2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母X篇


1.        X-ray scanners  X光掃瞄機
2.        Xers and Yers  X世代與Y世代

3.        Xilomen 女子名;kklr;kch;kii;kdot1;kl;ko;km;kce;kn;kkrl [Aztec] (Pimp My Ride)
4.        Madam Xinzhui 馬王堆辛追夫人
dining in style 尊貴地進餐 [馬王堆辛追夫人]
servants come at beckon call 隨侍在側的奴僕
have to have a body ‘intact 需要有個全屍
silk cocoon smothers all the germs 絲裹成的蛹型布悶死所有細菌
non-in’vasive 非侵入性
a house-call 出診
tape worm 絛虫
by de’posits of fat 油脂堆積
clot 凝結
gall stone 膽結石
set the record straight 釐清事實
give the credit where the credit is due 賞罰分明
getting smart 打扮漂亮
rice wrapping 潤餅皮
Qin Shi Huang Di died in 210 BC. 秦始皇帝死於210BC.
Immortality was an obsession. 當時不朽是個想望.
The most spectacular effort was the most spectacular failure. 最壯觀的努力常常是最壯觀的失敗.
Her stomach hadn’t had the power to break them down before she died. 腸胃沒能力在死前將食物消化完.

plunge her into an excruciating pain 讓她痛得死去活來

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