2013年11月10日 星期日

2013.11.10. 老克代司馬庫斯王東芳同學代擬日本演講稿

Welcome to Smangus, Taiwan

1.     Smangus is the name of a village in Xinzhu Taiwan.
2.     We are Atayal.
3.     One of the (14) different aborigine tribes in Taiwan.
4.     We live 1500 meter above sea level.
5.     Only until 1979 do we have electricity.
6.     Never before 1995 do we have complete roads to go out.
7.     It’s a 5 hours’ walk just to go to the nearest village for food supplies.
8.     Approximately 23 years ago, the oldest Red Cypress Tree ever found in Taiwan  was located.
9.     That opened the door from the outer civilization to Smangus.
10.  Together with the incoming swarms of tourists are the capital and economy so huge  that the innate nature of Smangus changed.
11.  By the year 1999, the town senile met together and concluded ways to share the flux  of income among everybody in the village.
12.  In older times, there were only 8 couples of Atayals managing lodges and  restaurants in Smangus.
13.  Gradually the whole township agreed to manage lodging business as a whole.
14.  By the year 2004, we Atayals agreed to set up a village pact called “Tnunun  Standards” in which 80% of the land in Smangus was sealed in one. There was no  longer any form of “private land” in the village.
15.  The Tnunun standards take care of education, healthcare, elder care, marriage,  funeral, and household building.
16.    All job vacancies open to those who are fit, sober, and efficient.
17.    This was regarded the breakthrough of the history in Smangus.
18.    Because in this pact, usage of land is at the disposal of meeting of all the villagers.
19.    There is no longer private land, for it belongs to the village.
20.    When there is work, working men eat together to lessen the burden on women.
21.    Hence, Smangus took a new look based on new ideology to be eco friendly in    most everything all villagers can think of.
22.    I, representing my tribe to speak today, would do everything I can to help my  people with my education.
23.    I think, our production skill is one of the many on the list that needs urgent  renovation.
24.    As a veteran tourist guide of Smangus, I would like to recommend the following  schedule if you are welcome to Smangus.

25.    Village classroom education camp (Tayal school) [Two days and one night]
1.1 Child camp
1.2 Millet camp
1.3 Peach camp
1.4 bamboo weaving camp
1.5 Weaving camp
1.6 Warrior camp
1.7 Architecture camp
1.8 Ethnobiology camp (plants, animals)
1.9 Tayal night camp 

Smangus Village Study Tour Itinerary for 3 days and 2 nights
Day 1   Head out drive along the 3rd national highway
                        Arrive at Hsinchu Smangus village
          0800-0830   Gather and head out
    1000-1130   Visit the old streets of Neiwan
     1130-1530   Have lunch
     1530-1630   Arrive at Smangus, check in
     1630-1730   Tour of villageSearch at Shenmigu
     1730-1830   Tayal style dinner
     1830-2030   Smangus Culture night: Myths,
                                 Tnanan Smangus, hymns
Day 2   Village   Smangus giant red cypress  Village
0600-0700   Wake up, get ready, breakfast
0700-1230   Walk into the forest-exploration of the 
                          Smangus giant red cypress area
1230-1400   DIY experience: making indigenous
                          crafts DIY or Zywaw na Trakis millet
                           ecology and making millet cakes
1400-1730   Village style dinner (roasted),
1730-2000   night activities (listen to stories from
                       the elders, night tour, watch the stars,
                       night ecology, etc.)
2000-2100   Joint discussion: Similarities and
                       differences in cultures (sharing of
                       pictures, personal experiences)
Day 3   Village   Beipu  Taipei

0600-0700   Wake up, get ready, breakfast
0700-1000   Koraw Ecological Trail-Tayal Forest
1000-1130   Say goodbye to Smangus
1130-1300   Siouluan for lunch, Wild Streams hot springs
1300-1500   Arrive at Neiwan Forest Exhibit
1500-1630   Tour the Neiwan Forest Exhibit(Including a tour guide)

1630-1830   Arrive in Taipei

6 則留言:

  1. 謝謝小星
    小星有沒有甚麼東西 是 不會的 XDDDD


  2. tufang wa
    21:56 (39 分鐘前)

    寄給 我
    關於第12個In older times, there were only 8 couples of Atayals managing lodges and restaurants in Smangus.
    我想要表達的是部落的共同經營模式,從早期2001年的8對夫妻到2004年增加到48位族人參加共同經營(Tnunan Smangus)

    Claire Wu 於 2013年11月10日下午9:10 寫道:

    tufang wa
    21:59 (36 分鐘前)

    寄給 我




    tufang wa 於 2013年11月10日下午9:56 寫道:

    Claire Wu
    22:32 (4 分鐘前)

    寄給 tufang
    12. In older times, there were only 8 couples who showed interest in managing lodges and restaurants. Then gradually 48 tribesmen came along and attended the managing together. It became known as the Tnunan Smangus model.

  3. 24. And lastly, to be one of the successors of our most beautiful mother Nature, we hope to be the guiding frontier for Taiwanese tribes people to teach non-aborigines how to live in harmony with our inherited environment.

  4. Laio 是 東芳嗎
    好厲害阿 知道可以survey 到這裏來 d^^b

    1. 哈哈哈XDDD


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