2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母P篇


1.        PCTS  [Post College Trauma Syndrome] 大學畢業後症候群
2.        P.J. 空降救護隊

3.        PT gear 體育服
4.        PTSD 創後壓力症 (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
5.        PVC pipe 塑膠管
6.        pace car (房車賽)前導車
30 paces away 三十步以外
7.        pacers 溜馬的人; P- 溜馬隊
8.        These guys are packing it away. [] 這些傢伙吃得真快.
The moment we opened the hotel, it was packed. 客滿了
… sends him packing back to Asia 最後只好打包回府
packing crate 條板箱
Tourists pack the house day by day. 蜂擁而至
just as Jacob is ready to pack up 正準備打包走人的時候
pack ice 積冰
9.        doing his dog paddle 正做著狗爬式
paddle fish 匙吻鱘
10.  paint ball gun 漆彈槍
paint ball fight 漆戰
11.  The teacher was paired down with patient students who help keep them on track.  老師靠有耐心的學生一對一壓制住另外的學生.
12.  Pa’lau 帛琉
13.  ‘palate 口味; 軟顎 /’paelit/
14.  Pa’lenque, Mexico /-ke/ 墨西哥 帕連哥市
15.  paleon’tologist 古生物學家
16.  Pa’lermo [It.] 巴勒摩
17.  ‘palette 調色盤 /’paelit/
18.  Palm Island 杜拜棕櫚島
19.  The smell here was ‘palpable. 相當明顯的味道
20.  Pamela Anderson's breast filling 潘蜜拉安德森的胸部墊片
21.  pan [Ita.] 麵包
pa’nino 小麵包
pa’nini (複數) 小麵包
22.  pana'cea (n.) 萬靈丹
23.  pan’cetta [It.] 培根 [ -tʃ- ]
24.  pan’forte [It.] 義大利式牛軋糖
25.  He’s in panic. 他很慌張.
26.  panorama sun-roof 全景天窗
27.  Panoz Car-racing 帕諾茲房車賽
28.  pans’permia 泛種論
29.  pant suit 褲裝
30.  pa’paya salad 青木瓜絲
31.  paper cuts 剪紙
Xu zhou 徐州
Yang Gui Ying 楊桂英
32.  ‘Papist 主教派; 指反對英王自創的國教派的舊天主教派
33.  We are on par. 勢均力敵
Hitler thought himself on a par with Napolean. 平分秋色
34.  ‘paragliding 滑翔翼
35.  The 38 ‘parallel [Kor.] 38 度線
36.  para’lympic 身障奧運
37.  paramilitary 軍隊
38.  the most ‘paramount was… 最重要的是
39.  ‘parapet 女兒牆; 防護矮牆
40.  Parapros’dokian sentences : [para = against;  prosdokia = expectation] 意外結尾修辭法
A figure of speech that uses an unexpected ending to a series or phrase. 用出人意表的比喻做句子的結束的一種修辭法.

I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.
我求上帝給我一輛腳踏車, 但我知道上帝不是這樣辦事. 我就偷了一輛. 再求上帝原諒.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
不用跟白癡爭論. 他會把你拖到他智商的層次但是卻用他的資歷打敗你.

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.
傷害你是我在世界上最後一件事. , 它畢竟還是在清單上.

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
光傳得比聲音快. 那就是為什麼有人看起來還不壞, 一開口就破了功.

If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.
假設我同意你, 我們兩個就都錯了.

We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
我們從未真的長大, 我們只是學會大眾面前怎麼行為而已.

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
早起的鳥兒有蟲吃. 但是第二早起的小老鼠才有起士吃.

Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
夜間新聞的意思是, 晚安開頭, 然後永遠告訴你為何沒有一個晚上是安寧的節目.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
抄襲一個人的想法稱為剽竊”, 抄襲許多人的稱為研究”.

How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?
為何一根粗心的火柴可以燒掉整個森林, 要燃起營火卻要整盒火柴?

Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity,
they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.
海豚的聰明在於, 它們可以在被捕的幾個禮拜之內把人訓練到站在池子邊邊也不會掉進水裡, 還會準時餵魚給他吃.

A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don't need it.
所謂銀行, 是指只要你能證明你不需要錢的話它就會借錢給你.

Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says "If an emergency, notify:" I put "DOCTOR".
履歷表上的緊急事件通知人, 我總是填醫師”.

I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it...so I said "Implants?"
我看一位女士身上的T恤上面寫”, 所以我說假奶”?

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
為什麼當你說天上有四十億顆星星都有人信, 可是你要是說油漆未乾卻一定要親自用手試試才甘心?

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.
女人永遠不可能跟男人平等; 想想看, 有哪一個禿頭啤酒肚的女人, 走上街還自以為性感的?

Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America ?
為什麼美國人只從兩個人中間選總統, 卻要從50個人中間選美國小姐?

Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.
成功的男人背後一定有一個女人. 成功的男人的墜落的背後, 常常是另外一個女人.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
良心的意思, 就是你的記憶大部分喪失了.

You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
跳傘表演不需要傘. 跳兩次的人才要.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
腦裡的聲音可能不是真的, 但有些主意卻是不賴.

Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
借錢要跟悲觀主義者借. 他不會期望你歸還.

A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip.
外交家的意思就是, 就算叫你下地獄, 他的說詞可以讓你完全期待下地獄的這個旅程.

Hospitality: making your guests feel like they're at home, even if you wish they weren’t.
好客之道: 讓賓客覺得像在自己的家一樣, 就算你的心裏希望他們快走.

Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.
錢不能買快樂. 但是, 很顯然錢可以讓痛苦好受一些.

Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go.
有人走到哪裡都造成快樂. 有人是他走了造成快樂.
There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
同樣是緊緊抓住, “緊擁壓制住就是有那一絲絲的差別.

I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure.
我從前無法果決. 現在我不確定我是不是了.

I always take life with a grain of salt, plus a slice of lemon, and a shot of tequila.
我品嚐人生是用一撮鹽, 一小片檸檬, 還有一杯龍舌蘭.

When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.
要火上加油時, 記得消防隊是用水來救火.

You're never too old to learn something stupid.
A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it.
巴士就是, 你追著跑的時候的速度大概是你搭著它的時候的速度的兩倍的那種交通工具.

If you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, why do some people have more than one child?
如果人都可以從錯中學, 那為什麼還有那麼多人有第二個以上的小孩?

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
改變(諧音零錢)是不可避免的. 販賣機除外.
41.  ‘parasailing 拖曳傘運動
42.  parasauro’lophus 副龍櫛龍
43.  ‘paratroopers 傘兵
44.  parenting skill 扶養技巧
45.  Pa’risian 巴黎人
1940.6.14. Germany marched into Paris. 德軍進入巴黎市
46.  par’kour 跑酷 [新型x-treme sport]
47.  Imagi’narium of Doctor Par’nassus 帕納博士的冒險旅程
Terry Gilliam 導演
62nd Cannes Film Festival 只參展不角逐
Heath Ledger (Tony) 1/3即毒發身亡, 由其他三人分飾              其他戲份
Christopher Plummer (Dr. Par’nassus) 克里斯多福普拉瑪
Johnny Depp 強尼戴普
Jude Law 裘德洛
Colin ‘Farrell 柯林法洛
Tom Waits (Nick) 湯姆維慈
Andrew Garfield (Anton; the “sleight of hand”) 安德魯加菲              爾德
Lily Cole (Valentine) 莉莉柯爾
saga 冒險故事
betting man 賭徒
He let me win. 他都故意輸我.
Something’s happened. 有一些事情發生.
Riverdancing 大河舞
I’ll swing you in. 我把你搖過去.
That’s pretty handy. 是囉.
Impaired 受損的
I’m grumpy. 暴躁的
scrumpy 美味的
Fi’nito [It.] All over. 完蛋.
Pluck it. 拔毛.
con’traption 新玩意
Just trying to … bond. 只是表示友好而已.
It happens. 這無法避免.
side show 雜耍
Parny (Dr. Parnassus暱稱)
That nasty bump on your forehead 額頭那一大包
Phil [英俗] 警察
I’m running late. 我沒什麼時間.
How dash! 帥氣!
prim 循規蹈矩
fe’liciter “倒陰者
breath mint 口香糖
What should I do without you? 沒有你我怎麼辦?
Find a dwarf. 找個侏儒代替.
48.  ‘parsnip 歐洲蘿蔔
49.  partisan  []
He is a staunch ‘partisan of the Republican Party.他是共和黨的堅定支持者。
Even after the country was defeated, ‘partisans fought the invaders in the hills.
a very ‘partisan speech
50.  Partly true. 有些為真.
51.  Party 派對高手
linge’rie pink 粉紅色內衣
only pink and black food parameter 食物只有粉紅黑色兩個選項
theme Nazi 納粹主題
I lost my train of thought. 一下腦袋空白.
It’s in your face. (顏色)太嗆太逼人了.
Now we have a bridezilla. 恐龍新娘
52.  party-pooper 煞風景的人
53.  pass (= notch) 隘口, 掗口
54.  ‘Passover  []逾越節
55.  things passing out of the port 運出港口去的
56.  I can teach you technique; I can’t teach you passion. 我能教你技巧. 我沒辦法教你熱情.
57.  ‘pastie 胸貼
58.  ‘pastor 牧師
59.  pretty past its time as an icon 不當偶像已經很久
60.  Paper, scissors, stone. 剪刀石頭布.
61.  Paternal grandfather 祖父
Paternal grandmother 祖母
Maternal grandfather 外祖父
Maternal grandmother 外祖母
62.  grilled burger patty 烤肉
63.  There is nothing for me to pay attention about. 沒什麼需要我去當心的.
64.  The pastry, stews were piping hot. 成堆的滾熱的烘培, 燉肉
65.  pastor 教區牧師
66.  pas’trami [It.] 黑楜椒牛肉
67.  soon to become a full-patch Mongo 快成為蒙古幫正式會員
68.  ‘patriot 愛國者
69.  ‘patron 主顧客
Honkey tonks provide country music live show to its patrons.
70.  Paul Krugman 克魯曼 [2008經濟Nobel laureate諾貝爾經濟學得主]
71.  Peacock Flower鳳凰木  [Flamboyant tree; Royal Poinciana; Royal Poinciana Flame Tree]
Peacock blue 孔雀藍
72.  pearl barley 珍珠薏仁
73.  ‘peasant (n.) 佃農 ;kklr;kdot1;kp;ke1;kz;kn3;kt;kkrl
74.  peat 泥炭
75.  the last in the pecking order 最後被餵食的那一隻
76.  has a military ‘pedigree 源自軍方的機種
77.  to pee on (Earl) during his nap. (Earl)睡午覺時尿他頭上.
78.  Just a ‘peekaboo. 似有似無; 隱隱約約的
79.  to peddle up to 18 hours 踏了整整 18 個鐘頭
80.  pe’dometer 計步器
81.  an apple ‘peeler 水果刀
82.  ‘pelvic thrust 骨盆的衝刺
83.  Kenley’s penchant for back-talking rivals a bratty 5-year-old’s.
84.  pencil skirt 直筒裙
85.  peni’tentiary 監獄; 收容所
86.  ‘pensioner 老人
87.  the pent-up energy 聚積的能量
88.  ‘Pentagon 五角大廈, 位於維吉尼亞 ‘Arlington; 咖啡店名Ground Zero Caf'e
89.  ‘peony (n.) 牡丹 /’pini/
90.  People tend to panic. 人會驚慌.
I’m a people person. 我是人來瘋.
91.  pep up: to energize 給予活力
92.  ‘peppers 青椒 (紅椒, 黃椒)
93.  ‘peppercorns 黑胡椒莓
94.  per’borial 高硼酸的
95.  ‘Percival, Arthur Ernest. 二戰在新加坡統領英軍統帥, 大輸, 為日軍囚禁至戰完, 死于1966.
“His father and mother didn’t do a great job on the design.”(comment on General Percival’s looks) “他爸爸媽媽沒有好好掌握他的長相的設計”.
96.  to de’fy pe’rennial storms 抵擋終年的風雨
pe’rennial 多年生植物
‘annual 一年生植物
bi’ennial 兩年生植物
97.  peres’troika [Russ.] 重建政策
98.  ‘pergola 花架; 藤蔓架
99.  all his pe’rimeter: [] 週遭環境
100.            period piece 古裝片
101.            periodon’tology 假牙學
102.            perk 挺胸昂首, 津貼, 濾嘴
We’ll find a way to perk you up. [Qatar Airways] 我們會盡力使您容光煥發.
103.            perky (a.) 活潑的, 漂亮的, 神氣的, 得意洋洋的, 異的; 堅挺
104.            ‘permeate the… 充斥了…; 瀰漫
105.            You have permission to fire. 准許開火
106.            perpen’dicular 相垂直, 直立的, 陡直的
107.            The ‘perpetrator ‘perpetrated the crime.歹徒, 犯罪者
108.            Per’sona-non-grata 不受歡迎人物
109.            ‘Perspex 柏斯佩玻璃
110.            Per’suasion 勸服 [Jane Austen; Ann Elliot, Frederick,
Croft, Wentworth]
111.            the land per’taining to it 附屬土地
Your remark does not per’tain to the questin. 不相干
112.            Pe’ruvian 祕魯的
113.            It’s per’vasive (SVO). 到處瀰漫(SVO)的消息.
114.            per’versely 倔強地
115.            P’etain, Phillippe 貝當, 二戰法國新總理
116.            Pete Luger 曼哈頓華爾街斜對面頂尖牛排館
117.            David Pe’traeus 美國CIA中情局局長 鬧緋聞下台
He used a cheering-me-on, supportive tone. 他用非常鼓勵我, 支持我的口吻. [傳記作者指Petraeus 知道對方想要採訪他, 能以驚人之快的速度回答對方的e mail.]
Pe’traeus is almost a digital maniac. 數位狂熱者
118.            ‘petri dish 培養皿
119.            Pe’tronas Towers 馬來西亞雙子星塔 (Petronas 公司
120.            petty thief 宵小
121.            ‘phalanx []方陣; Romans軍隊常用陣行; 以方塊前
122.            ‘Pharaoh 法老
Pharaoh is God in’carnate. 法老是上帝的化身.
123.            pheasant (n.) 雉雞 ;kklr;kdot1;kf;ke1;kz;kn3;kt;kkrl
124.            Michael Phelps 費爾普斯
125.            expanding at phenomenal speed 驚人的速度擴張中
‘Absolutely phe’nomenal! 厲害!
Obama is a phenomenal politician. 歐巴馬是引領風氣
126.            Phi Beta Kappa (哈佛)大學優等生榮譽學會
127.            Phily 費城暱稱
128.            phobia 恐懼症
       acrophobia 懼高症
       aerophobia 飛行恐懼症
       agoraphobia 曠野恐懼症
       claustrophobia 密室恐懼症
       entomophobia 昆蟲恐懼症
       hydrophobia 懼水症
       mysophobia 潔癖 (= germa’phobia)
       necrophobia 死亡恐懼症
129.            phomy (= phony homy) 偽居家的
130.            physio’logical marker 生理上的因素
131.            phy‘sique 體格
132.            Phu‘ket 普吉島
133.            The Pianist 鋼琴師
arm band 臂章
Star of David 大衛之星
134.            Pia’roa: indigenous American ethnic group living along
the banks of the Orinoco and its ‘tributaries in present
day Venezuela 委內瑞拉境內歐里諾康河附近原住民名
135.            pick up chics
This cub is picking up soon. 這小熊得很快.
to pick up anything warmer than the ambian temperature 比周遭溫度高的都吸附進來
136.            ‘pickax(e) 尖嘴鋤; 十字鎬 (= pick, ‘mattock)
137.            ‘pigeon-toed 內八字的
       ‘pigeon-racing 賽鴿
138.            gradually piece together … 漸漸湊起來
139.            Pied Piper of ‘Hamelin 中世紀德國童話; 捕鼠人 Pied
Piper 因為村人拒付補鼠費用, 用笛聲將全村小孩拐走.
pied /-ai-/ 黑白兩色鳥
140.            pied-a-‘terre [F.] 臨時歇腳處; 小公寓; 臨時住所
141.            Pi’ero Indians 皮亞羅印地安人
142.            Don't be a pig. 不要太貪心.
143.            stuck in his pigeon hole 井底蛙
pigeon-racing 賽鴿
144.            The pile up in provincial high is huge. 省道的連環車禍
145.            The Vikings are famous for their raids and pillages.    京人以搶劫掠奪聞名.
146.            pilot 飛行員術語
Bravo (B) [讚阿—B]
Charlie (C)[查理—C]
Tango (T)[探戈—T]
147.            You'be been officialy pimped. 恭喜改造車成功!
148.            ‘pin 插梢
The remains of two crew members were still pinned down by the wreckage. 兩個機員的遺體還被飛機殘骸壓住.
The elephant pinned the camp owner to the ground. 大象把那個露營者踩在地上
We are like pins and needles. 我們如坐針氈
mini pins (miniature pinschers) 迷你杜賓
您公開 +1 了這個項目。 復原
149.            piñata 墨西哥紙紮人; 內裝糖果餅乾的紙人, 喜慶宴

150.            pincers 蟹螯
in a pincer movement 兩面夾攻
151.            I just pinch one. 我偷拿一個就好.
       pinch force 擠壓力
152.            Pine Ridge 松嶺( )
153.            pinky ring 尾戒
154.            It’s the ‘pinnacle of Van Gogh. 這是梵谷的巔峰之作
155.            The wolves ‘pinpoint their prey on the horizon. 野狼能
156.            ‘miniature ‘pinscher 迷你杜賓
157.            Roman Pinyin 羅馬拼音
X 一字源自葡萄牙文
Q 一字源自阿爾巴尼亞文
i’nitials 聲母
‘finals 韻母
‘medials 中介音
‘semivowels 半母音
‘nucleus vowel 核心
Coda (final vowel)
un’aspirated 不吐氣音
‘circumflex 音調符號
polysyllabic language 多音節型文字 (中文)
seg’mental pho’nemic portion (中文聲/韻母)
qiong /
feng /
meng /
weng /
158.            Pionng-yionng cooling tower 平壤冷卻塔
159.            ‘piping 滾邊
160.            ‘Pippa Middleton 琵琶.密道頓
161.            Captain Kidd went from dubious privateering to
downright piracy. 基德船長從偷偷摸摸的武裝民船到       變成不遮不掩的海盜行為
162.            pi’ranha [Sp.] 食人魚 /-j- /
163.            pi’rarucu 巨骨舌魚 [“骨舌, 舌上有類骨也]
164.            Pirates of the Carribean 神鬼奇航



Johny Depp + Orlando Bloom + Keira Nightley] 強尼戴     +奧蘭多布魯+綺拉奈特利

       Man overboard! 有人落海!

       This deck is off limit with civilians. 死老百姓不准上來     甲板.

       Jack Sparrow 史傑克

       des'pecable 可鄙的

       We're square. 扯平

       gallows 絞刑台

       commondeer (v.) 徵收

       Savvy? ?

       Keep a sharp eye. 罩子放亮點!

       I feel the change of wind. 我感覺情勢轉好.

       mutiny 叛變

       his mutinous first mate 他的有異心的大副

       Anyone that falls behind left behind. 來不及的活不.

       Barbosa 壞船長名

       metallion 金幣

       Bullstrap Bill 鞋帶比爾

       Silent as the grave. 像墳一樣靜.

       walk the plank 走木板跳海

       to recover a thing 拿回...

       Davy Jones 深海閻王

       Flying Dutchman 冥神飛船

       Deception 吹牛[撲克}

       The die is cast. 骰子已經擲了.

       Not even Jack Sparrow can best the Devil. 就算是史傑       克也贏不了惡魔.

165.            her opening pirou’ette 她開場的單腳旋轉
166.            Tower of Pisa 比薩斜塔  / -iz-/
167.            Pi’ssarro 畢沙羅
168.            pita 阿拉伯式麵包
169.            ‘pitball 比特犬; 鬥牛犬
170.            pitch your design to Miss … 推銷妳的設計
seat pitch [飛機鐵路]前後座位間距
171.            ‘pitcher 水壺
‘pitcher plant 豬籠草
172.            pi’tuitary dwarfism腦下垂體失調侏儒症
gi’gantism巨人症 (‘pituitary giant)
173.            ‘pivotal 重要的
174.            Muollo’s work might be pivotal for bringing down the  
gang. 揪出整個組織的關鍵性工作
175.            Pix (Pixie) 小妖精, 小精靈
176.            pizza toes 尖頭高跟鞋
177.            pla’centa [] 胎盤
178.            ‘placid 溫和的
179.            plaid 格紋布料
180.            a wooden plank 一塊木板
181.            ‘plankton 浮游生物
182.            plant pots 花盆
183.            ‘plantain 芭蕉
184.            Plasma cutter 離子切割機
185.            plaster 石膏
186.            plastic electronics 塑料電子
187.            plastic surgery 整型美容
       ‘botulin (n.) 臘腸桿菌(毒素)
       ‘botulism 肉毒桿菌中毒
       Intense Pulsed Light 脈衝光 (簡稱 IPL)
       double-fold eyelid 雙眼皮
       dental department牙科
       scar removal去疤
       L-ascorbic acid L-vitamine C左旋維他命
       Hyaluronic Acid Injection 打玻尿酸
       dermatology    皮膚科
       Botulinum toxin (Botox) 肉毒桿菌
       chemical peel果酸換膚
       bone reduction削骨
       whitening ionic propulsion美白導入
       double eyelid surgery割雙眼皮
       medial canthoplasty開眼頭
       breast augmentation隆乳
       nose job隆鼻 (多半作nose augmentation)
       cosmetic laser雷射美容
       plastic surgery整型
       chiropractice   整骨
       dermabrasion 磨皮
       varices 靜脈曲張
       mole removal 點痣
       lip enhancement豐唇
       cheek implant豐頰
       cosmetic surgery醫學美容
       diamond dermabrasion micro-dermabrasion鑽石微      
188.            ‘plasticine 紙黏土
189.            plate 血小板
190.            ‘platform-heels 船行女鞋; 厚底鞋
191.            second platoon [] 第二排
192.            platoon leader 排長
193.            plausible 可能的
194.            I can play offense and defense. [Roger Federe] 我可
play safe 穩紮穩打
playing chicken 比膽量
Two bears ‘playfighting. 兩隻熊打鬧著.
195.            He made a plea. 認罪協商
196.            Pleasure to be with you. 我很榮幸(接受訪問).
197.            ‘plesiorsaur 蛇頸龍
198.            ‘pliant toes 非常靈活的腳趾頭 [Mark Twain; Tom
199.            the shape of a plow 犁型 /-au/
200.            Take off the plug. 拔掉塞子.
She’s really plugged in. 掌控全局
201.            plumb line 鉛錘線 /-m/
202.            his popularity plummeted 聲譽直線下滑
the troopers plummet their death 直線衝向自己的死亡
203.            looks plumper towards the rear. 臀部看起來渾圓
204.            plunger 吸馬桶刷
205.            Plurk 噗浪; 創辦人: 雲惟彬
206.            Plus One 攜伴參加
207.            ‘plywood 三合板
208.            ‘poaching 盜獵; 盜伐
209.            crushed any pocket of resistence 擊潰任何的抵抗
210.            Pods 豆莢車; 英國Heathrow機場對開小電聯車
211.            po’etic justice 報應
212.            ‘pogrom 集體大屠殺
213.            at the point of ‘impact 在撞擊點上
214.            Americans were poised to invade Okinawa. 美國擺好進       攻琉球陣勢.
215.            I have a poisonous touch. 被我摸到的都被倒楣.
216.            pok’tanjo [Korean] 爆彈酒
217.            ‘polarized 墨鏡
218.            pole dancer 鋼管舞者
pole-dancing class鋼管課程
219.            Police Plaza 紐約警察局
220.            ‘polio 小兒痲痺 (poliomye’litis)
221.            ‘polished grain 過的
222.            polka dot (ph.)圓點花樣
223.            pom pom [F.] 糖果
224.            pome’ranian 博美狗
225.            ‘pomfret 鯧魚
226.            ‘pomegranate 石榴 /’pomigrnit/
227.            ‘pompadour 阿Ken維他露P貓王飛機頭髮型
228.            Ponchos Pilate ruled with an iron fist. 鐵腕統治
229.            pontoon 浮船塢;浮舟;浮筒; 駁船; (...)架浮橋
230.            cow poop
231.            ‘poorboy [美厘] 潛艇堡
232.            Don’t pop at first thing that moves. 不要慌張開槍.
Pop it up! 開了它.
To make his vacation home pop, he… 為了耍炫
Pop it. 耀眼
pop tarts 果醬餡餅餅乾
Gonna pop it. 會很耀眼.
Give me an hour, it’s gonna like, pop. 給我一個鐘頭, 它會棒得不得了.
233.            It’s not about winning a popularity contest. 這不是選
I become the popular guy in high school. 我變成了高中的那個萬人迷.
234.            world population: 6.5 billion 世界人口六十五億人
235.            China future leaders are devided into political ‘populists
and e’litists. 中國日後政黨接班人, 分成黨內最被看
236.            sun porch 室內陽台
237.            ‘porcine (a.) 豬的 /-saın/
‘asinine 驢的
‘bovine 牛的
canine 狗的
‘feline 貓的
‘lupine 狼的
238.            por’cini [It.] 牛肝菌
239.            pork belly 豬腩
240.            ‘Ferdinand Porsche 費迪南保時捷
Ferry Porsche 菲理保時捷
Buttsie Porsche 巴特吉保時捷
‘Ferdinand 設計 Volkswagen beetle
保時捷911車款由Buttsie 設計
911 the “Nine Elevens”
front compartment 前艙
mid floor pan 中地板
rear compartment 後艙
iconic shape 經典外型
1938 保時捷356型生產七萬五千輛
‘primer 底漆
6-‘cylinder engine 六缸引擎
straight 6-cylinder 直立式六缸
V 6-cylinder V 型六缸
flat 6 cylinder 水平式六缸 (保時捷)
241.            portable hard drive 隨身碟; USB
242.            posh clubs 時髦的夜店
243.            po’sitional energy 位能
po’tential energy 動能
244.            Positioned at the attention. 立正!
245.            post-mortem 屍體解剖
au’topsy 屍體解剖
246.            for pos’terity 為了子孫著想
247.            ‘postscript 跋文
248.            I ‘postulated that… 我假設
249.            Just ‘posturing. 只是裝腔作勢.
250.            pot [] 大麻
251.            pot liquor [美南] 南方菜滷; 客人撕麵包泡著吃
252.            It’s a hot potato. 這是個難題.
253.            2 times more potent than mammal muscle 比哺乳類
254.            po’tential delivery 預產期
255.            ‘Potomac River 波多馬克河
256.            Potsdam 1945年開羅會議簽署之菠次坦宣言; 柏林行
257.            She has to wait for 2 hours just to pounce. 她要進行撲       殺需要等兩個鐘頭.
258.            1 pound = 0.45359 kg
       pound sign 井字鍵
259.            We powered down the computer. 我們關掉電腦.
power saw 電鋸
power tools 電動工具
power window 電動窗
Power vacuum 權力真空
260.            practice 信奉
Half the Hong Kong people practices Buddhism.
261.            prag’matic 務實的
262.            “Prairee’s oysters” 公牛睪丸
263.            ‘praline 核桃糖; 果仁糖; 杏仁糖
264.            ‘Prandtl Number [液壓學] 布蘭多當數
Ludwig Prandtl 布蘭多; 德國科學家 (4 February 1875 – 15 August 1953)
265.            prawn roe 蝦膏
266.            a pre’carious journey 步步危機的
clings pre’cariously to life 抓緊了最後的力量
267.            Germany might be at the ‘precipice. 德國已經到了懸
268.            Modern technology pre’cipitated global warming. 無預
269.            precipi’tation 降雨量
270.            precision attack 精準式攻擊
Precision of Mechatronic Engineering 精密機具工程
271.            That can precon’dition the situation. 決定
272.            RNA, the pre’curser of DNA先驅; 前身
273.            pre’dation 掠食行為
274.            ‘predator 掠食者, 食肉動物
275.            She was in a pre’dicament. 困境, 危境
276.            pre’dictable failureb可預見的失敗
277.            pre’emptive strike 先發制人攻勢
278.            ‘prefacque 預鑄工法
279.            ‘prefix 拉丁字首
              acero-       sourness    
              achluo-          darkness     黑暗
              acro-           heights                    
              aero-           air                       空中
              agora-          open spaces    曠野
              aichuro          points               
              ailuro-          cats                   
              akoustico-       sound                聲音
              algo-            pain                   痛苦
              amaka-                 carriages           馬車
              amatho-                dust                   灰塵
              andro-          men                   男人
              anemo-           wind                 
              angino-          narrowness     
              antropo-        man                  
              antlo-           flood                  洪水
              apeiro-          infinity               無限
              arachno-        spiders                     蜘蛛
              astheno-        weakness                弱點
              astra-           lightning                  閃電
              ate-            ruin                           廢墟
                     aulo-            flute                          長笛
                     aurora-          Northern Lights     北極光
                     bacilli-            microbes                 細菌
                     baro-            gravity                      重力
                     baso-           walking                    散步
                     batracho-       reptiles                    爬蟲類
                     belone-         needles                   
                     bronto- (tonitro-) thunder            
                     cheima-         cold                         
                     chiono-        snow                       
                     chrometo-     money                      金錢
                     chrono-        duration                  持久
                     chrystallo-     crystals                    水晶
                     claustro-       closed spaces         密室
                     cnido-           strings                     
                     cometo-      comets                           彗星
                     cromo-       colors                       顏色
                     cyno-         dogs                        
                     demo-         crowds                            民眾
                     demono-      demons            惡魔
                     demato-        skin                    皮膚
                     dike-          injustice            不正義
                     dora-           fur                      動物毛皮
                     eisoptro-       mirrors                     鏡子
                     electro-        electricity        
                     entomo-       insects              昆蟲
                     eoso-         dawn                 清晨
                     eremo-         solitude            孤獨
                     erete-                 pins                    別針
                     ereutho-       blushing            臉紅
                     ergasio-         work                  工作
                     geno-          sex                    
                     geuma-        taste                  口味
                     grapho-        writing              寫作
                     gymno-        nudity                       裸體
                     gyno-         women                    女人
                     hamartio-      sin                            
                     haphe-         touch                        觸摸
                     harpaxo-       robbers                    搶劫犯
                     hedono-      pleasure                  愉悅
                     haemato-     blood                        血液
                     helmintho-   worms                    
                     hodo-       travel                        旅行
                     homichlo-    fog                           
                     horme-              shock                       震驚
                     hydro-      water                      
                     hypegia-      responsibility         責任
                     hypno-        sleep                        睡眠
                     ideo-         ideas                         想法
                     kakorraphia-   failure                      失敗
                     katagelo-    ridicule                     嘲弄
                     keno-             void                          虛無
                     kineso-             motion                            行動
                     klepto-            stealing                    偷竊
                     kopo-                 fatigue                     疲憊
                     kristallo-           ice                            
                     lalio-                  stuttering                口吃
                     linono-            string                       
                     logo-                  words                       言語
                     lysso- (mania-)       insanity                    瘋狂
                     mastigo-           flogging                    鞭笞
                     mechano-         machinery               機械
                     meteoro-          meteors                   隕石
                     miso-                 contamination              傳染
                     mono-               one thing                 一個
                     musico-             music                       音樂
                     muso-                mice                         老鼠
                     necro-               corpses                    屍體
                     nelo-                  glass                         玻璃
                     neo-                   newness                 
                     nepho-              clouds                     
                     noso- (patho-) disease                    疾病
                     ocho-                 vehicles                   交通工具
                     odonto-            teeth                        牙齒
                     oiko-                  home                      
                     olfacto-             smell                        氣味
                     ommato-          eyes                          眼睛
                     oneiro-                     dreams                    夢境
                     ophidio-            snakes                     
                     ornitho-            birds                         鳥類
                     ourano-            heaven                    天堂
                     pan- (panto-)   everything              
                     partheno-         girls                           女孩
                     patroio-             heredity                   遺傳
                     penia-                poverty                    貧窮
                     phasmo-           ghosts                      鬼魂
                     phobo-                     fears                         恐懼
                     photo-               light                         
                     pnigero-            smothering             窒息
                     poine-                punishment            處罰
                     poly-                  many things           
                     poto-                 drink                        
                     pterono-           feathers                   羽毛
                     pyro-                  fire                           
                     rypo-                  soiling                      弄髒
                     Santano-           Satan                               撒旦
                     sela-                   flash                                閃電
                     sidero-               stars                                星辰
                     sito-                   food                                食物
                     sperma- (spermato-) germs                 細菌
                     stasi-                  standing                         站立
                     stygio- (hade-) hell                                         地獄
                     syphilo-             ‘syphilis                          梅毒
                     thaaso-              sitting                              坐著
                     thalasso-           sea                                   大海
                     thanato-           death                              死亡
                     theo-                 God                                
                     thermo-            heat                                
                     toxi-                   poison                            
                     tremo-               trembling                       發抖
                     triskaideka-      thirteen                          十三
                     zelo-                   jealousy                          忌妒
                     zoo-                   animals                           動物
                     xeno-                 strangers                        外來陌生的
280.            My duty is to keep you on the ‘premise. 負責看管你
在此. (Iron Man II)
281.            ‘premium class 豪華級
282.            preor’dained 預定的
283.            prep school [] 預備學校
284.            pre’paid phone 易付機
285.            pre’posterous 荒謬的
286.            Doomsday preppers 永遠在準備世界末日者
287.            pressure cooker 壓力鍋
‘pressurized 加壓艙 (gunner 從此不再受寒)
288.            with pres’tige 威望; 名望; 聲望
It's a pres’tigious venue. 代表身份的場地
289.            pre-stressed 預先固定的
290.            Pre’sumptuous! 厲害!
291.            prey /e/ 獵物
       to prey on seals 獵食海獅 [NHK: Arctic Hunters]
       She’s an easy prey. 太好狩獵了.
         become prey to… 宰割
         No prey, no pay. 沒有獵殺沒有麵包.
292.            It’s was ‘priceless. 太棒了.
293.            You should stay where you are, pricewise. 你應該維持       不變, 跟價錢一樣.
294.            the place where hospitality is the point of pride 人們以       客為尊當作是自豪的事
295.            prima donna [Ita.] first lady; 最主要的女性
296.            ‘primate 靈長類
297.            prime temp 黃金時段
watching the prime temp 收看黃金時段
298.            You have a ‘primer. 來了一個大的.
       prime real estate 豪宅
299.            princi’pality 公國; 城邦
300.            ‘private 下士; 阿兵哥
301.            priva’teers 武裝民船
302.            No prizes being uncomfortable. 把自己累死沒有加分.
prize-giving day 頒獎日
303.            Pro Bono 義工
304.            Pro-government 親政府的
305.            probe (n.) (v.) 探針; 調查
The police are working on a probe into suspected drug dealing in Florida. 警察正在對佛羅里達州的可疑的毒品交易進行調查.
306.            pro’chuto [It.] 火腿
307.            pro’crastinate 拖延
308.            procreate 繁衍
309.            design ‘prodigies 設計高手; 天才
310.            pro’fane 不敬神的
311.            Kidd’s high ‘profile supporters 積德船長的位高權重
312.            pro’fusion 延伸
       profuse sweating 盜汗
313.            prog’nosis [] 預後; 預知
314.            ‘Project ‘Runway 決戰時裝伸展台[天橋驕子]
I want to project a sense of calm. 表達我的平靜
315.            pro’jectiles 拋射物 (武器)
316.            ‘promenade 人行步道
317.            pro’miscuous 濫交的; 變態的
318.            party promoter 專門辦趴業
I get my pro’motion. 我得到打歌的機會.
319.            I’m not prone to violence. 我沒有暴力傾向.
320.            very pro’nounced 非常明顯
The 2013 May 23rd Woolwich terrorist attack suspects were with a very pronounced British accent. 2013五月廿三 武威治恐怖殺人事件嫌犯操正統英國口音.
321.            Maya ‘prophesy (2012.12.21. Doomsday) 馬雅預言
322.            proportions lost 比例失調
323.            propo’sition 邀約
324.            Propping embellishes your theme. 道具可以修
325.            middle-class pro’priety 中產階級禮教
326.            pro’prietor 地主; 所有人; 業主; 經營者
327.            propulsion 推進力
328.            ‘prostate cancer 前列腺
329.            Legal prostitution 召妓合法
330.            … has become the pro’verbial Cash Cow. 真正
It became the pro’verbial hot potato. 名符其實的燙手
331.            ‘Providence 靜宜大學
332.            pro’vocative 挑釁的
333.            ‘prowess 英勇, 能力, 非凡
334.            prowl (v.) 野獸暗中來回覓食 /-au-/
an enemy on the prowl nearby 附近潛行中的天敵
335.            Pro’ximity to a good neighborhood is vital. 鄰近好的社
336.            ‘proxy 模型
337.            ‘prudence 審慎
338.            prying eyes 窺伺的眼光
339.            Psy 南韓流行樂歌手
Oppan Gangnam Style [妳的哥哥我 是江南風]; 席捲全球舞曲
tweet 寫推特文
Soon, even celebrities in and outside the United States tweeted about "Gangnam Style", which triggered a vicious snowball effect.
Gangnam Style" is a Korean language colloquialism that refers to a luxurious lifestyle associated with the Gangnam district,[4] an affluent and trendy area of Seoul.
340.            psy’chotic (a.) 精神病的
341.            p’tero [Greek] wing 翅膀
342.            ‘puddle(s) 水坑; 水窪
343.            puffed pies 酥皮
344.            puffer fish 河豚
345.            puffiness 臃腫
346.            pug’nacious 好鬥的, 好戰的
347.            Pull! 放餌! [射擊]
       I pulled a muscle last night. 扭到筋.
The armadillo managed to pull through. 犰狳撐過了難關.
You are pulling my legs. 你存心害我出糗.
John Aaron has pulled off the impossible. 完成了不可能任務.
Hitler pulled off his escape. 真的脫逃成功
Table-cloth Pull 表演抽桌巾魔術
The storm had pulled away from Hong Kong. 颱風遠
pull it off 撐到最後
348.            ‘pull-tap 罐裝飲料拉環
349.            ‘pulverized 粉末化
350.            His heart is pumping double that amount. 他的心臟載
Bicycle pump 腳踏車打氣機
351.            being punched in the face 被揍臉
352.            ‘pundit 賣弄博學者; 自命權威不凡者
353.            bull-pup 犢牛
354.            ‘pupa
It ‘pupates into caterpillar. 成蛹
355.            Pur’ee or chunk? 泥狀的還是塊狀的?
356.            Purple Heart 紫心勛章
357.            purplish ‘amberjack 紅甘
358.            Everything has a purpose. 天生我材必有用.
359.            Should they push on? 窮追猛打
He pushed the inventive ‘envelope. 就發明來說, 他做了新的境界.
not to push his luck 為了不造次
360.            puss [] ;
361.            Pussy Riot 暴動小貓; 俄國反普丁流行女樂團
362.            I put it all out there. 盡力了.
You put me on. 你騙我
Put them through it. 嚴格要求他們.
What did you put everybody through? 你是怎樣害大家的?
put … back on 放回去
put-up hair 盤髮髮型
363.            Putin 普丁
364.            ‘putrid 腐臭的
365.            ‘pyramid 金字塔
Man fears time; time fears ‘pyramids. 人在時間之前顯得敬畏. 時間在金字塔之前顯得敬畏.
We know ’tantalizingly little about the pyramid. 少得令人恐慌
366.            ‘Pyrenees 庇里牛斯山 ;kklr;kdot1;kp;kj;kooo;kr;kii;kn;ki;kz;kkrl
367.            pyro maniac 縱火狂
368.            pyro’clastic flow/surge 火山碎屑流
369.            pytha’gorean theorem 畢達哥拉斯定理

Py’thagoras 畢達哥拉斯



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