣做的人是被看成蠢的; 在家請勿模仿.
118.              I was chasing the girl. 我那時在追女孩子.
The broth to chase a hangover 解酒趕龍
119.              ‘chassis 底盤 / ʃ æ s ī /
frame 車架
120.              Operation Chas’tise 懲罰行動 /æs’taiz/
121.              We cheated death once again. 再一次逃過死神.
         Mom’s cheating on you! 媽咪出軌耶! (The
         Descendents 繼承人)
122.              Chechen 車臣
‘Chechnya 車臣人; 車臣的
123.              A paint, check. 油漆, 有了.
         ‘checkpoints 哨站
124.              cheeky grinner 厚臉皮; 魯莽; 無恥的; 慧詰的冷笑
125.              cheesy 俗艷的
126.              Cheetahs—the Deadly Race [發現:”生死疾馳系列]
House guests from hell 不速之客
He backs off to the shady tree. 倒退嚕
127.              Chef Abroad 麥可的世界廚房
128.              The ‘Cherubs 普智天使
129.              in his chest 胸膛
My chest is tight. 胸口悶.
130.              ‘chestnut 荸薺; 栗子
bok choy 白菜
131.              chewy 有嚼勁的; 太軔了; ()太老
132.              Chic or shred? 時髦或銷毀?
133.              chi’cati [It.] 小口的; small bite
134.              chicken wings 雞翅
chicken breast 雞胸
chicken fingers 雞柳條
135.              chief flight attendant 座艙長
         Entertainment in Chief 康樂股長
136.              It’s a child’s play. 家家酒
137.              set a cold chill through my body 渾身打哆嗦
         He gave me chill. 他讓我起雞皮疙瘩.
138.              melon ‘chillers 甜瓜冰沙
139.              chimpan’zee 黑猩猩: 最接近人類之靈長類
140.              Chinese Dao shrine 道觀
Chinese figurines 捏麵人
Chinese glass 琉璃
Chinese Painting 國畫
Chinese paper cutting 中國剪紙
Chinese ‘hackberry 朴葉樹
141.              chinny chin chin [] 下巴鬍渣
142.              I chipped a tooth. 牙齒裂了一小塊.
143.              4 chirps 四個聲響
144.              using primarily only 3 chisels 只用了三個鑿子
145.             ‘chlorophyll 葉綠素
146.              Choc Chi 楚克河
147.              chocola’tier 巧克力工匠
148.              chocolate sommeli’er 巧克力品味師
No.1. Cui’zelo 全世界巧克力品牌第一名
No.2 Val’rhona 第二名
No.3 Da’goba 第三名
No.4 Amedei, Tuscany 第四名
Chocolate bon bon 製作法:
1. 巧克力冰淇淋刨球狀
2. 竹籤串起ice cream 球插在保麗龍板
3. 隔水融巧克力
4. ice cream 球沾巧克力, 冰凍
5. 隔水融白巧克力
6. 小袋裝白巧克力, 戳洞, 甩在球上
149.             Who said I choked? 誰說我栽跟頭?
150.              ‘Chomps [美男子名] 嗆佬
151.              ‘chopshop 解體工廠
152.              Chopped up. 被搶光
153.              choppy 險峻的 ~ sea
154.              chow chow 鬆獅狗 / au /
155.              the 23 chromosomes 染色體
156.             The Chronicles 史記
‘chronically under’funded 長時期預算偏低
157.              Chu’ao [Venezuela] 巧克力最佳產地
158.              chunky peanut butter 有顆粒的花生醬
159.              Churchill, Winston. 邱吉爾
“So much owed by so many to so few”.
“Jew-ridden, half-American drunkard”(希特勒稱邱吉爾): ”被猶太人附身, 半美國人的酒鬼
“If the British Empire and its commenwealth, is to last for 1 thousand years, people will still say, this, were their finest hour.”
如果大英國協壽命到一千年的話, 人們會說, 今天, 是他生命中最棒的時刻.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. 我能奉獻(國家), 只有鮮血, 努力, 眼淚, 還有汗水. (目前印在英鎊五鎊紙鈔上)
160.             cinder blocks 空心磚
161.             ‘cinnabar 硃砂
162.              Circle in. 繞圈前進.
163.              The ‘evidence was only circums’tantial. 缺乏直接證據.
164.              Too circussy for me. 太花俏了點.
Bread and circus. [Roman]人民只需要麵包與娛樂.
165.              Citizen army 國民軍
166.              ‘citricy 有檸檬酸
‘citrus 檸檬科
167.             Civil servant 公僕
168.             the bodies never claimed 沒有人收屍
169.             clap 夾子
Clap! 拍手!
170.             Is that a ‘classic or not. 太屌了.
171.              ‘ethnic ‘cleansing 種族清洗
172.             Clear to fire! 准許射擊!
You are clear to take off! 可以出發了!
He can see you clear as day. 他可以很清楚看見你.
Everyone has been cleared out of the room. 每個人都
173.              cleaver 菜刀
174.             gesture of ‘clemency 慈悲仁愛的姿態
175.              ‘clementine 柑橘之間的混種
176.              claws clentched 蜷曲的爪子
177.              Le Clezio (1940-2009諾貝爾文學獎得主, 法國
178.             I thought we clicked. 很合
Something clicked. 靈機一動.
179.              clien’tele 客戶群; 訴訟委託人; 主顧客
client 委託人; 顧客
180.              He’s a cling-on. 非常黏人
181.              They clocked in. They clocked out. 每天打卡上班打卡
182.              It’s clogged up. 塞住了.
183.              I'm very close to changing my phone number. 我已經差
another close call 另一場虛驚
184.              come out of closet 出櫃; 承認同性傾向
185.              It helps with the closure. 這樣有助於結案.
186.              Milk clots. 牛奶會凝固; 凝血
187.             Cloud computing 雲端計算
戴爾申請專利文件定義: 為他人提供計算機硬件定製製造
188.             I’m on cloud nine. 九重雲霄; 人間仙境
189.              ‘Clouseau 柯囉嗦 [Pink Panther 2, Steve Martin ]
190.              Club 33 迪士尼樂園VIP餐廳
         book club 讀書會
191.              I want to cluster them here. 我想把它們全部集中在這
192.              A lot of clutter in the house. 屋內堆置垃圾.
193.              Blood cells co’agulate instantly. 血液很快凝固.
co’agulated blood 凝固了的血
194.             bamboo coal 竹炭
195.              Co’ati 長鼻浣熊
196.              co’ercion 強制
197.              Co-op 合作()
198.              Co-pilot 副駕駛
199.              Greater Sulfur-crested Cockatoo 大葵花鳳頭鸚鵡

200.              A meeting is hard to come by. 很難安排
201.              Keep the boat on course. 維持航道
202.              The 17 Kilometer Coastline (南寮)十七公里海岸線
203.             The coats make the men, the wheels make the car.
要衣裝, 佛要金裝.
204.              cock fight 鬥雞
205.             cocker spaniel 可卡犬
206.              ‘cockpit 駕駛艙
207.              ‘cocktail 汽油彈
208.              He is not cocky at all. 一點都不了不起
I got pretty cocky. 傲慢
209.              Sacr’e Coeur 巴黎聖心堂
210.             coffee table 茶几
211.             ‘cofferdam 圍堰壩
212.             co’hort 同伴;支持者;共謀人
We cohort very well. 好團隊
3-year cohort program
213.              ‘coinage創字 [Ex. "Synergy" by Microsoft]
214.              cold sweat 冷汗
I’m not getting cold feet. 我不是臨陣退縮.
Cold War 1947年美蘇冷戰
The gang is cold. 沒搞頭
Getting the cold feet? 怯場?
cold medicine 感冒藥
215.              The Great Cold 大酷寒
The city buckles under ice. 整個城市在冰底下坳成兩      .
It was gone in an instant. 一下就全部消失了.
‘brimstone 硫磺
volca’nologist 火山學家
‘sulphur dioxide 二氧化
de’mography 人口結構
216.              ‘collar bone 鎖骨
         They got us by the collar. 我們被他們一舉成擒.
217.              co’llective ‘patriotism 集體愛國意識
218.              ‘colonel 上校
219.              colossal > gigantic > huge/enormous > big “巨大的
220.              Columbia 哥倫比亞太空船船難記
Blast furnace 鼓風爐
A mounting sense of fore’boding 不祥的預感
221.              to perfect the art of mobile armor combat 行動
‘combat zone 戰區
222.             Come again? 再說一次?
to discover how DNA came to be 如何誕生的; 由來
They are coming for the church! 是來炸教堂的!
They are about to come of age. 馬上就要成年.
David was coming of age. 大衛漸漸大了.
She will come around. 她會回心轉意.
Coming through! 借過!
Hot stuff coming through! 小心燙! 讓路! 借過!
It comes down to one weak flaw. 歸咎於
When it finally came to a stop. 它終於停的時候.
He’s coming back! 他要反攻了!
Even a breath is hard to come by. 連要呼吸一口氣都     不容易.
Come in. 收到!
coming-of-age ceremony 成年禮
That came through. 那個做到了.
Can I come over? 我能夠去你家嗎?
223.              well out of his comfort zone 範圍之外
         I’m the comfort guy. 我是那個療傷系(藝術家).
         comfort woman 慰安婦
224.             Being the comic relief. 成為別人的笑料.
225.             command post 指揮站
It commands respect. 令人肅然起敬.
226.              He committed common nuisance. 妨礙公益
(David Beckham): I’m committed to Galaxy for 5 years. 貝克漢: 我簽給銀河五年.
227.              common sense 常識

       polio 小兒痲痺 (poliomyelitis)

       TB 肺結核 (tuberculosis)

       Theordore Roosevelt 老羅斯福

       Franklin Roosevelt 小羅斯福

       美國國花: 玫瑰

       2007 年為止, 英文單字計 十億

       比亞迪 [Foxconn 大陸對手 ; China's biggest battery                          manufacturer besides Foxconn]
       Monotype Corsiva  [Power point 最佳字體]
       四米半以下的塌塌米 >>>>>> “茶室” (附有可以倒水                         水屋”)
                     四米半以上的 >>>>>>>>>>> “廣間
       最適當洗澡水溫 >>>>>>>>> 95 ~ 98
       20 盆蜘蛛蘭 可以 24 hr. 淨化空氣
       D Day 諾曼地登陸日 (最常引用軍事代號用語 Top 1)
                     Blitz 閃電戰   (Top 2)
                     Shock & Awe 震撼與威懾  (Top 3)
       美國搖滾樂在 Buddy Holly ”That’ll be the Day”                 (1953) 奠定基礎
       王府井小吃: 北京夜市
       1 = 35.5823 square feet
       1 feet = 12 inch.
  1 inch = 2.54 cm
              1 pound = 0.45359 kg
              1 light year = 6 兆哩
              陽光需時 8 分鐘抵達地球
              法國國旗: (自由平等博愛)
              廣義相對論 (1916): General Theory of Relativity
              王重平: design of Taipei 101 building
              清明上河圖畫者: 張擇端
              Cain & Abel Adam & Eve 長子與次子; C 忌妒雙親
疼愛, 親手殺了弟弟Abel.
              台灣半導體產業發展方向, 是在民國 64由幾人在              吃早餐時決定的(國家地理, 20091216 台灣101)
                           ‘deficit 赤字
                           ‘Hadron 大型強子對撞機
                           ‘healthcare 健保
                           trans’parency 透明度
              1 臺斤 = 600 g = 0.6 kg
              1 公斤 = 1.6
              10 = 4 kg = 4 x 1.6 = 6.4 = 兩隻成貓重量
228.              ‘commoner 庶民; 平民
229.              aroused such a com’motion 騷動; 喧鬧
230.              community 社群
231.              com’pacitor [電子] 電容器
232.              companile 威尼斯鐘樓
233.              com’patriot 同胞; 同國人; 夥伴; 同事
234.              They know how to ‘compensate for the reading of
the compass. 他們知道怎麼抵銷羅盤的指針方位
235.              Make sure the colors don't compete with each
other. 注意顏色要互搭.
compete on
236.             com’placency 掉以輕心
com’placent 沒事人一樣
237.              Higher complexity, superior intelligence. 語言越複
, 智商越高.
English (language complexity , 為第九級)
Dolphin 第四級
Squirrel monkey 第三級
Humpback whales 第一級
238.              It ‘compliments the headboard. 烘托了整個床頭櫃.
239.             elec’tronic com’ponent 電子零件
240.              I wanted to keep my composure. 想保持形象
To keep everything on hold 保持鎮定
241.              They are coming over to the compound. 快到禁
I came in (at) second. 第二名
Last year he came third. 他第三名.
‘compound eye 複眼
242.              a vast installation, comprising/consisting /
consisted of fifty buildings 很大的一個建案, 包括50   個建築
243.             The bridge has been ‘compromised. 控制台已經被佔
244.             com’pulsive gambler 賭性堅強的賭徒
excessive compulsive 超級強迫症
245.             computer nerd 電腦宅男
246.              con’cave
247.             Con’cealed weapons 暗器
248.              chicken ‘concentrate 雞湯()
249.              con’centric wall 同心城牆
250.              Do I need to be concerned? 我需要擔心嗎?
I’m a bit concerned about … 有點擔心
251.             He made a con’cession. 他做出讓步.
252.             La Concierge 巴黎監獄
253.              con’coction 發明; 湊數
254.              Terrazzo concrete 義大利區域最好的混凝土
255.             The couple rarely co’ncur on any issues. 意見相同
I concurred at seven. 我也同意是七沒錯.
I con’cur. 經過我同意如上.
256.              They are con’current. 同時並存的
257.             con’cussion 腦震盪
per’cussion 打擊樂
‘cushion 靠墊; 避震器
258.              conda’tino [It.] 農夫
259.              con’demned to death by hanging 判處絞刑
260.             conden’sation 冷凝; (氣體)凝結
261.             condes’cendent自以為是
262.              ‘condiments: 佐料; 香料
263.             con’ditional ‘occupancy 有條件進駐
264.              ‘conduit (n.) 導線, 導管, 噴泉
265.              Confidence is guidance. 自信就是引導.
266.              confron’tation 正面衝突
267.              Con’fucius 孔子
268.              in order for the oil in the tank not to con’geal
269.             con’genial 志同道合的
270.              I can’t (hook it up) … The IT&T is still con’gested! 連不
! 電信公司擠爆!
271.              con’grats 賀詞
272.              ‘conjurer [Ame. Eng.] 魔術師
273.              It’s like knee-bone connected to thigh bone. 秤不
離砣, 砣不離秤.
The most connected person 人脈最廣
274.             Connoi’sseur 常客
275.             the Russian conscripts 俄國的役男
276.              con’sensual sex 雙方同意的性行為
277.              the 92 Con’sensus 九二共識
278.              conser’vationist 保育專家
279.              con’servatism 復古主義
280.              ‘conservator 修復專家
281.              Con’serving water, protecting life. 保存; 節約
Con’serve your energy. 節約你的能源.
282.              French Con’cession 法國租界
French Quarter 法國租界
283.              I don't think he has been consistent enough. [On
Obama] 我認為他(的說法)不夠一致.
284.              center ‘console [] 中控板
dash board 儀錶板
285.              to con’solidate their advantage 鞏固他們的優勢
286.             cons’piracy ‘theorist 陰謀論者
287.              constantly air-born 幾乎都是飛著
288.              whose concerns were only to satisfy cons’tituency
289.              con’sumption 肺癆
290.              con’tainment 隔離
291.             con’tentious 有爭議的
292.              In Korean ‘context, it has profound ‘resonance. 在韓國
的文化背景而言, 它有不可言喻的迴響.
293.             con’tingency 偶發
con’tingency plan 替代方案; 緊急措失
294.              con’torted face 扭曲的臉
295.              con’tortionist 軟骨雜技者
296.              ‘contraband [] 違禁品
297.             No one dares to contra’dict him any more. 沒人
298.             CNN con’tributor  CNN專欄作家
299.             con’tusions 挫傷
300.              conso’lation prize 安慰獎
301.              The findings are con’tentious. 富爭議性
302.              co’nudrum 機智問答; 腦筋急轉彎
303.              convention 年會
304.              convert into roughly 5 degree Fahrenheit 換算起來攝
305.              conveyor belt 輸送帶
306.              con’vivial 氣氛性格歡喜友好
convivi’ality (n) 宴飲交際; 歡樂; 愉快
307.              the mirror convoy 鏡片護送大隊
the ‘convoys 護航艦
308.              They have to cook their sock off. 他們需要十分努力地        ()
Cooking it  外行變大廚
309.              Jun’s ‘Cookery school 烹飪教室
310.              Be cool. 安靜!
Not cool. 超瞎的
311.              cooler 冰桶
312.              ‘coonhound 獵浣熊犬
313.              We gotta co’op. 合作
314.              Taiwan Cooperative Bank 台灣合作金庫
315.              registered as a copiest 模仿畫家
316.             copyright infringement 侵權
         Copy. 知道了.
317.             co’quettish 撒嬌狀 (=act like a spoiled child)
She acts coquettish all the time. 她總是在撒嬌.
318.             ‘corduroy 燈蕊絨
319.             I have a core four. 有一個四人固定班底.
320.             cori’ander 芫荽
321.              cork heel 軟木塞女鞋跟
322.             corn starch 太白粉
corns 雞眼
323.              We got him cornered. 他被我們包抄了.
cutting corners 偷工減料
They’ve cornered a stag. 包圍了一隻公鹿
324.              the ‘cornerstone of everyday life 日常生活基礎
325.              a ‘corporate lifestyle 當大老闆的感覺
‘corporate earnings 公司盈餘
‘corporate ‘governance 公司治理
‘corporate parties 企業派對
326.              The shepherd co’rralled all his sheep. 圍捕; 趕入獸欄
327.              co’rrectional officer 監獄管理員
328.              ‘corrugated iron building波狀鐵皮, 鐵皮屋
329.              corset 馬甲
330.              ‘cortisone 可體松; 治療風濕性關節炎的腎上皮
331.              ‘cortex 大腦皮質層
332.              cor’vette驅逐鑑; 輕武裝快鋌
333.              at all costs 不計代價; 無論如何
334.              cou’chette [] 臥艙; 臥鋪; 坐臥兩用車廂
335.             Grand ‘Coulee Dam 大古力水壩
336.             The end is what it counts. 成者為王敗者為寇.
Everything’s in 4 counts. 每個都是四拍.
337.             ‘counter(top) 流理台
to counter this 為了反制
338.             the counter-revolutionaries 反革命人士
339.              counter-weight (電梯)配重的重量
340.              county fair 城鎮觀光重點
341.              coup de grace 最後一擊; 常指寬厚地終結
342.              ‘couplets on gate post 門聯
343.              Extreme ‘Couponing 省錢折價王
344.              The Cou’rageous “大無畏
345.              We're out of course. 偏了.
Let nature run its own course. 隨緣.
comet on a collision course with earth 會撞上地球的慧星
346.              Shaw’s court 蕭斯短街
347.              Took him 25 minutes just to cover the distance twice.
I got it covered. 有我罩著; 老神在在
He has everything covered. 有他在就沒事.
348.             ‘cover-alls 連身衣
349.             co’vert operation 秘密行動
350.             cow neck 鬆糕領
351.             crab roe 蟹黃
         hairy crab 大閘蟹
         (腹殼尖型, , 有腿毛;
         腹殼平, , 無腿毛)
352.             cracks 破音
353.              crack team 破解小組
They cracked the 1918 pandemic disease. 破解了流感大流行
To crack an age-old problem 破解
She cracked me up. 她令我精神高昂.
354.              cracker [婚禮]拉炮
355.              crafty 狡詐的
356.             red-crowned crane 丹頂鶴
crane 吊臂
357.              old English crank phone 舊英國式手搖電話
crank case []曲軸箱
358.             Lots of crap. 廢話連篇.
Holy crap! 天哪!
359.             crash 突擊檢查隊
17 soldiers killed in Turkey in helicopter crach. 土耳其軍用直升機墜毀, 十七位士兵罹難.
360.              crashed ice 挫冰
361.             crater lake 火山湖
pressure drop 壓力下降
362.             ‘crawfish 蝦猴
363.             The anaconda is squeezing like crazy. 森蚺發瘋
364.             creases 皺摺
My skin is creased likea prune. 皺得像乾梅
crease color 折縫顏色
creasing 皺褶
365.              cre’dentials 通行證; 證明文件
366.              credit crunch 信用緊縮
‘credit ‘unions 信用合作社
367.             crema’torium 火葬場, 垃圾焚化廠
368.              creo’jojo 原生巧克力樹名
369.              The chrysanthemum is the Japanese Imperial crest.
370.             Sex in late cre’taceous was a roaring success. 白堊紀
, 動物有很足夠的性行為.
Tri’assic – Ju’rassic – cre’taceous 三疊紀--侏儸紀 堊紀
371.              ‘crevice 隙縫
372.              Tank crews 坦克裝甲兵
373.              the Crib 基督的馬槽
374.              ‘cricket 蟋蟀; 板球
mole cricket 螻蛄
375.              We will never cringe. 絕不會畏畏縮縮. (賽德克巴萊)
376.              He ‘crisscrossed the city. 以十字交叉地
377.              ‘Crittercam 動物攝影機
378.              apple crop 收獲蘋果
379.              Cross [希臘文前兩個字母的形狀; 據傳是Emperer
Constantine 看到隕石撞擊後命將士全部在盾牌上畫上十字符號上頭加P;]
380.              cross-bar 十字棍
cross-pollination (n)
381.             Crown Gate 王冠門[美國超級遊艇名]
382.             crown prince 王儲
383.              the Queen of Crunk 曠課女王
384.              crowd crushes 群眾踩踏
385.             crow’s feet 魚尾紋
386.              cruise-control switches 定速開關
387.              the Big Crunch 大崩墜 (The Big Bang 反義詞)
388.              He had the crust to ask to borrow my new car! 他竟敢                    跟我借新車!
crust 地殼
389.              crus’tacean 甲殼動物
390.              He didn’t cry his beard. 怨天尤人.
391.              How crystal clear the water is. 水清見底
392.              It’s 50 cubic feet of helium. 五十立方英尺氦氣
393.              Water Cube 北京水立方
394.              ‘Cubism 立體派
395.              cus’todial (n)管理員(迪士尼樂園的清潔隊人員;演員)
396.              You are cool as a ‘cucumber. Mine is thump thump
thump. 你是泰然自若; 我的心跳是砰砰砰.
397.              right on cue 就在此時
398.             cuff links 袖扣
cuff 西褲上翻小摺
399.              culinary (a.) 烹飪的; 廚房的 ~ workers
400.             ‘culprits 罪犯; 禍首
401.              culture 培養菌
Cells can be cultured. 培養
Ocean culture vulture 文化導覽員
402.              ‘cumbersome to use 使用太麻煩
It’s cumbersome in the back. 背後還蠻麻煩的.
403.              ‘cumin 孜然; 土茴香籽
404.              ‘Cunar 冠達海運
405.              “Cup or cone?” 冰淇淋用杯裝還是甜筒裝?
cup-holder 置杯架
‘cupping 拔罐
Lemon Cup Cake [Rachel’s Kitchen]
1.    蛋黃打鬆 + 等重 (flour & sugar in equal measure)
2.    加入檸檬皮
3.    150g flour, 1/4 spoon soda powder, whisk
4.    180 degree (pre’set), 20 min
5.    Cooled
6.    Lemon 奶油糖霜 on top
7.    Crystallized orange peel 擺花
406.              Cupid’s Bow 上唇
407.              ‘curbside cupcake 路邊流動杯蛋糕餐車
408.              cure 解藥, 醃漬
The search for the ‘hangover cure 尋找宿醉之解藥
cured for 1 year 已經醃漬了一年的
409.              ‘curfew-breaking teenagers 夜不歸營的青少年
410.              lash curler 捲睫毛器
411.              your current salary level 你目前的薪水層級
412.             ‘cursive 草寫體
413.              She’s a bit curt. 不禮貌; 草率, 唐突的
414.              Curtis Stone (帥哥廚師到我家)
‘Condiments of Fish cuisine:  魚料理的基本調味mango/onion/scallion/lemon/chili 芒果/洋蔥/青蔥/檸檬/辣椒
Salad essentials: 沙拉的基本原料
Melon/orange/olive oil/salt 哈密瓜/柳橙/橄欖油/
415.              curvy bottom 肥臀
416.              John ‘Cusack 約略庫薩克
417.              Anastasia was on the cusp of womanhood. 即將成為
Machiavelli was on the cusp of history. 即將締造歷史.
418.              custard 黏稠狀糕質物; 卡士達
         ‘custard apple 釋迦
419.              custom-built 按客戶指定打造的
420.              customized 訂作的
421.              custom-made 客戶指定的
422.             It cut me right through. 一劍穿心
It’s not gonna cut the cake. 行不通        
It’s not a place to cut corners. 不是可以隨便偷工減料
good cuts of meat 上肉
423.              chicken ‘cutlet 雞排
424.              ‘cyberchef 電腦大師
425.              ‘cybersquat 網路蟑螂
426.              ‘cycling 騎自由車
427.              ‘cyclist 自由車選手
428.              ‘cyclones 颶風
429.              ‘Cyclops 百眼巨人 [希神]
430.              Cyd 女人名
431.              So ‘cynical. 愛挖苦人.
432.              cy’lindrical 圓柱形的
433.              cyr wheel 達文西輪 /s ī r/

Vi’truvian Man 維特魯威人: Leonardo da Vinci 遵羅馬建築師 Vitruvius 對男體比例的描述繪于 1487
圖下並有鏡像字體 (mirror writing):
"palmus autem habet quattuor digitos"
a palm is the width of four fingers [是四指寬]
a foot is the width of four palms (i.e., 12 inches) [一呎四  掌寬]
a cubit is the width of six palms [一個”cubit”六掌]
a pace is four cubits [四個cubits]
a man's height is four cubits (and thus 24 palms) [男人       身高是四個cubits]
"erit eaque mensura ad manas pansas,"
the length of a man's outspread arms (arm span) is equal to his height [男人雙手伸到最長剛好是身高]
the distance from the hairline to the bottom of the chin is one-tenth of a man's height [髮際線到下巴是身高的1/10]
the distance from the top of the head to the bottom of the chin is one-eighth of a man's height [頭長是身高的1/8]
the distance from the bottom of the neck to the hairline is one-sixth of a man's height [頸尾到髮際線是身長1/6]
the maximum width of the shoulders is a quarter of a man's height [肩膀最寬是身高的1/4]
the distance from the middle of the chest to the top of the head is a quarter of a man's height [胸腔中心到頭頂是身高的1/4]
the distance from the elbow to the tip of the hand is a quarter of a man's height [肘到指尖是身高的1/4]
the distance from the elbow to the armpit is one-eighth of a man's height [肘到腋窩是身高的1/8]
the length of the hand is one-tenth of a man's height    [手長是身高的1/10]
the distance from the bottom of the chin to the nose is one-third of the length of the head [下巴到鼻底為頭長的1/3]
the distance from the hairline to the eyebrows is one-third of the length of the face [髮際線到眉毛是臉長的1/3]
the length of the ear is one-third of the length of the face [耳長是臉長的1/3]
the length of a man's foot is one-sixth of his height [     掌長是身高的1/6]
434.    Cza’rina 沙皇皇后

10 則留言:

  1. 到這裏
    C開頭的 最多

    1. 老克想解釋一下
      = =

      相當程度重要的字 紅色
      粉重要 橘色

    2. 老克昨晚 有試着自己po圖片看看
      差點 典毀人亡
      = =+

      等黑手大大 或 星星
      或 乾脆 等 黃榮華把這本書真的給印出來 XD

  2. 顏色分類 有注意到了。。。【【筆記】】

    1. RR 果然是這裏

    2. "Correct me if I'm wrong"

  3. 已經快速的流覽過幾個字母了 非常多好東西 這個我很“尬意"。。。

    1. 請問這個"匿名" 也是 馬里蘭 來的嗎


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