2013年8月26日 星期一

2013.8.26 老克狂人字典 字母B篇


1.        B B Cream BB
2.        B B gun BB

3.        B29 Super Fortress 空中超級堡壘
4.        BK Grant [美女子名]; 南極研究員
5.        BMI 體脂肪 (body mass index) 19.1~22 正常值
6.        It’s a BMW. 是寶馬.
7.        BS : (bull shit) 狗屎蛋; 放屁!
8.        baader meinhof 赤軍連
9.        baba ga’noush [Yeddish] 茄子芝麻燒
10.   ba’bboon 狒狒
11.   baby ‘broccoli 嫩青花菜
baby corn 玉米筍
baby pigs 乳豬
12.   baby- snatching 偷竊嬰兒
13.   back (v.) 支持
Minorities backed Obama in US 2012 Nov Presidential election.
back-biting 反咬一口; 背叛
Something is back-to-front in England. 英國有些事情本末倒置. [摩登原始人遊英倫]
back-up vocals 和聲
Let’s bring them back up. 讓他們再一次回到舞台.
I am back in business. 重操舊業
I got TV at the back of my seat! 我的駕駛座背後有TV!
Are these back in season again? 又流行回來了嗎?
You want to go back in? 要回去(辦公室)?
We have … as ‘backups. 備份
Are you back with John again? 你跟約翰已經又和好了嗎?
She had my back. 我給她靠.
14.   the ‘backbone of DNA 骨幹; 基礎
15.   Vancouver was set aginast the ‘backdrop of以為背景
stylish ‘backdrop 很有型背景
16.   ‘backer 金主; 贊助者
17.   Bad ass! 棒透了!
18.   Bager 貝格 [G.]II 德國人類學者
19.   baggy pants 垮褲
20.   Deutsche Bahn [G.] German Railway Company 德國鐵道
21.   Lake Bai’kal 貝加爾湖
22.   ‘bailout plan緊急(財政)援助
The pilot bailed out his crashing aircraft. 緊急跳傘
Bail out! 放棄放棄!!
23.   Captain Kidd must have felt the English old bailey tightening around their neck. 彷彿中世紀的犯罪庭就快行刑了
24.   Bain-marie 隔水加熱法
25.   baise moi [F.] 親我
26.   Le Baiser (The Kiss) 羅丹雕像名
27.   Bake’n’shark 鯊魚麵包 [Trinidad千里達夜市好吃第一名]
28.   baking dish (烤箱的)烤盤
29.   Baking Made Easy 名模烘焙坊 [Lorraine Pascale]
30.   ‘balanus [] 龜頭
31.   bale 一大包, 一大捆
32.   ‘Balkans 巴爾幹人
The Balkan way 巴爾幹半島式的
33.   ballistics 彈道學
34.   bal’samic vinegar [葡萄做的]甜醋醬
‘balsa wood 輕木
35.   ‘Bambi 小鹿斑比








  ‘wobbly 搖搖晃晃的

  shoo-shoo 趕人的擬聲

  thumper 跺腳的人

36.   bamboo steamer 蒸籠
37.   ‘bambret [F.] 隔水鍋
38.   banana boat 香蕉船
banana seat 腳踏車的座墊
banana split 香蕉船冰淇淋
I went banana with your..... 我超愛妳的......
39.   a feeding ba’nanza 動物們享用了大餐
40.   The Band of Brothers 諾曼第大空降
41.   Bang Bang Band [四川]棒棒軍
42.   bank angle 機翼傾斜角度
43.   bankability 叫座程度; 票房實力
44.   bankable 賣座的
45.   banker [] 莊家
46.   ‘banyan tree 榕樹 (Laurel Fig; Marabutan; Yongshuh)
47.   banzai [J.] 萬歲!
48.   How many bars you have? 手機有幾格?
bar code 電子條碼
49.   barbed wire 刺網
50.   Barba’rossa Operation 二戰盟軍紅鬍子行動
51.   It’s a huge bargain. 太划算了.
52.   ‘barium
Chinese Purple 漢紫色 (含鋇, 一氧化鉛)
lea’doxide 一氧化鉛
Egyptian Blue 埃及藍 (calcium)
53.   ‘barnacle 藤壺 [甲殼類動物]
54.   barra’cuda 梭魚
55.   bar’rage 攔河壩; 掩護炮火; 一大堆的
56.   “Hold out the barrels/We have a barrel of fun”二戰時美國好萊塢對抗納粹流行歌曲
57.   pizza base 披薩餅皮
base jumping 定點跳傘
58.   big birthday bash 大生日派對
She bashes on America all the time. 批評痛罵
59.   Ba’shanna 木山竹花
60.   Basic Instinct put Sharon Stone into super stardom. 第六感追緝令 (Top Seven)
61.   ‘basin 盆地
62.   on the basis of the majority of the people 根據最大多數的人民的決議
63.   bask in its glory 沐浴在它的榮耀中
64.   ‘bass 鱸魚
65.   ‘basset hound 巴吉度短腿獵狗
66.   ‘bastions 稜堡; / ′b æ s ə n /
67.   Ba’taan 巴丹
68.   bathing cap 浴帽
69.   ba’ttalion 營部
70.   ‘battered onion 麵衣的洋蔥圈
71.   Mao Ze-dong and Chiang Kai-shek battled for control of Taiwan. 毛澤東與蔣中正爭奪台灣控制權.
battle over su’premacy 為了優勢而戰
The Battle of Singapore 新加坡之役 (山下 vs ‘Percival)
72.   The logo plate traces its Ba’varian past. (寶馬汽車的標誌)最底下是巴伐利亞的國旗配色.
Ba’varia 巴伐利亞
65. keep the invaders at bay 使入侵者無法進攻
66. I still have some places to be. 我還有地方要去.
67.  beacon 訊號
Those are beacons of mascu’linities. 象徵
68. glass beads 玻璃珠 [Discovery: Bari Nic'a]
69. beak whale 喙鯨
70. high beam 遠光燈
low beam 近光燈
71. bean spouts 豆芽菜

72. ‘beanie 婦女小孩室內無邊軟帽

73. Horns are beaping. 喇吧響了.
74. It bears 900 kg/3.4 M/50 mph. 擁有 馬力
75. bear market [] 熊市; 股市下滑超過 20%
76. Bear Staerns ;kre [雷曼兄弟Rayman Brothers同儕]
77. bearing 軸承
I’ve lost my bearings. 我失去方向.
78. beasti’ality 獸交
       He’s a beast. 他好殺.
79. a beat-up pick-up 爛爆小貨車
Getting beat-up today? 夠受的一天?
There’s a woman trying to beat the crap out of a young
man. 有個女的把一個男的揍得死去活來.
Nothing beats it. 沒甚麼可以比得上.
80. the Beatles 披頭四; 1963 年起家
Paul McCartney 保羅麥卡尼
John Lennon 約翰藍儂
Ringo Star 林哥星
George Harrison 喬治哈里遜
81. Beau [F.] 美男子
82. Beauty! 漂亮!
83. Beaver: Canada 國家動物
Kangaroo: Australia 國家動物
84. The rest under his ‘beckon call. 全部聽候他的差遣.
He beckoned me to follow. 他點頭叫我跟過去.
I ‘reckon it is right for me to do so. 認為這樣做是對的.
85. bed check 晚點名
86. ‘bedrock 岩床
87. To enjoy this year’s onslaught of ‘beehive rockets 準備接受今年蜂炮的轟炸
88. We’ve all been there. 大家都蠢過.
89. She is his ‘beergoggle beauty. 她就是他的情人眼裡出西施了.
90. Kisiin is a be’hemoth. [大熊]基辛是個巨獸.
91. on his behind/back 在背後
We are going to turn around with the wind behind. 我們要趁有風把船轉向.
92. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 情人眼裡出西施.
93. beer gut 啤酒肚
94. go’liath beetle 大角金龜
95. Be’hemoth 巨獸 [聖經; Jacob: 河馬”]
96. Beig’net [F.]炸甜甜圈 /be’ñε/
97. I don’t mean to belittle it. 我沒有要貶低它的意思.
98. Be’llagio 拉斯維加著名豪華旅館
99. Bella’vita 台北貴婦百貨
100.              belly pork 五花肉
pork belly 豬腩
101.              beltway 環外道路
102.              Let it set the benchmark. 設下基準點.
103.              gender bend 性別扭轉
       bending 偏折
       Captain Kidd bent the law. 基德船長稍微玩弄了法律
104.              It’s beneath his rank. 有辱他的官階.
105.              be’nign tumor 良性腫瘤
106.              benignancy (n.) [] 良性
107.              benignity (n.) 溫和仁慈, 善舉善行
108.              The Curious Case of Benjamin Button班傑明巴頓的奇異旅程

You can have as much as you want. 你可以儘管拿.
Keep him out of harm’s way. 使他免受傷害.
              Can you read it to me? 能對著我唸嗎?
              She gave her life for me. 她的生命全給了我.
              e’lixir 長生不老藥
              He won’t be making any trouble much longer. 他從此不              再搗蛋.
              Old Pope  男子性器官; “小弟弟
              Dick Tracy 迪克. 崔西
              I’ll meet you out back. 後門見
              How else do we know how important they are to us?        了這個以外, 我們要怎麼知道他們對我們的重                       要性?
              Another Day As a Gypsy 吉普賽人又一天 (芭蕾舞劇)
              “Steep” a little bit. [Brit. Eng.] 茶泡久些.
              sea man [Brit. Eng.] 水手
              savor (v.) 品味 [Brit. Eng.]
              Before or since. 之前或此後.
              Stop riding. 別拍馬屁了.
              kizmec [Sanskrit] 命定
              I keep to myself. 我沒有朋友.
              Sweep you off your feet or something. 想給妳一個徹                  底的驚喜.
              duplex 雙層樓房
              Loving you is worth everything to me. 愛你就是最值得              的一件事.
              I have to go pee. 我得去尿尿.
              on a day like any other ㄧ個沒有什麼特別的日子
109.              W.O. Bentley 班特利[車研發工程師]
Blower Bently 布勞爾班特利
“Live hard, play hard, and die hard as well.” 死得也很轟轟烈烈
110.              bell tower 鐘樓
111.              Be’llerophon [希神]貝勒羅豐; 殺死Chi’mera獸希臘
雄名; /kai’mr/獅頭羊身蛇尾雌獸
112.              Green be’rets 綠色扁帽隊
113.              Bering Sea 白令海
114.              Be’ringia 白令陸橋
115.              Berlin by June Gentlemen! 六月前打下伯林, 各位!
116.              Bernar’dette [F.] 女子名
117.              She be’queathed him her fortune. 她把財產遺留給他.
118.              [Jesus]: Judas, you betrayed me with a kiss. 猶大, 你這
119.              I’m better off dead. 死了可能還好些.
120.              Beverly Hills比佛利山莊; 位於加州洛杉磯西邊, 與鄰            近的西好萊塢區被洛杉磯市層層包圍. Beverly                    Hills與洛杉磯市內的 Bel-Air, Holmby Hills 構成所謂                   白金三角區.  2006 人口普查該區人口數 34,980.              Beverly Hills 北有 Bel-Air Santa Monica , 東邊         West Hollywood, Carthay neighborhood, Fairfax               District, 南有 Beverlywood. Beverly Hills 並不是所有                 居民都有錢. 最有錢的洛杉磯人不過佔比佛利山莊所        有居民的10%. 剩下的多是不到 84的出租雙層公                . 洛杉磯市平均最富有的區域實際上不是在Beverly               Hills. 2007 年的 Coldwell Banker    Beverly Hills           列為全美連續兩年最昂貴的美國地王: 每戶平均售價          為台幣六千六百萬以上.
121.              bi-cep 二頭肌
122.              bi’chon frisé 捲毛比熊狗


They bicker all the time. 老是拌嘴.
They are bickering all the time. 鬥嘴
123.              move at their bidding 因為它們的需求而遷移
124.              bi’ennial 兩年一度; 兩年生植物
125.              Big Bayou Canot [日落特級列車事故]
126.              big Ron 大朗
       bigger than New York and San Francisco combined
You would be making it big. 展翅高飛. 出頭天
bigger than life 誇張不實
You have to dream big enough. 夢想要遠
127.              biker 哈雷族; 重金屬族
       biker chic 重機女郎
128.              ‘binne [Nor’wegian]母熊 / ’bΙnε /
129.              You read my whole bio? 你已經看過我的生平?
130.              Biochem Weapons 生化武器
Ishii shiro 石井四郎
such an a’trocious deed 令人髮指的
The Japanese had crossed the ‘ethical line. 道德的界限
131.              biodiesel 生質柴油 (condonna seed)
132.              bi’pedalism 兩足運動
133.              bi’polar disorders 躁鬱症
134.              Birdman of Bognor, Essex 鳥人飛遠比賽
bird strike 鳥擊事件
It’s a bird’s eye view. 鳥瞰.
135.              Biscuit-tufted 餅乾菱形椅
136.              ‘Bison weighs a ton, stands tall. 小野牛一噸重, 很高.
137.              bite force 咬力
A bite! 有魚上鉤!
nail-biting 很令人緊張
138.              bitemarks 咬痕
139.              The success was bitter-sweet. 成功有稍稍的遺憾.
140.              Bizarre Foods [Travel & Living: Andrew Zimmern]古怪食        物大觀
141.              When the G force is large than 9, the pilot will black out.
black money 黑錢
black bart 黑熊名
142.              blanch 川燙
143.              like the blast of a shotgun 像散彈槍炸開
144.              blazer 休閒外套
145.              bleached 脫色的
146.              Bleeding Edges 敢死隊
147.              blend 溶入
We are not here to blend in. 我們不是只是在這裡假裝和樂融融的. [Heidi Klum, Project Runway, 2010]
148.              You blew us away. 令人印象深刻.
149.              Blinds closed 關上百葉窗
150.              blinker 方向燈
151.              blister 水泡
152.              Blitz 閃電戰 ; 利用無線電通訊三軍互相聯繫進攻;
daily bombing
153.              That dress was a blob. 那衣服難看死了.
154.              block the view from some seats 會擋住有些座位的視
Am I the blocked caller? 被封鎖了嗎?
155.              blood feud 世仇
blood loss 失血
blood hound 尋血獵犬
156.              Bloody Mary [ Mary Tudor, 亨利八世之女, 在位五
, 燒死疑似女巫無數, 人稱血腥瑪麗]
157.              ‘Bloomberg 彭博社
158.              bloopers 漏網鏡頭
159.              blotting paper 宣紙 (=rice paper)
160.              double blow 雙重打擊
161.              blow dry 吹風機吹乾
blow-out sales 大拍賣
blow torch 噴槍
It blew my mind. 太強了. 震撼.
We’re gonna blow the competition away. 必勝決心
The cover is blown. 當場現形.
162.              blower 吹黑管的
163.              The Blue Ball team vs. the Golden Shower. 藍球隊對黃
164.              Bluey [英男子名] Audio & Multimedia 車隊 [Pimp    
My Ride]
165.              They are bluffing.  Keep going. 他們是唬人的繼續
166.              Blumea glomerata 艾草
167.              He just blurted out that… 他隨口說出
168.              Bo-ho look 波西米亞
169.              I want to sell my board seats. 我想賣了我的董座席次.
170.              Boarding entrance (鐵路)月台
The boarding stairs are not removed. 登機台還沒搬開.
171.              ’boatman 船伕
172.              Bob Blumer “老饕接招主持人
bobbing up and down (口交動作的)不斷來回上下活塞式運動
173.              ‘bobble-head doll 搖頭娃娃
174.              ‘bobsled riding 五人大雪橇; 連橇比賽
175.              Bobby Chinn’s Asian Recipe
Not a run-of-the-mill chapel 可不是那種一般的小教堂
prepped 準備好的
176.              bobby pins 小黑髮夾
177.              Bobby Trend 紐約時尚室內裝潢師
“I dictate fashion. I don’t follow.  I wanna pee.” 我口授時尚. 我不跟從. 我想尿了.”
178.              Nice to go on TV when you are fully body-conscious.
179.              body doubles 替身
body fat 體脂肪
180.              ‘Bogota 波哥大
181.              Bogus toothpaste 假牙膏
182.              Bohemian 波西米風
183.              keep it at a steady boil 中大火悶煮
You and your boil! 妳老是煮個不停!
ugly boil 燙手山芋
184.              That’s why it’s called “Fish Boil”, not “Fish Simmer”.
185.              shimmer 閃亮
186.              bo’lero 短外套
187.              bolts 螺栓
bolt them up 拴上螺栓
188.              So much food like you are storing for a bomb shelter.
189.              bombar’dier 投彈手
190.              bon bon [F.] 糖果
191.              Bona fide authentic printed matter. 貨真價實的印刷真
192.              The name is Bond.  James Bond.
我是龐德, 詹姆士.龐德. (007男主角固定用語)
193.              He did a little bonding, a little scraping himself. 他自
己粘合一些, 刮平一些.
family bonding experience 家族連繫經驗
194.              bone dry 滴水不入
195.              ‘big-boned 大骨架的; 大個頭的
196.              boobies [] 胸部 [Good luck, Chuck 倒數第二
197.              ‘booger 鼻屎
198.              boogie 貨卡
199.              book stand 譜架
My books are doubling. 預約客戶成長兩倍.
200.              The boom time is over. 好時光不再.
201.              boomerang antenna 迴力鏢的兩支銳角
202.              booming sex niche 轟動新性感新星
203.              It’s either a fool or a boor. 不是呆就是蠢.; 鄉下人
204.              Give it a little boost in starting 給它一點點衝力
205.              boot camp 新兵訓練營
boot polish 鞋油
206.              booty call 上班族半夜以後的彼此偷情之邀約電話
207.              Borbourne: US Kentucky made Corn wine
(Irish: 泡在 oak barrel 裏醞釀 / Scottish: wheat mud 裏以 smoke 工法製成)
208.              bor’dello妓院
209.              border collie 澳洲牧羊犬
210.              It is a total bore. 非常乏味.
211.              ‘Borneo 婆羅洲
212.              bosom friend 知音
213.              ‘Bosphorus Strait 博斯普魯士海峽
214.              Boss Taurus 畜養的乳牛
215.              She’s the bossiest. 最愛發號施令的
216.              Boston Celtics 波士頓塞爾迪克隊
217.              Don’t bother with ba’bboons. 不用費心追狒狒了.
218.              ‘botox party 施打肉毒桿菌派對
219.              The bottom line is… 最重要的是
220.              Bouchon [Las Vegas 最優法國肋排餐廳]
221.              bougain’villea 九重葛; paper flower
222.              ‘bouncy (頭髮)有彈性的
223.              My faith knows no ‘boundary. 信仰沒有盡頭
224.              Put a bounty on … 懸賞
bounty hunter 賞金獵人
the bounty from the trick-or-treat bag 萬聖節糖果包裏的戰利品
225.              from bow to stern 從船頭到船尾 / b /
bow down 膜拜
226.              bowels 內臟
227.              corporate boxes 企業的包廂
box truck 廂型車
228.              the Boxer Rebels 義和團
229.              ‘boyhood friends 童年好友
230.              gets to keep his bragging rights. 他得到自我吹噓的
231.              .… put the brakes on going down hill. 下坡靠煞車
232.              brain and brawn 有腦袋也有身材
left brain: past history; future; language 左腦掌過去歷史, 未來, 語言
right brain: present; now 右腦掌現在
233.              ‘Brandenburg 布蘭登堡
234.              like ‘brandished ‘deathray 炫耀的, 揮舞的死光之舞
235.              ‘brawny 渾身肌肉的; 肌肉男
236.              The treaty is breached. 被破壞的條約
237.              It kinds of make you break into songs. 快要讓人
I was breaking ground. 我創了自己的紀錄.
       break room 休息室
       break water barrier 消波塊
238.              breakage (大理石)破裂
239.              ‘brimstone 硫磺 / ′b rm s t o n /
240.              Bring it on! 放馬過來!
241.              a line of ‘bristles 一排短毛; (掃帚)刷毛
242.              The killerwhale suddenly broke off. 撒手, 離開現場
243.              the ‘breakout 突圍
244.              ‘breakwater 防波堤
245.              sea bream 鯛魚
246.              This is a complete breath of fresh air. 耳目一新
247.              Breeding ground for hurricanes 颶風的搖籃
248.              brick wall or bare wall 磚牆還是光禿禿的牆
249.              bridal 新娘的; 婚禮的
‘bridal veil 新娘面紗
250.              bride’zilla 恐龍新娘 (長得很抱歉的新娘)
251.              ‘brigandine [中世紀]鎖子鎧
252.              Brigate Fonda (Top Nine) 美國性感女星第九名:
253.              be able to bring down a horse 使一隻馬倒下
Bring it on! 放馬過來!
254.              feef ‘brisket 牛胸肉
255.              British Columbia 卑詩省
256.              broad-banded 寬頻的
257.              bro’cade 錦鍛; 緹花布
258.              I'm broke. 破產了
when the weather broke 當天氣好轉之後
259.              ‘Brokeback Mountain 斷背山

       ‘roughneck 幹粗活的
let it drip out of her eyes 從眼睛活靈活現表演出來
       stand-up performance 了不起的表演
       his lack of ability of expressing sensuality to his wife              缺乏適當跟太太表達情慾的能力
       .... which in’hibits them from being together 導致他們              無法在一起
       casting the characters 選角
       He's very a’ccomodating. 有胸襟
       ‘inner ‘turmoil 內心戲
       unre’quited love 不被允許的愛
       Anne Hathaway . 海瑟威
       Ennis Del Mar  恩尼斯. 得瑪
       Jack Twist 傑克. 推斯特
       Even in the expanse of 30 years, things don't change             enough for them to be able to be together.
       三十年過去了, 他們也沒有變得比較更容易在                     一起些.
       social climate 社會氣氛
       Jake ‘Gyllenhaal 傑克. 吉倫霍爾
       Heath Ledger 西斯. 萊傑
       It doesn't dis’credit the love at all. 一點點都沒有傷害           到這個愛.
       had a hard time coming into grips with... 漸漸才熬過來       與社會接軌
       Howdy. 您好.
       ‘footrub 腳底按摩
260.              bronco-riding 騎野馬
261.              eggs were brooded 蛋孵出來了
262.              broth 高湯
stock 高湯
263.              brown rice 糙米
264.              That one is bruised. 那顆摔到.
265.              Bombei bears the brunt. 受到重創
266.              So you have to brush up on your history before
you shoot this? 拍這一幕前你要先惡補一下你的歷史課囉?
brushed off his shoulders 了一下肩膀
point of the brush pen 毛筆筆尖
267.              ‘bubble tea 珍珠奶茶
bubble wrap 泡泡綿
268.              bucket head 桶頭
269.              bucket seat 桶型賽車椅
270.              It would cause the keel to buckle. 會造成船的龍
We will never buckle to terrorism. [David Cameron on
2013 May 23rd Meat-cleaf Attack]
271.              ‘buffalo wing 辣雞翅
272.              ‘buffing [] 拋光
273.              Bugs Bunny [迪士尼]兔寶寶
274.              ‘Buhenwald 二戰德國納粹集中營, 人皮燈罩製作場
275.              Built for the Kill 蠻荒殺手
276.              ‘bulbous bow 球型艏
277.              I hope I can bring it home in bulk. 我希望我可以批
278.              Bull-riding 騎牛比賽
That’s a bunch of bull. 胡扯!.
We saw 2 bulls. 看到兩隻大公象.
No bull crap. 說真的.
279.              ‘bulldog 鬥牛犬
280.              mini(ature) bull terrier 迷你牛頭梗
281.              hail of bullets 槍林彈雨 (=storm of shots and shells)
282.              He’s such a ‘bummer. 他真夠殺風景的.
A huge bummer. 真的很煩.
Kind of a bummer. 真是乏味.
What a bummer. 真夠瞧的.
283.              one hell of a ‘bumpy-ride 危險萬分
284.              hair bun 髮髻
285.              half a bunch 半把() [Curtis]
286.              bunker 碉堡
Old Bunker Hill 班刻丘區
287.              ‘buoyancy 浮力
288.              That’s your burden. 那是你的包袱.
289.              burial suit 殮服
290.              Burj Al Arab 杜拜阿拉伯塔帆船飯店
291.              The furnace that powers the earth burns out.
Don’t burn the locals. 不要惹當地人
292.              Bu’rrito [Mex.] 墨西哥捲餅
293.              ‘burrow [螃蟹的] 洞穴
294.              2 bus-loads of VIPs 兩公車的貴賓
       bussed-up shirt 破了的襯衫
295.              ‘busby /-z-/ 英國騎兵的毛皮製高帽子; [pl. ‘busbies]
296.              bush fire 山林野火
bush meat 野味
297.              businesswoman 女強人
298.              She can bust out of her tap numbers and still keep
her do. 還能跳一首踢踏舞而髮型完好如初
299.              ‘bustle 裙撐
300.              Bu’tang Death March [二戰]布丹死亡行軍
301.              butter scotch 焦糖奶油
302.              My butterfly fingers. 瞧我笨手笨腳的.
I had some butterflies. 胃有點打結.
303.              You’re buttoned up. 你很拘謹.
304.              ‘buttress 拱壁; 扶壁; 支撐物
305.              It’s a 90 by 90. 九十九拾的
The 5 by 8 inch N 那個 5 x 8 吋的
by and large 大抵說來
I got him down by the head. 他的纂在地上.
306.              ‘Byzantine (a.) 拜占庭式的 /’bi-/

307.              By‘zantium (n.) 拜占庭式藝術, 畫風

9 則留言:

  1. 今天沒有空貼本來書上找好的漂亮的圖

    小鹿斑比 ^^b

  2. 滿有意思的,很生活化

    1. 成哥


    2. 筆跡看起來不是咪董的 @@~


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