2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母W篇


1.        ‘wabler 鳴禽; 歌手
2.        ‘waffle 鬆餅

3.        Wailing Wall 耶路撒冷哭牆
4.        Don't wait up. 不必等我.
I can’t wait. 快一點.
5.        Do i have to sign a waiver? 要簽讓渡聲明嗎?
6.        biggest wake-up call 最大的喪鐘; 警鐘
7.        We walked away. 我們全身而退.
8.        walker 教練
9.        walrus stam’pede 海象狂奔
10.   walruses 海象
11.   Wan-chai Rd 灣仔路
12.   Wang
13.   The tail wags the dog. 反客為主.
14.   a ‘welcome wagon 列隊歡迎
15.   ‘wagyu 和牛
16.   a wake-up call 警鐘
17.   Wannseekonferenz 萬湖會議[柏林西南]; 討論 Final Solution 的地方
18.   Britney Spears looks wanky. 具性魅力的
19.   A wapping 72 billion. 令人咋舌的720
20.   ‘warlords 軍閥
21.   warm 善良的
22.   Space can be warped. 扭曲
It will warp. 會扭曲.
23.   Time of the Warring States 中國戰國時代
24.   ‘wart hog 疣豬
25.   He even does the washing-up. 連洗碗都包了. [帥哥廚師到我家]
You'd wash out. 你一定不行.
You are a wash-out. 你被淘汰了.
It’s a wash-out. 泡湯了.
26.   Someday, Yellowstone will erupt again, but, not on my watch.
有一天黃石公園會再噴發, , 應該不是我()的班了.
Watch it. 給我小心一點!
watch band 錶帶
watch back 錶蓋
27.   water-curtain cave 水濂洞
28.   ‘waterslides 滑水道
29.   water table 地下水位
30.   If you like it, do the wave. 喜歡的人做波浪~
31.   Way to go! 了不起!
32.   ‘weaponry 武器總稱
33.   I've got nothing to wear. 我沒有適合的衣服可穿.
wear and tear 折磨
34.   Who Are You Wearing? 決戰星光晚禮服
too old-pageant 太老氣
You could hear a pin fall. 安靜到聽見針掉地上.
You are cool as a cucumber. 你真鎮定.
I’m a nervous wreck. 我緊張到不行.
Shocker. 真令人害怕.
35.   ‘weary of humans會躲人類的; 疲倦的,疲勞的
36.   Si’gourney Weaver 雪歌妮薇佛
37.   web ad’ministrator 網站管理員
38.   wedge 楔型鞋
39.   weenie 懦夫
40.   Wehr’macht [G.] 二戰德國國防軍 /virmaht/
41.   Every hundred million years, any thing that weighs more than 25 kilograms dies. 每一億年, 凡是重量超過 25 公斤的會死.
42.   You get your weight in wine. 得到與體重等重的酒.
could take away woman’s weight in beer 可以拿走跟他的女人等重的啤酒
weight(s) 砝碼
43.   ‘Weimer 威瑪
44.   stone weir 石滬 /-i-/
45.   weld 焊點
46.   ‘welfare kid 領救濟金的貧童
47.   well-connected 有後台的
48.   The sex organ is well-en’dowed. 性器官看起來很雄偉.
49.   Is it well-founded or just com’placency? 有確實的理由, 還是只是過度自信?
50.   ‘Wellington 威靈頓
51.   Weng
52.   As you were. [] 不要停. 繼續.
If that were to be the case. 如果以後變這樣的話.
53.   Weygand, Maxime. 魏剛, 二戰法國新盟軍總司令
54.   Whale That Blew Up 鯨爆之謎
55.   What do you got that i could possibly want? 你以為我到底要甚麼?
What exactly is the nature of the problem? 到底現在是甚麼問題?
What the hell is that for? 這又是為什麼?
What we are doing is right and true. 正義真理站在我們這一方.
What's it gonna be? 你要怎樣?
What if I … ? 早知道我就
56.   It never occurred to him whatso’ever. 他從未這樣想過..
57.   My son wants me to tell Lin whatsup. (Carmelo Antony指連自己兒子都是林的球迷, 要他替他跟林問好.)
58.   wheat grass 麥草汁
59.   Wheel of Consequence “命運之輪”(餘興節目道具)
60.   when i drive, it wobbles. 它會抖.
61.   When Tigi wants it, Tigi gets it. Tigi 說要, Tigi 就拿得到.
62.    …, where I still live today. 到目前都還住的
63.   dog whisperer 狗班長
64.   Toward the end of II, the 大和 Maru has become the most impressive white elephant. 大和號變成了最大而無當的白象.
65.   Who Are You Wearing? 決戰星光晚禮服
nudes 膚色
auber’gine 茄色
tan 褐色
‘sequeny 太規則了
‘bodice 馬甲; 胸衣
We got a good ra’pport already. 交往密切; 人脈
This iron is a work-out. 真管用.
‘seamstress 女裁縫師
‘hipsters 趕時髦的人; 行家; 靈通人士
‘pastie 胸貼
‘piping 滾邊
66.   ‘whooping cough [] 百日咳
67.   ‘wicker chair 藤椅
68.   ‘wilderbeast 牛羚
69.   Animals are totally at our will. 隨人類處置.
71.   wind farms 風力發電廠
72.   They might be winging it. 即興發揮
73.   with a whimper 啜泣
74.   whip-up a 4-course meal 弄出來四道菜
75.   whirling ‘dervish 回教迴旋舞儀式
76.   for kitchen to whisk the water away 迅速排走
whisk broom 雞毛撢子
‘egg-whisk 打蛋器
77.   whistle-blower 洩密者
Journalist Jeremy Scahill says U.S. government is silencing whistle-blowers.
78.   James Whistler 惠斯勒
Whistler: Canadian ski site 加拿大滑雪場
79.   white slips 襯裙
80.   whoa [slang]
81.   It almost swallowed me whole. 幾乎把我吞了.
82.   wholeness 圓滿
83.   ‘whopper 巨大的東西; 巨魚
84.   crack whore 吸毒的妓女
85.   Why did i act like that? 我不知道我當時怎會那樣.
86.   Why is he doing this? 為什麼他會這樣?
87.   Why not join in? 還不加進來?
88.   Why serious? [Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight] 這麼緊繃幹嘛?
89.   Wicked! 太炫了!
90.   ‘widget 電腦界面工具集
91.   widmen [G.] devote 奉獻於
Widmung [G.] devotion 奉獻
92.   widow-maker 要你命的東西
93.   ‘wiener 維也納香腸 (pork + beef); 溯及1800
‘Frankfurter 法蘭克福德國香腸 (pork)
94.   Will Ferrell 威爾法洛, 美國喜劇男演員
95.   will power 意志力
96.   That’s for wimps. 那是給膽小鬼的.
97.   I’m driven only by whatever winds blown me. 恣意行事
wind shear 風剪
98.   We know in advance where it’s going to wind up. 去向
Wind up being locked up 以被關收場.
Percival gets the wind that… 波西佛得到風聲
99.   wind farm 風力廠
wind ‘turbine 風力渦輪; 風力發電扇
100.              The Wings of the Dove 慾望之翼 [Helena Bonham Carter + Linus Roache + Alison Elliott; Henry James 原著]
101.              Wing on Wing 揚帆交響樂
102.              ‘wingsuit jumping 翼裝跳傘
103.              “Winner winner chicken dinner~” (從前拉斯維加一份
三塊雞塊加一個馬鈴薯外加一份青菜要價$1.79.  那時通常小贏一次得$2, 才會說: 贏的晚餐有雞肉.)
104.              ‘wintry weather 寒冬氣候
105.             wipes 濕巾
baby slings 背帶
106.              we're gonna wire it all together. 組在一起
I’ll wear the wires. 我會帶竊聽器.
107.              Wise ass. 鬼靈精.
108.              You hardly have time keeping your wits with you.
109.              I'm with that. 我附議. [True Blue 魔鬼誘惑]
110.              within striking distance 進入射擊範圍
111.             without further ado 言歸正傳, 廢話少說
112.              The A’pache has to be tough enough to with’stand      enemy fire. 阿帕奇直升機需要禁得起敵人的火力
       to with’stand mother Nature’s wrath 足以抵擋地母之      
113.              You've witnessed the a’trocities of wars. 你看到戰爭的
114.              A wobbing 60 pounds. w不得了的十磅.
115.              Womanizer 好漁色者
116.              woody [] 變老的
wood fish 柴魚
bo’nito ‘guru 柴魚達人
117.              ‘woozie暈眩的
118.              These tables are not working for me. 不管用
So you're working at a car cell phone warehouse. [Judge on Paul Potts. 所以你在汽車手機倉儲工作?
work my ass off 沒日沒夜工作
That’s how viruses work. 細菌就是這樣運作的.
worker bee 工蜂
worker hours 工時
119.              ‘Wormhole 蠹ㄉㄨˋ孔
120.              worry beads 安神唸珠
121.              That’s worse than I thought. 比我想得還慘.
Since then the situation had gotten worse.  Much much worse. 自此情況愈來愈糟. 每況愈下.
122.             Well worth it. 值回票價
What he doesn’t know about lion isn’t worth knowing. 有關獅子, 只要他不知道的, 就不需知道.
123.             sea-worthy 還在航海中的
He is a man worthy of a ceremony. 他是值得舉行儀式      的人.
124.              He’s wound up like a spring. 他緊張得像一個彈簧.
125.              He is wracked with pain.  他受盡折. [痛苦, 殘骸]
The ship was wrecked in a storm. 那船在風暴裡失事了.[船難, 失事, 毀壞, 招致]
126.              Wrangel Island 蘭加島
127.              wrap 包巾
Gotta wrap things up. 事情弄妥
128.              Cell-Phone Wrapper 手機保護貼; (screen protector)
food wrapper 食物包裝紙
129.              By 2016, I'll be wrapping up my turn of presidency.
[Barack Obama on campaigning]  2016, 我的總統     任期到期.
130.              … put the whole place an absolute wreck 把那地方全     部弄垮
this smoking wreck 破車
wreck site 出事地點; 遺址
131.              Sir Christopher Wren 數學家; 聖保羅大教堂設計建築
Epithet: “Reader, if you seek a monument, look around      you.” [墓誌銘: 正在看這裡的人, 如果你找一個紀念     , 請環視這裏.]
132.             wrench 扳手
133.              wrong body-kit 車體設計錯誤
What’s wrong in that. 這有什麼不對.
134.              wu xia 武俠片
       kong fu 功夫片時代 (Bruce Lee代表)

       wu xia 武俠復辟(Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon代表)



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