2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母M篇


1.        M.P. 美國憲兵
2.        MRI scan 磁核共振掃描
Functional Magnetic ‘Resonance Image 有效的磁核共振

3.        Ma’bella 摩納哥沿海渡假城市
4.        ma’caque 獼猴
5.        Ma’cau [Port.] 葡萄牙語媽閣廟”, 澳門當地的媽祖廟名
6.        Ma’caw 金剛鸚鵡
Ara Chlorop’tera 紅綠金剛鸚鵡
Military Macaw 大綠金剛鸚鵡
Scarlet Macaw 大紅金剛鸚鵡
7.        The dog was ‘macerated. 消瘦不堪; 骨瘦如材
Maceration (n.) 消瘦
8.        Niccol’o Machiavelli 馬基維利
The Prince 君王論
The Dialogue 論叢
Father of modern politics 馬氏被視為現代政治之祖
              影響 Napoleon, Mussolini, Marx, George                               Washington, Lincoln, Lenin, Hitler, Churchill,                      Rooservelt, Eisenhower, Kissinger, Nixon, Reagon,                     Clinton
馬氏時代正值Copernicus 天文革命/Da Vinci 藝術革命                  /Martin Luther 宗教革命的同期.
Deception can be practiced. 詐術熟能生巧.
It is better to be awed than loved. 與其讓人民愛戴, 要讓                  他們怕.
A Sunday Christian 只是個做禮拜的基督徒
Being a prince is intrinsically a tragic job. 為王, 底子裏註                  定了是悲劇.
You need to be like a fox to be able to find out the
              snares. 不入虎穴焉得虎子. (狐狸才找得到陷阱)
You need the courage of a lion to drive off the
              wolves. 獅子的勇氣才能趕走豺狼.
The inner discipline of a strategist 策略家的克己訓練
So, what we get, is not a Christian knight, but still
              very well-behaved. [好王]不必一定基督徒, 但是要              彬彬有禮.
He has to appear to be what he does not necessarily has to               be. 君王必須看起來像他該有的樣子.
So it is with fortune. 財富的道理也是一樣.
The prnce-wannabes 想當王公貴族的
Make us think anew. 值得吾人深思.
The man who neglects what is actually done for what                            should be done, is on his way to destruction. :           視而不見或該做不做, 必致滅亡.
He doesn’t think himself Anti-Christian or anything of the                    kind. 馬氏從不認為自己反基督教”.
On Good Laws & Good Arms: (“君王論著名論述)
              The main foundations of every state are good laws              and good arms.  And because you cannot have               good laws without good arms, and where there are          good arms, good laws inevitably follow, I shall not            discuss good laws but give my attention to arms.
              因此, 在此吾人不準備討論律法, 而主要討論如                    何設置良好軍隊.
9.        ‘Madalyn 女子名; 瑪德琳
10.  ma’drassa [muslim] 回教經院
11.  maersk  / ;km ;kca ;kdot1 ;kre ;ks ;kk台灣快佹公司
12.  maga’rita [Sp.] 雞尾酒
13.  Ma’gellan 麥哲倫, 西裔航海探險家
14.  ‘maggots 蛆ㄐㄩ
15.  magic trick 魔術
16.  ‘maglift 磁浮列車
17.  He graduated magna cum laude. 優異成績畢業
magna cum laude 超級優等生
Phi Beta Kappa 大學優等生榮譽學會
18.  mag’nesium
19.  ‘mahjongg [Mandarin]麻將
Bamboo ;
Going mahjongg.
Fan value(s) 台數
Dealer 莊家
Discard 出牌
Wind position (甚麼)
Eyes 將牌; 門牌
Winning on the last tile from the wall or its subsequent discard 海底撈月
White dragon 白板
Ruby dragon 紅中
Jade dragon 青發
Great winds 大四喜
Great dragons 小三元
Goulashed 流局; 臭莊
On the spot 聽牌
Draw by onself 自摸
Mahjongg! 胡了!!!!!
Dead hand 相公
20.  maiden flight 處女航
21.  Zebras kick to make space. 用踢的來給自己找空間.
This is the place we make out. 這是大家接吻的地方.
The British really know how to make their marks on the place. 英國人真的知道該怎麼樣把自己的印記留在當地.
22.  third male 老三
23.  ‘mallard 綠頭鴨
‘wi(d)geon 赤頸鴨
‘gadwall 赤膀鴨
‘teal 短頸野鴨
24.  Major! 少校!
We will have a major problem. 事情就大條了.
25.  Make it snappy. 快一點.
make out 約會
26.  For most of them, they can never make it to the surface. 大多數的它們將無法浮出水面.
27.  I'm an Obama Mama. 我是歐巴馬奶媽.
28.  ‘mammals 哺乳類
29.  ‘mammoth 長毛象
30.  You the man. 你屌. 你行.
My man. 真厲害.
31.  Man zoku da yo ne. 已經很滿足了.
32.  ‘mandatory 強迫性的
33.  Nelson Man’dela 曼德拉
34.  ‘Mandheling 曼特寧
35.  ‘mandrill 山魈ㄒㄧㄠ
36.  fish manger 魚販
37.  ‘mangroves 紅樹林
38.  ‘manhole 人孔
39.  manifold 歧管
40.  ‘Manneken-Pis 比利時布魯塞爾小狗街的撒尿小童
41.  mannerite 美教派名
42.  manners [中文領域]
43.  Mansfield Park 曼斯菲德莊園 (Jane Austen)


Fanny Price (Frances O’Connor) 芬妮普萊斯
  Edmond Bertrum 艾德蒙柏川
  Thomas Bertrum 湯瑪士柏川
  Mary Crawford 瑪利克勞馥
  Henry Crawford 亨利克勞馥
  Mariah 莫萊雅
  Julie 茱莉
  Aunt Norris 諾瑞斯姑媽
  Which is no trifle. 一點也不簡單
  mu’llato 黑白混血
  A Sentimental Journey [Laurence Sterne]
  Was he attentive? 他大獻殷勤嗎?
44.  El Mansura 埃及北方城市名
45.  ‘manta [Sp.] 衣服
46.  ‘Manual, or electric? 手排還是自排?
47.  map out 策劃
map of relationships 關係示意圖
48.  fat ‘marble 油花
49.  ‘marshalling yard 調車場
50.  A mass of ma’rine life 大量的海洋生物
51.  mantle 地幔
52.  Del Mar 大海
Nothing marred their happiness. 沒東西能破壞他們的幸福.
53.  marble white ‘terrace 大漢白玉
54.  ‘marbling [牛解剖] 牛肉之油花
55.  Mardi Gras 懺悔節前最後一日的狂歡 (距今85年歷史)
56.  Marga’rine 人工奶油
57.  Mari’achis [Mexican] 街頭繡花西裝筆挺樂團
58.  ‘marigold 金盞花

59.  ‘marinade 醃漬汁
It has to be marinated for at least 20 minutes. 至少要醃漬20分鐘.
60.  Mario’s Bohemian Cigar [餐館名]
61.  They mark the beginning of arm race between terrorist and engineers. 恐怖份子與工程部開始武器軍備競賽.
62.  high ‘marksmanship 神槍手
63.  ‘marlin 旗魚

64.  mar‘quee 大天幕; 入口處的華蓋, 遮蓬
65.  ‘marquis 侯爵
66.  We want that marriage to happen 我們希望[這兩種食材]結合.
67.  marrow bone 脊髓骨
68.  marshes 溼地, 沼澤
69.  martial artists 武術師
70.  mashed potato 馬鈴薯泥 (= potato mash)
71.  Have your mask on. 戴上面具.
72.  Free Masons 美生會會員
mason 石匠
‘masonry 泥水匠工藝; 泥水工程
Mason-Dixon Line 賓州馬里蘭州境; 此線以北稱美國北方 (Yankees)
73.  Not only massive on the outside 不僅外觀很可觀
Evolution makes him massive. 演化使它長得龐大.
74.  mas’tectomy 乳房切除術
Angelina Jolie shocked the whole world by announcing her mastectomy on both breasts. 安潔莉納裘莉宣布她做了乳房切除術, 全世界為之震驚.
75.  This is the master touch. 畫龍點睛.
master chefs 大廚
76.  ‘mastermind 主腦; 主謀
77.  ‘mastiff 獒犬
78.  Masturba’torium “自慰殿堂
79.  We have nothing to match the Japanese. 沒一樣比得上的.
the DNA matches nation-wide 找齊全國DNA檔案
match-fixing scandal 假球事件
80.  first mate 大副
81.  But how a plasma can ma’terialize out of thin air is so far unsolved. 電漿如何從無中開始生出至今未解.
82.  Rowan Atkinson’s father was also ma’triculated at the Queen’s College, Oxford. 錄取; 獲准入學
83.  the ‘matrix 基質; 矩陣
84.  Looks a bit ‘matronly. 有點老氣.
85.  Matsumoto Taiyo 松本大洋; 漫畫家
86.  Ma’tteo Ricci 利馬竇
Ma’tteo Mana’ssero [It.] 義大利籍17歲網壇新秀
87.  within a matter of time 一下下; 不一會兒
They drain in a matter about 40 minutes. 大約四十分鐘的光景就流光了.
88.  ‘mattock 鶴嘴鋤
89.  The two boxers tend to maul the cocker spaniel. 痛咬
90.  Mau’ritius 模里西斯
91.  mauso’leum 皇帝陵寢
92.  mauve 淡紫色 /-o-/
93.  do it to the max 盡量做
Max & Mina [Queens 區冰淇淋店]
Cherry Garcia 碎櫻桃冰淇淋
94.  ‘maxims 名言; 格言
Every cloud has a silver lining. (否極泰來)
Experience is the best teacher. (
God helps those who help themselves. (
Genius is 98 percent perspiration. (
Habit is second nature. (
What is done cannot be undone.
It's no use crying over spilt milk. (覆水難收)
It is easy to be wise after the event. (
Knowledge is power. (
Live and learn. (
Look before you leap. (
Necessity is the mother of invention.(
Out of sight, out of mind.(
離久則情疏; 眼不見心不念)
Pride goes before a fall. (
Rome was not built in a day. (
Silence is golden. (
Still waters run deep. (
Slow and steady wins the race. (
Summit or plummet.(
成則王, 敗則寇.)
Time and tide wait for no man. (歲月不待人)
Where there is a will,there is a way. (
Young a gambler old a beggar. (
A miss is as good as a mile. (失之毫釐;差之千里)
Once bitten, twice shy. (一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩)
If I go, follow me. If I retreat, kill me. If I’m killed, avenge                           me.(跟著我; 我退縮殺我; 我被殺幫我復仇.)
Glory is momentary.  Obscurity lasts forever. (名節為重.)
Discretion is the better part of valor. (好漢不吃眼前虧.)
The person who pays the piper calls the tune. (有錢的是大                           .)
To put his money where his mouth is. (押上所有老本)
If the British Empire were to last for a thousand years, man                  will still say, these, were their finest hours.                                   (Churchill)
                   如果大英帝國再有一千年, 人們回首這一段,                       仍然會說: “, 是最好的時光.”
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 絕對的權力使人絕對                    的腐化.
Justice should be delayed but never de’nied. 不是不報,                  候未到.
He who has the gold makes the rule. 有錢是爺.
Imitation is the best form of ‘compliment. 模仿是最好的恭                     .
Looking for a graveyard carrying a coffin. 事到臨頭. 燃眉                         之急.
Every man for himself. 人人為己
Every cloud has a silver lining. 再差的狀況都有好轉的曙                           .
More sizzle than substance. 只聞樓梯響, 不見人下來.
Waste not, want not. 省著用, 有得花.
Know one, teach one. 救一個是一個.
The coats make the men, the wheels make the car.
                     要衣裝, 佛要金裝.
It’s not the size of the dog that fights, but the fights of the               dog that size. 勇不勇不是看尺寸.
Slaughtering a chicken to warn the monkeys. 殺雞儆猴
Preserve the old, know the new. 溫故而知新
You mess the bulls, you get the horns. 自己的屁股自己擦.
Everything has a purpose. 天生我材必有用.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 情人眼裡出西施.
95.  maybe one day he'll live up to its name 當之無愧
96.  May car won't start. 車發不動.
97.  “Mayday Mayday”: 移源自法文" m'aider"(幫助我); 今國際廣播電話系統所使用之求救信號 (distress call).
98.  mayo 美乃滋 (mayonnaise
99.  mayor of the cottage 村長
100.            Mediatec 聯發科()
101.            ‘mercury poisoning 汞中毒
102.            ‘meteor shower 流星雨
103.            McCain [愛爾蘭姓氏]麥肯恩
104.            McCals [愛爾蘭姓氏]邁克爾
105.            meager as they are 這麼悽慘的
106.            That's mean. 好壞喔.
107.            A means to an end. 為達到目的不得已的手段.
108.            It measures 50 feet. 總長 50 .
Go to clothing shop with high heels so you have it measured 穿高跟鞋去裁縫店褲子才量得準.
Taking measures that may appear trivial. 採取看起來微不足道的一些措施.
109.            Mega’maintenance 極限維修大挑戰
       Sean Reilly 西恩萊利
       thrill seekers 追求刺激者
110.            muscle meat 肌肉之肉
organ meat 器官之肉
111.            Mecha’tronics 機電學
112.            He needs medical attention! 他需要醫生!
       ‘medical terms 醫學專業術語
               soiled linen 髒污衣桶
               endoscopy room 內視鏡室
               microbiology 細菌學室
               Gastroenterology 胃腸科檢查室
                Assisted Reproductive Technology Center 生殖醫學中                                   
               Neurosonology 腦血管超音波室
               Ultrasound Room 超音波室
               Respiratory Therapy 呼吸治療室
               Serology Immunology 血清免疫室
               Pediatric Ultrasonography 兒科超音波室
               PFT 肺功能室
               EKG 心電圖室
               Neurology 腦神經科
               Echocardiography 心臟超音波室
113.            medium-size shirt on a man 男人身上一般尺寸襯衫
114.            ‘meerkat(s) [] 狐蒙
115.            meet the earth tone 配大地色系
It’s the woman he met over the internet. 他在網路認識的女人.
boys-and-girls meeting place 聯誼的場所
Meet Buddy. 見過巴迪.
116.            ‘Megabuilders 建築巨擘
Arup 荷蘭最大建築商
They need to engage a Chinese audience. 需要試探中國人的觀點.
Pearl River 珠江
He’s reached cloud nine. 駕輕就熟
It would become attraction in his own right. 自己本身就值得變成一個景點
GuangZhou TV Tower 廣州電視塔
floor panels 樓板
familiar foe 宿敵
The engineers reach out to scientists. 尋求科學家協助
They ‘verdicted that the tower withstands the storms. 裁定
But they will have to pin down the stats. 需要決定所有尺寸.
117.            Megacons’tructions 偉大工程
118.            ‘Megafish  [host: Zeb Hogen] 深海巨無霸
Tonle Sap Lake 同勒薩湖: Mekong 最大湖
119.            Megamaintenance [host: Sean Reilly] 巨大工程巡禮
Just my luck. 算我衰.
It’s no small feat. 可不是一件小事.
‘dredge 挖泥船
buoy 浮標 /bui/
You’ll be bad. 你就大禍臨頭了.
120.            ‘megaphone 大聲公
121.            Meghan ;kklr;kdot1;km;ki;kg;kce;kn;kkrl米根 (美國女孩名)
122.            Meji Restoration 明治維新 [一八九五]
123.            Me’kong River 湄公河
124.            ‘Melamine 三聚氰氨 ;kklr;kdot1;km;ke1;kl;kce;km;ki;kn;kkrl
125.            melan’cholia 憂鬱症
126.            ‘meltdown 核鎔毀 (2011.3.11. 宮城地震)
127.            ‘membrane 膜狀物; 細胞膜
128.            Me’nage ‘a Trois 居家三人行
129.            mental arithmetic 心算
130.            a popular ‘mention 通俗的說法
131.            ‘mentor 教官
132.            Mer’cedez-Benz [The best or nothing] 不是最好的寧願
133.            ‘mercenary 傭兵
134.            not at the mercy of the river 足以跟河流抗衡
135.            merger talk 合併會談
either they have to merge or go out of business 不合併就得倒閉了
136.            me’ridian 子午線; 經線
       A me’ridian is an imaginary astronomical line. 子午線是       天文學的一條想像的界線.
       bladder me’ridian 膀胱經
137.            mes‘chagellah [Jewish] 不切實際
138.            me’sheddy 開山刀
139.            Why are you so ‘mesmerized? 為何如此著迷?
140.            metal de’tector (機場)金屬探測器; 利用鋸木廠探測釘       子原理
‘metal-finishing 金屬磨光
metal pin 鋼釘
141.            me’thane; firedamp; marsh gas甲烷
142.            a me’thodical event 井然有序的狀況
143.            metho’dology 陰陽五行學
144.            Mi se de mo la o. [J.] 讓我見識一下.
145.            Michelle Pfiffer 米雪兒菲佛 (全美性感第八名)
146.            Michishita Hiroki 道下浩樹; 室內設計師
147.            ‘microraptor 小盜龍
148.            crashed in mid-air 半空中相撞
149.            midget submarine 袖珍型潛水艇
150.            midnight blue 深藍色
151.            29 miles海哩 (= 47 kilometers)(0.5mi = 800 m)
152.            make a military bed 鋪豆腐乾床
military housing neighborhood 眷村
               把天皇: 看電影
               撇個順風: 打電話
               撇輪子: 搭計程車
               福壽金剛玻璃海: 前凸後翹
               幹老越: 偷東西
               敲管馬子: 帶女友
military jargon: (Die Hard 4 終極警探四)
G-Golf 軍事術語: 高爾夫(G)
T-Tango 探戈(T)
N-November 十一月(N)
153.            food mill 食物絞碎器
154.            I feel like a million dollar. 心情 high 得不得了.
155.            Top Ten European Millionaires: 歐洲富豪前十大
Despina Vandi 迪斯匹娜范迪
Chris De Burgh 克里斯德波
Cort’es 柯爾蒂
Collecting them was like a hobby. 用收藏來休閒.
It’s e’phemeral. 稍縱即逝
To a long happy life together. 祝大家都有快樂長壽.
It’s a sell-out. 大賣座
I need a favor.  You mind taking notes for me? 我需要幫手你可以幫我抄一下筆記嗎?
ultra-hip 特別時髦
red-soil 紅土
hydro court 保濕球場
tongue-in-cheek 說好聽的; 騙人的
rat pack 鼠黨
You’ve been known to do worse. 早就惡名昭彰.
156.            ‘mimicry (n.) 模仿  the talent of mimicry 模仿天賦
157.            minced 碎肉的
       mince pies 果餡餅
158.            your mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, eyes-popping
design… 你令人震撼的, 跌破眼鏡的設計
159.            Minda’nao 民答那峨
160.            You have to enter into the Japanese ‘mindset. 心態;
161.            ‘Vengeance is mine. 我報了仇了!
162.            ‘Minimizing drag, ‘maximizing speed. 最低風阻, 最快
163.            ‘miniscule 極細微的
164.            Please do not drink if you are a minor. 未成年請勿飲
I minored in economics. 我副修經濟.
165.            Les Mis’erables 悲慘世界十周年紀念巡迴演出

              Les Mis'erables 孤星淚

       Liam Neeson + Geoffrey Rush + Uma Thurman 連安尼           +喬佛瑞拉許+烏瑪舒曼
       distress 噩耗
       Cosette (Fontine 私生女)
       I was angry at you. 我曾經對你很不滿.
       I'll denounce him. 我要揭發他.
       They'll turn her out. 他們會攆走她.
       Fontine 芳婷
       Tinardie'e (Fontine 的姘頭)
       Don't look down. 不要往下看.
       barricades 路障
       Why aren't you taking me in? 為何不逮捕我?
       quarries 採石場
To love another person is to see the face of God. 愛人之人得見上帝容顏.
166.            Miss Austen Regrets 奧絲汀小姐的獨白
167.            ‘mister 噴霧器
168.            Everyone on board Virginia has to know how to
mitigate a leak. 每個登上維吉尼亞號的旅客都要熟     知如何減緩漏水.
169.            miyako 宮古市
170.            Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was a mne’monic for       LSD. /ni’ma…/ 披頭四的露西戴著鑽石在天上是迷     幻藥的助記符號.
171.            Mo yan 莫言; 中國作家, 2012九月得到諾貝爾文學
172.            mo shi wa ge a li ma sen. 謹此謝罪 (我再也沒有藉口
173.            ‘Moai 摩埃石像  
Rapa Nui Island 復活島
Bird Man 鳥人比賽 [各族勇士先拿到燕鷗蛋者獲勝]
174.            ‘mockingbird 嘲鶇ㄉㄨㄥ
175.            moderate countries 溫帶國家
5 moderates, 5 liberals. [共和黨中]五位鴿派,五位鷹派.
176.            Cells can be easily modified. 細胞很容易改變.
177.            Mohammed: 阿拉伯人, 宗教領袖, 自稱上帝的最後
一位先知; 娶自己的40歲寡婦雇主, 並生一女兒
178.            “Mohammeden” : 回教徒認為此稱具侮辱性質; 因為
他們堅稱信仰阿拉, 非信仰穆罕默德本人
179.            Mo’hawk 紐約 Mohawk 河河谷印地安人; 兩側剃光       中間留高聳馬鬃髮型
180.            ‘mojo 厄運; 魔咒
He lost his mojo. 失去了性魅力
181.            mo’lest 騷擾
182.            It’s the moment of truth. 馬上便知分曉.
They built it not a moment too soon. 不快不慢剛剛好
183.            A little bit ‘momsy. 有點老氣. /-z-/
184.            money-spinner 賺錢的人/企業/事物
185.            fish ‘monger 魚販 / -g- /
186.            Mongolian wrestlers have nothing to fall back on. 蒙古
187.            ‘mongosteen 山竹
188.            ‘mongoose 小貓鼬
189.            7-inch touch screen monitor 七吋觸控銀幕
190.            monkey swinging  [空服] 抓兩側行李廂像猴子般前    
monkey tamers 馴猴師
191.            ‘monochrome style 單色風格
192.            You created your own monster, now you have to feed it.      自己的屁股自己擦.
193.            Mont Blanc 白朗峰
194.            Mont’gomary 二戰盟軍統帥蒙哥馬利
195.            ‘premium moonfloral honey 頂級單花蜂蜜
196.            Bernard Mont’gomery 二戰法國蒙哥馬利將軍
197.            The eggs were mooched. 蛋被偷走了.
198.            You still on the mood? 妳還有興致嗎?
199.            Moon: 月球的質量是地球的 1/50.
‘perigee []近地點, 最低點
‘apogee []遠地點, 最高點, 頂點
200.            Moonlanding 登月之秘
stand on the launch pad 站在發射台時
hu’mungous 巨大的
service module 服務艙
command module 指揮艙
heat shield 止熱板
a ‘jampacked list for things to checkup 滿滿一張
playboy bunnies 兔女郎
splashes down safely on the Pacific 平安落水
speeding through space at …a second 秒速衝過太空
Houston, we have a problem. 休士頓, 我們好像有點問題.
Fred Haise 佛萊德海斯
Neil Armstrong (37 when landing) 尼爾阿姆斯壯
Bill Anders 比爾安德斯
Charlie Duke 查理杜克
Alan Bean 阿倫比恩
John Young 約翰楊
Buzz Aldrin (38 when landing) 巴茲埃爾綴恩
All the work done was for naught. 化為東流
Faced with a stark choice 嚴峻的選擇
slingshot it across the moon 繞過月球彈射回來
keep themselves on course 保持在軌道上
enters the book as a successful failure 一次成功的失敗
a’verted a serious disaster 避免了
Had it exploded inward instead of outward 如果向內炸開而非向外的話早就
The saving grace of Apollo 13 is luck. 幸運是他們存活的恩典.
Nothing moves in the moon. 紋風不動
big navy salute 海軍式[雙腿騰空彈高再降地]敬禮
I fell over ‘backwards. 我向後仰跌倒.
The footprints of 12 brave and lucky men. 十二個勇敢幸運太空人的腳印.
The ‘Earthrise “地出
technological failures 電腦故障
they are in the dark 摸不著頭緒
A: There is Santa Claus. 有聖誕老公公耶.
B: Hello Apollo. You are the best ones to know. 哈囉阿       波羅, 你們是最該知道的了.
No surprises that strain got to them. 他們當然會緊張.
A hidden drama unfolds. 上演著不為人知的戲碼
We’re gonna be a little long. 好像有點過頭頭了.
Computer will stall 延遲
We copy you. 聽到.
That was the call I gave. 我下的指令. /gev/
strewn with pebbles 佈滿, 鋪滿, 綴滿 /strun/
scooting 急駛, 飛過
with tension like a thick fog 烏雲罩頂
to be ‘vial about it 說得含蓄
All set. 好了.
“One small step for man, one big step for mankind.” (ver’batim) (1969.7.20) 一個凡人的一小步, 人類的一大步.
“Magnificent desolation.” 多麼壯觀的荒涼!
201.            He’s ‘moonlighting as a … 他兼差
202.            ‘moonshine 私釀
‘moonshiner 私釀酒者
203.            mops 抹布
mophead 拖把頭
204.            moral character 公德心
205.            mortal enemy 宿敵
206.            mortar 迫擊炮
207.            mor’tician殯葬承辦人;殯儀服務員
en’tomber 把屍體葬入墳墓的人
208.            I’m ‘mortified. 好丟臉. 好沒面子.
209.            Moses [Egy.] “son of”; to draw out of 摩西
Tut-moses: son of Tut [Tut之子]
Ra-moses: son of Ra [Ra之子]
210.            mosquito 式戰機; 1941-1944間最快
211.            Motley Crue 克魯小丑樂團; 烏合之眾
212.            Mountain Ebony羊蹄甲
213.            mouse pads 滑鼠墊
214.            Moutai 茅台酒
215.            Move your ass! 快走!
on the move 搬遷
Move over Steam; diesel is here to stay. 蒸氣引擎讓開, 現在是柴油引擎的天下了.
Moving on. 下一題. 下一位.
Or is it something people have moved on? 還是人們已經選擇放下?
216.            Moving walk way 電動步道
217.            More like a movie set. 拍電影的場景
218.            He shouldn’t be standing, much less preparing to
take the test. 他不該站在那裏, 更別談準備上場接受       考驗.
219.            ‘mudskippers 彈塗魚
220.            ‘muffled weap 壓抑的飲泣
sob 有聲音的斷斷續續的哭泣
221.            mug 搶劫
‘mugger 搶劫犯
222.            Muller’s ‘barbet 五色鳥
223.            mu’llet 烏魚
224.            That small changes multiply over thousands of
millions of time. 小變化積成大變化.
225.            ‘Mumbai 孟買
226.            munchy 好吃的食物
227.            Munick Olympic Massacre 慕尼黑奧運大屠殺
228.            Mu’rano 威尼斯北邊製玻璃小島名
Ve’netian glassmaking city 威尼斯的玻璃村莊
Murano glass paper weights 穆拉諾製玻璃紙鎮
229.            Murciélago 蝙蝠車 [Lamborghini]

230.            murky 晦暗的
231.            musco’vado 黑糖
232.            ‘mushroom cloud 蕈狀雲
233.            mushy 糊掉的
234.            ‘Muslim: “有虔誠信仰者之意
235.            green ‘mussel 淡菜; 孔雀蛤
236.            Be’nito Musso’lini 墨索里尼
mistress: Clara Petacci 情婦: 克拉拉
237.            Shorthand skills are a must. 速記技巧變成必要品.
238.            The corpse was ‘mutilated. 被支解
239.            ‘Myanmar /’mjaen-/ 緬甸新名; (舊名Burma)

240.            ‘Mybach 克萊斯勒頂級車款



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