2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母F篇


1.        ‘Fabian [G ]男子名; 飛比恩
2.        the whole ‘fabric surrounding the ‘Romanovs 編造杜撰

3.        I have to keep that fa’çade up. 必須這個黑臉.
4.        to face off for a meal 為了一頓飯翻臉
5.        We consider life is the important fact. 生命才是要緊的事情.
We do know for fact that, … 我們確認
6.        Failure in Washington, Pain on Wall Street 白宮糟; 股票完
crop failure 歉收
7.        Is it fair to say…? 可以這樣說嗎?
8.        Falcon 游隼 [猛禽x4]
Red-tail ‘buzzard hawk紅尾鵟

9.        ‘Falconry 獵隼
10.   Fall out! 解散!
Scandal ‘fallout 醜聞續集
Fallout widens between China and Japan 中日不合日見加劇
Geo’graphical Fall 地質斷層
Make sure he doesn't fall asleep. 別讓他睡著.
She fell prey to lovesickness. 相思所苦
fell prey to human hunter 被人類所捕食
The evidence had fallen short of a smoking gun. 所有證據只差臨門一腳.
Fall line 斷層線
Qin Shi Huang Di forced them to fall into line with the Han people. 秦始皇帝迫使他們遵循漢族的習慣.
11.   Falling Down [Scarlett Johansson: Anywhere I lay My Head] 史卡利喬翰森
12.   …that sounds familiar to modern ears 現代人所熟知的
13.   Hi, family. , 隊友們.
14.   flight of fancy 天馬行空的想像
15.   with vampire-like fangs 吸血鬼般的尖牙
16.   fanny pack 霹靂包
17.   fantasy film 奇幻電影
18.   Sorry, not falling for it. 我不會信的.
19.   We’re not getting that far now. 現在還沒有那麼厲害.
20.   Faraday’s cage 法拉第箱
21.   Yamashita is morally at fault in that sense. 山下將軍因此被認定道德上有瑕疵.
22.   farming 養殖漁業
23.   In typical Myth-Busters’ fashion 以流言終結者的一貫作法
Fashion icon 時尚領袖, 偶像  Ex. Jackie O (Jacqaline Onaissis)
Fashion Show Road Kill 最殺時尚 (BBC on Sex & the
She will get a fashion spread. 得到雜誌的跨頁時裝照.
Very fashion-forward. 前衛的
It’s a fashion statement or…? 這是這一季最新流行
in a bi’partisan fashion 超黨派
fashion shoot 時裝照
24.   Fat Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday): before the beginning of Lent Mardi Gras Pancake Day 懺悔日; 基督教大齋期的前一天
25.   fat marble 油花
26.   He thought his dial was faulted. 他還以為是他的指針壞了.
27.   a very ‘favorable artistic life for the young man
28.   fazi’oli 法拉利級數鋼琴
29.   FCX Clarity 本田氫氣車
30.   ‘fearless 不懼怕的
Fear Not 無畏號 [富蘭克林 vs. Luke Ryan 海盜船的補給船]
31.   itself an engineering feat in its right 本身就是工程學的一個本來就應該是的傑作
32.   Death is as light as feather. 死有輕於鴻毛.
33.   ‘feces 糞便
34.   feeding tubes 餵食管
35.   Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke 聯準局主席博南克
36.   “Have a good feeling.  Something good is going to come round.  For certain people I just know.” [Wings of the Dove] “我有預感. 以後一定會很好. 有些人我就是知道.”
I don’t feel the lace. [Project Runway] 我不喜歡那蕾絲.
37.   She’s thinking on her feet. 她想得很快.
38.   ‘felching [] 舔肛門
Snowballing [] passing of semen from a person’s vagina to another
39.   ‘fender 擋泥板
40.   Feng-sui master 風水師
41.   ‘fennel /’fenl/ 茴香
42.   ‘feral child 野生的小孩 /-i-/
43.   Ferg’hana horse;kklr;kf;kre;kg;kdot1;kh;kca;kn;kce;kkrl 汗血寶馬
44.   fer’mented black bean 豆豉
fer’mented ‘tofu 豆腐乳
45.   Fe’rrandi [西] 頂級西班牙料理店名
46.   ‘ferrel hog 野豬
47.   ‘ferret 雪貂
48.   ‘ferric ‘oxide 氧化鐵
49.   fertility 生殖能力
sterile (a.) 不孕的
50.   You want to keep in a fetal position. 保持胚胎的姿勢.
51.   It’s a fi’asco. 奇恥大辱 [It.] bottle
52.   Fibo’nacci spiral 斐波那契數列; 費氏數列; 黃金分割數列

53.   ‘fiddler crab 招潮蟹
54.   Stop ‘fidgeting. 不要手足無措的樣子!
55.   Field marshall 陸軍元帥
unpublished field notes 未經發表的田野調查報告
56.   She’s a chololate fiend. 巧克力狂
57.   a ‘fiery death 活活燒死; 火爆的
58.   a complete fi’asco 慘敗; 尷尬的結局; 可恥的失敗
59.   Fifty Shades of Grey: 美國女作家Erika Leonard James  https://www.google.com.tw/#hl=zh-TW&q=e+l+james&oq=e+l+ja&gs_l=serp.1.0.0l10.48774.52648.2.55008.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.&fp=47540894a66b3f42&bpcl=38626820&biw=986&bih=506 力作; 與另外兩部Fifty Shades Darker(2011, Sept.), Fifty Shades Freed(2012, Jan.) 共稱葛雷外傳三部曲2011~2012 之間造成英美區域大學女生網路瘋傳; 男明星 Ryan Gosling 被認為是電影版男主角Grey最佳人選. Matt Bomer 也有粉絲支持飾演.

 (Ryan Gosling)

 (Matt Bomer)
Sales of the novel Fifty Shades of Grey were boosted by word-of-mouth recommendation.
mommy porn
‘viral marketing 病毒性行銷
e-reading devices 電子閱讀設計
2012 Apr Vintage 紙本定案出售
2012 Aug 亞馬遜書店宣布Fifty Shades of Grey 售出數量 所有哈利波特售量全部加總起來 都還要多 使得作者 E.L. James () 擠下 J.R.Rowling 成為史上最暢銷女作家
BDSM: bonding, discipline, sadism, masochism
‘treacly cliché 蜜糖似的陳腔濫調
‘asinine phrases 驢子似的固執重複的文藻
domi’natrix 支配慾強的女子
60.   No, I’m not gonna surrender.  You gotta fight for it. 我不打算投降. 你得自己來拿.
61.   Fighter ace 王牌飛行員
62.   figure heads 人頭
I need to run some figures. 我需要跑一些數目字.
figure 8 八這個數目字
63.   figurine(s) 陶偶
trinklets 小人像偶
64.   The ca’pillary is so small that red blood cell has to go in a single file. 微血管小到紅血球需要單個通過.
Walk in single file. 成一路縱隊.
65.   This sack was pretty much filled. 差不多滿了.
It’s very filling. 可以吃的很撐.
The cookie is with filling. 夾心
66.   ‘fillet 里脊肉; snapper ‘fillet 笛鯛片
67.   That's filthy. 髒死了.
68.   fin 尾翼
69.   Finally. 總算.
70.   fine art 精緻藝術
71.   You can fine tune the modes. 微調模式
72.   It has no fi’nesse. 細膩.
73.   Keeping fingers crossed. 默默期待.
fingers-crossed 祈求好運的
74.   at his ‘fingertips 瞭若指掌
75.   ‘finicky 勉強的
76.   You finished (the) third. 第三名.
77.   fi’nocchio [It.] 茴香
78.   I’ll be firm, but fair. 公正無私
79.   She’s a fireball. 熱情十足
fire marshall 消防官
They are really fired up for the tattoo. 他們對那個刺青high ~
firing squad 行刑隊
They are really fired up. 他們好high ~
80.   First on the right. 右邊第一個
first sergeant 上士
First things first, silver base paint. 首先銀色底漆.
geological first 地質學上的第一次發現
first officer []副駕駛
I go first. 我先走.
On first name terms 能直呼名諱的關係; 相當熟悉
81.   ‘fisheries 魚塭
fish farms 魚塭
fish fingers 兩條炸魚
82.   ‘fishnet stockings 網襪
83.   ‘fission [] 核分裂; (hazardous)
84.   CO seems fit to promote/demote you. 營長認為你該升官/降職了.
A feast fit for royalties only. 只配皇帝吃的美味
We’re gonna do a fitting. 我們待會要試裝.
85.   five-spice powder 五香粉
86.   ‘fixitives 固定液
87.   ‘flabbergasted 目瞪口呆的; 大吃一驚的
88.   flag store 旗艦店
We are flagged. 被指責
‘flagpole 旗桿
89.   flam’be [F.] 炙燒(食材的料理手法)
90.   flam’boyant 高姿態
91.   flame out 引擎熄火
92.   You flap it back out of the way. 向後翻
93.   People flare if the blade didn’t cut them instantly. 手腳抽動
She’s got flares. 才華; 華麗感
He needs some flare. 需要亮眼一點.
flare 照明彈
flare ‘bartending 花式調酒
94.   ‘flashman 惡賊
95.   Too flashy. 太華麗.
96.   Are you flat? 爆胎了嗎?
97.   ‘flattop 航空母艦
加賀號 kaga
倉龍號 soliu
赤城號 akagi
南雲 nagumo
飛龍號 hilio
98.   The ‘mafia gangster flaunts himself the Boss of the Bosses all the time. 那個黑手黨徒老是誇耀自己是老大中的老大.
flaunting 炫耀的
Flaunt it. 賣弄它吧.
99.   flax 亞麻仁
100.             flesh-toned bra 肉色胸罩
My son gets to see the cub in the flesh. 本尊
101.              flex 彈性萊卡衣料
102.              some flexings 曲折
103.              at a flick of a switch 只要開關一彈之下, …
104.              Not a flicker, not a blink. ㄧ點點啥都沒有.
105.              Flight deck broke away. 機艙破裂.
flight data recorder 飛行紀錄器
put…in flight 使落荒而逃
106.              ‘flimsy wood 木頭
107.              flip-down 10 inch screen 下掀式10吋螢幕
       on the flip side 反過來說
       It flips over. 騰空翻倒
108.              It’s going to be a big flop. 將會糟透.
       floppy ‘headlining []下垂的屋頂
109.              ‘Florentines 佛羅倫斯人
110.              florist 花藝家
111.              You are flossed-out! 真光鮮!
112.              ‘flounder 比目魚 flatfish; ‘halibut 大比目魚; plaice
113.              flower girl 花童
114.              Then we know it is not something of fluctu’ation or
       something random. 不是一種波動, 也不是隨機發生     .
115.              fluffy 鬆軟的
116.             fluke 鯨豚尾鰭之一葉 /-u-/
117.             flusher 前鋒
striker 攻擊手
118.             Flushing 法拉盛; Queens 一區
119.             flying sky marshalls (自稱flying pigs”) 空中警察
flying ‘guillotine 血滴子
It doesn’t fly. 沒甚麼看頭.
No-fly list 禁飛名單
120.              ‘flyers 布告; 傳單
to pass the flyers 發傳單
121.              foam dummy 泡棉假人
122.             focal point of their faith 信仰聚焦的地方
123.             focus group 專案小組
If you could just get focused. 可以專心一點
124.              fog-spray system 噴霧裝置
125.              They are 3 fold. 三重
126.              Following that through. 請繼續做完.
127.              ‘fondant 翻糖; +

128.              Food Im’perialism 糧食帝國主義
food for thought 可以讓人好好花時間慢慢思考的材料
food affectio’nado [foodies] 老饕
129.             ‘foodies 老饕
130.             It may seem ‘foolhardy. 有勇無謀
131.             On your foot! 起立!
5 foot 7, 5 foot 8, pretty much the height of Amelia Earhart. 五呎七八, 差不多是愛蜜莉埃爾哈特的身高.
foot-binding 中國纏足; 小腳
maintaining a ‘foothold In the region 建立立足點
132.             The raccoon dog spent hours ‘foraging. 花好幾小
搜索糧秣; 覓食; 填飽肚子
133.             ‘Forbes 富比士
‘Southeby 蘇士比(拍賣市場)
134.             fore’bearer  祖先
135.             fore’closures [抵押人]回贖權的取消
136.              forced feeding 強迫餵食
137.              forefinger (n.) 食指
He held it between the tips of his thumb and forefinger.
138.              ‘forethought 先見之明; 深謀遠慮
139.              you can ‘forfeit your match 棄權
140.              It’s very forgiving. 很耐煮.
141.              ‘forklift (n.) 堆高機 ;kklr;kdot1;kf;koo;kr;kk;kl;kii;kf;kt;kkrl
142.              formalin (n.) 福馬林
143.              formation 隊形
‘limestone rock formations 石灰岩結構
144.             a for’midable undertaking 艱鉅的任務
145.              Fort McHenry 美國獨立戰爭時防禦城堡; 美國國歌寫
146.              his huge fort’e 他的強項
147.              if no responses forth’coming, then… 即將到來, 現有,
148.             fortifi’cation 防禦工事
149.             I arrived on a fortnight from today. 兩星期前抵達的.
150.             the Forty Party Two 肥仔二人組
151.              Audi forum 奧迪展示廣場 /’au- /
152.              foster care 寄養家庭
153.              fountain of youth 不老泉
154.              fox holes 散兵坑
155.              by a fraction of 10 十分之一;  []分數
In a few minutes, the movie [in Hong Kong] will be sold in a fraction of its price. 在香港, 電影開映之後, 只要幾分鐘就有原價幾分之幾的拷貝版出現.
156.              The bones have fractures. 骨頭有骨折.
157.              The most fragmented wreck I’ve seen 最粉碎的
158.              ‘franchise (n.) (v.) 公民權; 選舉權; 經銷權
Skyfall’s box office hit the historical high in Bond’s movie
‘franchise. 007系列電影空降危機創下史上龐德電影
The Fast & Furious 6 franchise 絕命關頭六海內外版權
159.              Frank Muller 法蘭克慕勒
160.              ‘Frankfurter 德國香腸; 只用 pork
       ‘wiener 維也納香腸 (pork + beef)
161.              Franklin Roosevelt 小羅斯福
162.             frappe [It.] 冰沙
163.              Started to freak out. 開始挫屎
He starts freaking out ... Psychotic or something. 發神經
You are a penguin freak, aren't you. 企鵝迷
A control freak. 控制狂
Freak Street 印尼陽臣道
164.             The stock exchange is in free fall today. 股市今天無重
165.             free ranch chicken 放山雞
free-range method 放牧養法
166.             freebie [slang] 免費贈送物, 如戲院贈票
167.              So now Machiavelli freelances as the Whitehouse
advisor. 馬基維里忽然兼差白宮總統顧問(指被Bill Clinton 引用)
168.              Freeze (v.) 冷凍
Hell is frozen over. [Mitt Romney alluded to rivalry with Senator Ted Kennedy.]
Usually one of them has not read it over. [Ted Kennedy’s retort on Romney’s joke.]
169.              Frenchy 法國佬
170.              I’m fresh out of school. 剛畢業
fresh water 淡水
171.              Get freshen up. 稍微梳洗一下.
172.              Freshman 15 大學新鮮人一定胖 15 (6 公斤)
173.              Freshwater fish 淡水魚
174.              friction 摩擦
175.              frige magnets 冰箱磁鐵
176.              frills 過度裝飾
177.             fringe group 極端的, 外緣團體
fringe 流蘇
178.              fritter/ba’gne 炸魚片
179.              new frock 新衣裳; 女連衣裙; 男禮服大衣
180.              front grill [] 水箱護罩

181.              frosted glass 毛玻璃
182.              frosting 糖霜
183.              frugal engineering 經濟型商品設計
Mao Zetong lead a frugal life. He had this most favorite bathrobe for 20 years.  He only patched it up.
184.              fru’gality 節約
185.              Fruit of the Loom: 美國內衣廠牌
186.             Fruity 粉嫩的
187.              Fuerza’bruta 極限震撼
188.              ‘fugu [J.] 河豚
189.              full alert 全面戒備
Full strength. 火力全開
We're full up in the band. 我們樂團員額滿了.
full circle 團圓之日
struck … full force 用盡全力攻擊
live life to the fullest 充分活著人生
full-blown career 如日中天的事業
190.              Live fully. 好好地活下去, 不要虛擲生命.
191.              Fun Taiwan 瘋台灣
Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬
Howdee yo~ [Texan ]
tucking in the sweet stuff 品嚐甜點
American-born Taiwanese 美國出生台灣人
Emergency doors are at the left and the right; please follow the light, you’ll go to the doors. 安全門在左右側
請跟著燈, 你就能走到門口.
Is this it? 就這樣?
Seriously. ~ .
The famous last words. 臭屁鬼的下場.
Yee Ho. ~
For yo~ ~
192.              fu’na sushi 熟壽司
193.              fund-raising tour 巡迴勸募之旅
194.              fur boots 有毛的靴
195.              fur kid  金湯匙的人
196.              ‘fural 熱潮
197.              furi’gana 有平假名注音來助讀的文體
hira’gana 平假名
kata’kana 片假名
198.              for a ‘furlong 兩百米; 弗隆 (1 furlong = 201.168000
199.              further to the west 再往西一點
200.              ‘fusion [] 核融合; (safe & clean)
flipflops 夾腳拖



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