2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母D篇


1.        D Day [] 行動開始那一天
D-Day: Man & Machines 決戰諾曼第

Omaha beach 奧瑪哈海灘
foresaw 70% ‘casualty of the glider drivers and 50% of the troopers 預見了會有70%的滑翔機手50%的傘兵弟兄犧牲
crush landing 迫降
crack team 閃電部隊
General Percy Hobart 波西霍巴爾特將軍
flail tank 掃雷坦克
granny’s khaki scarf around his neck 脖子圍著招牌奶奶卡其圍巾
He looks fierce. 看起來很兇.
imposing figure 威武站姿
tireless Rommel 永不疲倦的隆美爾
‘Barracks 營房
To ‘decimate the enemy 誅殺
Operation Cork 木塞行動
Operation Barba’rosa 紅鬍子行動
to showcase his boats 來展示他發明的船
ramp 坡道設計
I haven’t lost my touch. 寶刀未老
tac’tician Rommel策略家
pinned the Ally under a hail of fire 一陣亂掃震住了聯軍
Resistance Post No.62 : 62陣地
like sitting ducks to the German gunfires 德軍砲火的定靶一般
He had his reason to take on the Nazis. 他有他單挑納粹的理由.
He is an Hungarian Jew. 他是匈牙利籍猶太人.
choppy 大風浪的
hay loft 秣草棚
recovering shoot 收傘
2.        D.I. 教官 [drill Instructor] [military instructor]
running ‘cadence 答數
3.        Da Vinci 達文西 [據說設計潛水裝/坦克/飛行器等]
Da Vinci Tank 達文西坦克[達文西動手做]
4.        Dallas 達拉斯; “The Big D”
5.        Three Gorges Dam 三峽大壩
6.        ‘damage-control 災害控管
7.        damsel in distress 美女有難
8.        dance around the camp fire 圍著營火跳舞
9.        You won’t be in danger of capsizing. 就不怕翻船.
10.   Danzel Washington 丹佐.華盛頓
11.   the daredevil David Blane 不怕死的
12.   You dark horse. 來暗的齁~ ^^”
In 1600, no one knows for sure how far Indian Ocean is.  It is the dark side of the moon. 沒人去過的黑暗境界
13.   Her dream was dashed. 粉碎了
‘dashboard 儀錶板
14.   It’s dated. 過時了
15.   Statue of David 大衛像 [Michelangelo; 1501 完工]
16.   (Do) I look like I would care what people think? [Hancock] 我像會在意別人怎麼說的人嗎?
17.   Dactyl [Latin]: finger 手指
18.   dairy product 牛乳製品
19.   dais 講台 /dez/ (= rostrum, podium, platform)
20.   ‘Dana magazine 悅己雜誌
21.   It does have a dark side. 確實有不為人知的一面.
Dark Knight 黑暗騎士

GPOA: General Power of Attorney 全權委託書
sonar: SOund NAvigation Ranging 聲納
laser: Light Amplification of Stimulated Emission of Radiation 雷射
‘acronym 頭字語
war paint 戰士面具 [Dark Knight]
He's out. 沒子彈了
Funny he told me something similar. 他也說同樣的話耶
You're closing in on Batman. 你接近蝙蝠俠了
loiter 待命
I'm not wearing hockey pads. 我沒穿曲棍球護套
a bunch of small times 一堆龍套
time to move in 可以進場了
‘copycats 冒牌貨
I know my briefies backwards. 我的簡報倒背如流.
right cross 右鉤拳
arrest on sight 當場拘捕
MCU 維安小組
Bruce Wayne (Batman 平日名) 布魯斯. 韋恩
His name is solid. 名聲很好
Harvey Dante 哈維. 但丁
Everyone's money would be at stake. 有危險
The joke was bad. 很冷
Your balls drop off? 屌掉啦?
squiller 抓耙子
put on hold 控管
I'm good with counting. 我會計算
Looks good on the tube. 電視
extortion 恐嚇
racketeering 持槍
obstruction of juctice 妨礙司法
scurge 剋星
man of the hour 當紅炸子雞
Let's hear it for him. 為他鼓掌
I'll give you that. 我相信
panic room 避難室
thugs 人渣
Fair enough. ; 公平; 可以接受
cross reference 交叉比對
policy enacted 實施的政策
He vouched for his man. 信任
You can't give in. 不能投降
What would you have me do? 你到底要我怎樣
outlaw vigilanti 法外之徒
Rock and Roll! 開火!
Rack'em Up! 通通吊起來!
let him in 讓他進來
My insides hurt. 我肚子痛
commitioner 局長
He maybe in one spot or several. 他可能在不只一個地方                  出現.
They are only as good as the world allows them to be. 他們           只偽世人之善.
oil drums 油桶
savor ... 享受
contusion 突出物
Did i bring this on her? 我害她的嗎?
They're gonna make do with me. 他們也只好忍耐我
get-away routes 逃脫路線
I didn't rate those readings. 不是我放的(炸彈)
gang-bangers 古惑仔
go take a leak 去尿尿
encrypted 加密
whoever made him off the leash 不論是哪個放他走的
blow you sky high 送你上天
Let's put it to a vote. 來投票
stair well 樓梯井
Do you know how i got these scars? 你知道我這些疤是怎                     麼來的嗎?
misplaced sense of self-righteousness in the hall 自以為正                    
There is no escape of this. 逃不掉的
22.   to dart the (giraffe) 射麻醉槍
23.   Charles Darwin 達爾文
Darwin’s rhea 美洲小駝 (較南美洲北部的小)
finches 雀鳥
24.   dash off a painting 當場揮毫
make a dash 快跑
25.   That is my hardest decision to date. 目前為止最難下的決定.
26.   big dates 歷史上重大時刻
       1895 年甲午戰爭馬關條約 台灣割讓日本
1906.4.18 舊金山大地震
1912.4.14. Titanic 沉船日
1930.3.17. 帝國大廈開工紀念日
1940.6.4. 二戰德軍開進英國敦克爾克(‘Dunkirk)
    1940. 6. 1. 二戰德軍開進巴黎日
185萬法國士兵連同36千個軍官, 以及176 個將軍被俘虜.
1941.12.07 日本偷襲珍珠港紀念日
       1945 日本戰敗, 台灣歸還中國, 計割讓50
1963.11.22 美國總統甘迺迪在達拉斯遇刺
1969.7.20 尼爾.阿姆斯壯登陸月球紀念日
1997.8.31 黛安娜王妃被狗仔跟蹤撞死於巴黎地下道
2001.9.11 賓拉登恐怖攻擊美國雙子星塔紀念日
27.   daydream about nothing in particular 發呆 (be in a daze; in a trance; be lost in ‘reverie 幻想)
28.   dazzle 驚艷度
29.   Dead-on! 正中目標![HBO]
Hits the bullet dead-on. 正中子彈.
dead on cue 分毫不差; 剛剛好; 不多不少
30.   Deadliest: the Deep 致命深海
Sail fish 旗魚
hunting prowess 狩獵本領
salt water crocodile 河口鱷
The batter for territory began early in life. 很早就要開始爭地盤.
‘estuary 河口
‘killer whales 虎鯨
pros’thetic limbs 義肢
31.   He had to be dealt with. 需要除之而後快.
Looks like a real deal. 看起來像真的.
32.   Death or glory! 成者為王, 敗者為寇.
33.   Death Becomes Her 捉神弄鬼

       (Merry Streep, Goldie Hong, Bruce Willie, Rosemund        Bergman)
pep up: to ‘energize 充滿活力
'Narconol 鎮定劑
Don't wait up. 不必等我
‘placid 軟弱無力的
You think i'm going to take it forever? 妳以為我會一輩子                  忍氣吞聲嗎?
wimp 蠢貨; 軟腳蝦
She is at Death's door. 到鬼門關
I'm getting a second opinion. 我問別人先.
You are a violation of any law of nature that i know. 妳違反              了我所知的每一條大自然的規律.
morgue 停屍間
man-eater 狐狸精
You brought this on yourself. 你自做自受.
That was totally uncalled for. 完全想不到.
You are a walking lie. 你沒有一句真話.
My butt. 去死吧.
You don't look for me. 不准找我.
You don't ask about me. 不准詢問我.
Don Quixote [Spa.] ;kklr;kd;ka1;kn;kk;kii;kdot1;kh;koo;kt;kii;kkrl唐吉柯德
What if i get maned? 如果我傷殘呢?
Who am i going to hang around? 我要跟誰混?
Seal the room. 把門關好.
You are on your own. 好自為之.
I'm peeling. 我在脫皮.
‘upkeep 生活費
‘maintenance 保養
attain one's ambition 達成夢想
'prankster 調皮鬼
tall tales 鬼故事
I must have dropped it somewhere. 一定掉在剛剛哪裡.
You are running. 妳的妝都糊了.
Do you remember where we parked the car? 妳記得車停                  哪嗎?
meagre 不足的
junction box 配線箱
I'll pull out your tongue and choke you with it. 我會拉出妳              的舌頭然後用它塞妳喉嚨.
He needs a sedative. 鎮定劑
She is in isolation. 她被隔離了.
General Prosecutor 總檢察長
tri’athlon 鐵人賽
34.   de’bilitating surgery 使衰弱的手術
35.   debu’tante 名媛
36.   ‘decade 十年
37.   sheer ‘decadence 純然奢靡
the most ‘decadent 最頹廢, 最奢華的
38.   De’cidedly big 一直以來都是
39.   with all 4 carriers ‘decimated 成批殺死; 大量毀滅
40.   I now declare open the 2009 Deaflympics in Taipei. 宣布開始
41.   a sharp decline today 急速減少
42.   declined to have his name in any publicity 拒絕透露姓名
43.   decomposed 腐爛
decomposition 分解
44.   All I want to step outside and try to decompress. 我只想到門外去釋放壓力.
45.   to act as ‘decoy 當作誘餌
46.   deep fried ‘twinkies 炸麵糰
deep fry 油炸品
47.   I’ll be defending championships. 我的將是一場衞冕之戰.
In his own defense, President Obama explained that he is a Blackberry owner. 為了解釋, 歐巴馬總統只好說自己使用的是黑莓機.
48.   proud de’fiance 桀傲不馴
49.   ‘Definitely. 當然囉.
50.   Absolutely de’finitive of Spitfire. 正字標記
Definitive of S6R. S6R 最佳代言人
51.   I have more definition. 我的曲線不錯.
Every decade is defined by engineering ‘masterpieces. 每個時代都有最具象徵性的工程傑作.
52.   de’flated 洩氣
53.   de’flect 偏折
54.   to support without deforming 可以支撐而不變形
55.   the de’funct Lunar module 報廢的登月艇
56.   de’fuse 拆去雷管; 解除危險事務
57.   de’generate 腐敗
58.   degus’tation 仔細回味品嚐
59.   d’ej’a vous 似曾相識
60.   He ‘delegates well. 他懂得指派分工.
61.   ‘delicacy 佳餚
62.   lead to de’lirium 引向瘋狂
63.   She had a concept. And she delivered it. 想法有表達出來.
So that the judge can deliver it. 商討, 作出成果
You didn’t deliver. 沒有達成我的期望. (Iron Man II)
       He better deliver. 他最好辦得到.
       The rocket-sled delivered. 真得辦到了.
64.   caused the delta to shrink 造成三角洲縮小
65.   demanding woman 嘮叨的女人
66.   De’meta 女子名
67.   de’mise 沒落; 滅絕
68.   dem’olition team破壞, 毀壞, 拆除小組
69.   demoralization 士氣低落
70.   de’mure a’llure 端莊魅力
71.   Denied. [] 請求不允許.
72.   He de’nounced the ‘armistice. 譴責休戰協定; 告發; 舉發
73.   70% denser than lead 比鉛密度濃70%
74.   dental department牙科
75.   denunciation 舉發; 告發
76.   It’s a de’parture from my plan. 與原計畫不符
77.   I have de’pends on. 我穿了成人紙尿褲.
78.   The concubine is ‘depilated and stripped before she is sent to the bed chamber to ensure she is unarmed. 除毛; 脫毛
79.   oxygen-de’pleted sea bottom 氧的海底
80.   de’plorable (a.) 可悲, 可嘆, 可憐的
81.   the deployed 外駐人員; 外派人員
‘Deploy 啟用 (Iron Man II)
de’ployment 下部隊
82.   blood de’posits 血液沉積物
83.   You are going through depression? 妳患了憂鬱症?
84.   de’railment 脫軌
85.   Kentucky Derby 肯德基賽馬
86.   desali’nation 海水淡化處理 (=desalini’zation)
de’salinate 淡化
87.   ‘descent 下降
a’scent 上升
88.   ‘desecrating our temples 褻瀆我們的神廟
89.   desert fox Rummel 沙漠之狐隆梅爾
90.   desertion 逃兵
91.   It’s ‘ despicable. 可恥
92.   design ‘prodigy 設計天才
93.   ‘despot 暴君
94.   ‘destitute 缺乏的, 窮困的. 被拋棄的
reduced to utter destitution 完全荒廢
95.   des’troyer 驅逐艦
96.   detail-oriented 以細節著稱的
97.   It doesn’t de’ter them. 嚇阻
Adrian was not deterred. 沒有被嚇到
It de’ters the flies. 蒼蠅會很遲疑.
98.   ‘detonator 雷管
Something must have ‘detonated it. 把它引爆.
99.   detoxifi’cation 排毒
100.             deu’terium [] 重氫; 指氫的同位素
101.             Devastating. 晴天霹靂
I was devastated. 我很痛心.
102.             ‘deviant 反常; 異類的; 百無禁忌的
103.             She finally deviated from the dots. 終於放棄了圓點設
104.             Devil’s Apple [Russ.] 馬鈴薯
105.              He got rich by ‘devious means. 迂迴, 不正當的
106.             devo’tees 死忠粉絲
107.             ‘dewclaw []懸爪
108.             dex’terity 靈巧
109.             ‘dexterous thumb 右大拇指
110.              Dhe’llemme [F.] 法男子名
111.              tone-marking dia’critics []國際音標系統 IPA所使用
的音標上方小記號的符號; 請參見: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ipa-chart-diacritics.png
dia’critical 有區別的
112.              ‘diagrid 菱形接點結構
113.              ‘dialogue 對話; 對白
A: My training will speak for itself. 等我出手你就知道                         我行不行.
       B: You are cocky.

       A: May I? 請問我可以拿嗎?
B: (It's) All yours. .
A: They calling you Ace because you are the best pilot?                他們叫你王牌是因為你飛行技術最好?
       B: No, because i win their pants off.
                     不是, 是因為他們的技術輸我慘慘慘.

A: Why are you filmed? 怎麼有人在拍你?
       B: I'm on cops.

A: I'm married. 我已婚.
       B: That's allowed.

A: I apologize for being a jerk tonight. 今晚我很混蛋.
B: Apology accepted. 沒事了.

A: I don’t do celebrity. 我不服務名流.
B: I don’t do nobody. 我不服務無名小卒.

A: You going up? 電梯上樓?
B: No, down. , .
A: Where’s the trend? 哪裡有時尚?
B: It’s behind me. 我後面. [Mercedes-Benz, GLK]
Q: Admission to speak. 請准許開口.
A: Admission granted. .

A: Nice talking to you. 很高興與您說話.
B: Likewise. 彼此彼此

A: What do you mean? 你的意思是?
B: What do you think I mean? 你以為呢.
A: I am a hippy; I am a knight. 叫我嬉皮或騎士.
B: That made you a nippy. 那不就變成愛咬人的小狗.

A: Doesn’t work that way. 沒用的啦.
B: Try and stop me. 我偏要試.
114.              I forgot to book a ‘diamond. 忘了預約棒球場.
115.              dia’rrhea 腹瀉
116.              Diaoyu Islands 釣魚台
117.              Dice the vege. 把菜切丁.
       diced tomato 番茄切丁
118.              ‘dickey 男人襯衫假領
119.              His years of ex’perience ‘dictates caution. 他多年的經
120.              He’s a die-hard devot’e of RV.  RV車的死忠擁護者
a die-hard James Dean fan 詹姆斯狄恩死忠粉絲
Everyone’s a die-hard. 每一個都是死忠粉絲.
O’rangoutang is the first to die out. 猩猩將首先滅絕.
They are close to die out. 死亡殆盡
Memories die hard. 回憶很難遺忘.
121.             My families died right before the war started. 戰爭開戰       之前, 我的家人都死了.
122.              Di’ego [Don’t Tell Mother that I’m in…Pakistan] 迪亞哥
123.              Is there something different since lunch? 午餐以後這
We are going to do differently. 今天我們做些不同的.
We don’t make a difference. 沒差
2 inch that’ll make the world of difference. 這兩吋就差全部了.
124.              Diggin' it 搞定
I’m diggin’ it. 我超喜歡的.
You dig it? 你喜歡嗎?
Chics dig it. 女孩喜歡這種.
125.              suffer 3-digit losses 損失三位數
126.              ‘dignitaries 達官貴人
127.              ‘digraphs 雙字組
128.              di’lapidated 快要倒塌的; 破爛的; 損壞的; 年久失修
129.              His pupil is di’lated. 瞳孔已經擴張
130.              ‘dildo(e) 女同性戀者使用的人工陰莖
131.              dill 蒔蘿
132.              ‘dinosaur 恐龍
ankylo’saurus 甲龍
bronto’saurus 雷龍
parasauro’lophus 副龍櫛龍
plesiorsaur 蛇頸龍
sauropo’seidon 波賽東龍
tri’ceratop 三角龍
tyrano’saurus 暴龍 (= T Rex)
133.              being dipped in 沉浸於
dip 凹陷
134.              You fought bravely in dire moments. 為了國家槍林彈
In dire trouble 事情大條了
dire wolf 恐狼
135.             ‘dirigible (a.) 可駕駛的 (n) 飛船
136.             Dirty Jobs 幹盡苦差事 (Mike Rowe)
137.             dis’ablement 殘廢
learning disabled 學習障礙()
138.              The soldiers are in disar’ray. 軍隊襤褸不堪.
139.              Seconds from Disaster 重返危機現場:佛羅里達航空90
slush 雪水
Something just doesn’t add up. 就是不對勁.
They could be back into square one. 回到事情原點.
Florida Airline Flight 90 佛航90班機
ad’herence to regulations 遵守規則
140.              the dis’cerning judges 明察秋毫的裁判們
141.              discolored 變色
142.              It’s discon’certing. 令人不安的
143.              Pa’rental discretion is advised. 父母請自行斟酌.
You are free to descend on pilot’s discretion. 你可以開始自行判斷降落機場.
144.              disfigu’ration 戕害身體; 毀容
       The firing squad carried out their order to further        disfigured the young prince and princess beyond        recognition. 行型者肢解屍體後, 更進一步把小王子     小公主的屍體毀屍到無法辨認的地步.
145.              The 1919 of Treaty of Versaille, was looked upon by
Hitler as a disgrace. 1919一戰簽定的凡爾賽和約被希特勒認為是奇恥大辱.
146.              He is di’sheveled. 蓬頭垢面
147.              disin’fect 消毒.
148.              It dis’integrated. 瓦解, 破裂
149.              dis’lodged 逐出; 取出; 出土
150.              The dis’mantling of … 廢除; 解散
151.              to Anna’s dis’may 氣餒; 失望
totally dis’mayed 嚇呆了
152.              dis’memberment 肢解
153.              a dismissive look 不屑的表情
154.              ‘Disotell [美國姓氏]
155.              dis’patcher 總機小姐
156.              to dis’pel another Roman Colo’sseum myth 驅散流言
157.              dispensing the parachutts altogether 省去全部的傘
158.              dis’pensers 藥商
159.              dis’persion 分散, 散佈, 擴散
160.              People are dis’placed. 臨時安置; 搬遷
161.              dis’posable ‘income 閒錢
162.              dis’ruption分裂, 崩潰, 瓦解
dis’ruption of war 停戰; 中斷
163.              dis’ruptive 突發的
164.              to dis’sect the whale 支解
165.              dissidents 異議者
166.              Until the smoke dissipates, you cannot see. 煙沒消失
以前, 根本看不見.
The tor’nado dissipated. 龍捲風消失了.
167.              dis’solve 溶解
168.              dis’tress call 求救呼叫
169.              I hit the ditch. 栽了.
The plane ditched. 迫降
170.              dither (v.) 慌亂, 猶豫
171.              distributor 批發商
172.             di’version 改道
173.              a ‘culinary di’vide 食品的分水嶺
       from my ‘culinary scratch book 我的食譜小筆記
174.              ‘dividends 紅利
175.             We are diving now. [神風]現在開始俯衝!
176.             Division 師部
divison of labor 分工
177.             a dizzying drop 暈眩的墜落
178.             I can do some good there. 我多少有些用處.
You do that. 你去吧.
Then do whatever you have to. 儘管做, 不用管我.
Do the math. 算一算
It’s a do or die. 不要就等死.
I would do the same thing for her. 我也會替她這樣做.
I thought I had done his girl friend. 還以為上了他的女
like doing my time in the jungle 彷彿在森林裡關禁閉
It’ll make do until they return. 他們回來前還可以暫時
179.              ‘Doberman mix 混種杜賓
180.              ‘docent 教堂講師
181.              ‘Dodoin River 多敦河
182.              ‘doghood 狗頭面具
183.              ‘dogma(s) 教條
184.              How are you doin’? 你好(美國牛仔腔, 相當台
185.              doing a census 調查
186.              Karl ‘Dönitz 卡爾.鄧尼茲
187.              down side of the bargain 交易較吃虧的地方
188.              Dolce Vita [發現: 甜蜜義大利系列]
189.              dollars going right down to the drain 錢全花光
190.              domestication  馴化
191.              David Domi’nici [It.] 義大利人名
192.              I'm done. 不要了. 大功告成.
193.              Don’t hurry. Don’t worry.  Don’t forget to smell the
scent of flowers. 不急不慌. 不要忘了嗅嗅花香.
194.              Doo-doo bird 渡渡鳥; Mauritius 當地; 1690
195.              ‘doofus 大白癡
196.              spinning towards its doom 往毀滅中快速旋轉
197.             door jamb 門框
door stop 門擋
198.              after ‘doping 禁藥事件之後
199.             ‘dorsal fin 背鰭
‘caudal fin 尾鰭
‘anal fin 臀鰭
‘pelvic fin 腹鰭
‘pectoral fin 胸鰭
200.              ‘dossier [F.] /’dasie/ (有關)檔案
201.              double shot 雙份 (cocktail 裝兩倍原料)
It doubles as a beauty salon. 美容院
double-edged sword 雙面刃
double-headed 雙頭的
a bad double of Hitler 彆腳的假希特勒替身
two double-beds 兩張雙人床
double A 三號電池
202.              Doug 道格
203.              douge 總督
204.              dove gray 鴿灰色
205.              We’re on down wind. 逆風, 劣勢
You are going down! 你死定!
206.              There’s a ‘downside for being a journalist. 缺點
207.              down-home cookings 家常菜
208.              drag 阻力, 風阻
209.              I was drained. 累斃了.
210.              ‘drainage ca’nal 排水溝
211.              Drama queens everywhere here. 到處都是超誇
212.              drape 垂墜性
213.             ended in a draw 平手收場
I was drawn to that pedal shape. 花瓣的形狀深 
214.             top drawl 上上籤
215.              drench with … 弄濕
216.              dressed to kill 精心打扮
217.              drill 電鑽
218.              You are over in the drink. 掉入大海裡
219.             Calloway is a driven person. 強烈企圖心
220.             They just dropped me. 他們電話.
221.             drooling dog 流著口水的
The ears droop down. 耳朵下垂
222.              It’s beginning to drop. 開始減弱了.
Drop waist 低腰裝
Number has dropped by nearly 70%. 數量減少了70%.
Her face dropped. 臉色大變.
She is a drop-dead gorgeous. 好看到一個境界
That’s called a dropping-in. 那是插隊.
Cell phones drop. 手機不通.
223.             A drug baron’s house 毒梟的家
224.             drum pan chicken 桶仔雞
oil drum 汽油桶
225.              drunken chicken 醉雞
226.              dry cleaner 乾洗業者
dry run 預演
227.              dry ice 乾冰
228.              Dubai Palm Jumeirah Island 杜拜人工棕梠島
Hotel Burj Dubai 杜拜帆船飯店
229.              ducking 閃躲
He’s like a duck frozen in place.  嚇得呆若木雞
230.              dud 未爆弹
231.              I’m one of the major rich dudes here. 我是擺闊阿舍之
good-looking dudes 帥哥
232.              pay 40% of the 200 million due to the victims 屬於罹難
者的兩億美元的 40%
233.              ‘dugong 儒艮
234.             DUI 酒駕
235.              dummy 樣品()
236.              Your car is a city dump too? 你的車兼市立垃圾
237.              The ‘dumpster thief turned out to be a furry bear. 大垃
238.              Dunkirk Evacuation 敦克爾克大撤退: 二戰英法
盟軍節節敗退至法國 Dunkirk; Churchill 要求全國能漂著的船都到敦克爾克”; 1940.6.04英國全數軍隊得以全部撤回英國 Dover. 被視為英國開戰以來最成功策略.
The Dunkirk spirit has born. 敦克爾克精神就此誕生.
239.              dusting the basket 把麵包籃灑粉
240.              We dwarf any other products in the market. 馬上立於

241.              ‘dysentery 痢疾 /’dizn-/

1 則留言:

  1. 因為
    老克可以從我的字典的 item number
    字母C 是 最大的一章
    B 次之
    A 更次
    剩下的字母 幾乎都 少得可憐 @@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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