2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母R篇


1.        RMB 人民幣
2.        I’ll race you! 我們比誰快!

3.        ‘radiator 散熱器
heat sink 散熱片
4.        free ‘radicals 自由基
5.        radio frequencies 無線電波
6.        radon
7.        rain check 補償再次進場券; (比賽、演出等因雨取消時)可延期使用的票; 延期文件
8.        ram 公羊
9.        ‘Ramadan [伊斯蘭] 齋戒月
10.   Sickness was ‘rampant in the area. 疾病在這個區域肆虐.
11.   ‘rampart 堡壘
12.   ranching and farming 農牧業
13.   ranking officer 最高階軍官
14.   rake (n.) 耙子
Rake it all out 全部耙掉
15.   a medical 'rarity 醫界罕見病例
16.   rashes
17.   Nothing rattles, nothing shines, no helmet. 不要響, 不要亮, 不帶鋼盔.
18.   raving lunatic 咆哮的瘋子
19.   I have a lot to repent for. 我有一堆要懺悔的事.
20.   he remi ' nisced about the notion that.... 追憶, 回想
21.   ra’ccoon dog
22.   Rachel Weisz [The Top 10 American Chics with ‘Attitude] (Top Six) 雷秋懷茲
23.   Every time you go racial. 老是種族歧視.
24.   racke’teering 販賣槍枝
25.   rain shower 直立式蓮蓬頭
26.   look at me with raised eyebrow 懷疑的眼光看著我
27.   rake
28.   They continue to rally for him. 支援
29.   ‘Ramadan 回曆九月齋戒月; 該月之中日出日落之間不食; Muslim 以為上帝在此月當 Quran 展示給先知穆罕默德.
30.   rammed into bridge 用力撞上
She was to ram them. 她需要把它撞沉.
31.   rambutan 紅毛丹
32.   Range Rover 山地路華
Does your collection have a range? 妳的系列有款式變化?
33.   the rangers 遊騎兵
34.   Rapa Nui Island 復活島 [原住民語: 世界的肚臍]
‘Moai 人像
Bird Man 復活島鳥人比賽 [復活島各族之間的競賽; 每年春季率先拿到燕鷗蛋的選手即是該年冠軍者] Essex 的鳥人裝跳水賽不同
35.   The Rape of Europa 歐洲珍寶蒙難記
Linz 希特勒的奧地利出生地
A’croples 衛城
Slaves 斯拉夫人
osten’tatious 鋪張的, 豪華的, 賣弄的
Rose Va’lland 法國羅浮宮愛國女英雄; 德國占領羅浮宮時每日偷聽名畫畫主名字住址逐日記載, 得以歸還
Ver’meer “The Astronomer” 維彌爾繪天文學者像
The painting may see the light of day. 得以重見天日.
Leonardo actually had a boot mark on it. 達文西的畫上面還有納粹軍官鞋印.
Veit Stross “St. Mary’s Church”, Cracow, Poland 波蘭 Cracow市由懷特史特洛斯設計的聖瑪莉教堂
Gustav Klimt “E’delle” 克林姆繪的”E’delle”
art dealer 畫商
36.   rash 疹子
37.   ‘rasor wire 刺絲網
38.   ra’sorial (a.) 覓食鳥類
39.   rat snake 錦蛇
40.   They are ratted out. 被告密
41.   ‘television ‘ratings 電視收視率
42.   ration (n.) 配給
43.   ‘ravishing with his bond girls 跟他的龐德女郎調情
44.   raw bar 生鮮吧
raw iron 鍛鐵
You can eat it raw. 可以生吃.
45.   out of reach 拿不到
46.   I don’t read this as athletic. 我看不出來運動感在哪裡.
There’s nothing athletic about it. 一點點都沒有運動感.
47.   Ready, on you marks, go! 預備!
Ready, set, go! 預備~, !
48.   Real people casting 素人試鏡
49.   reality show 實境秀
50.   Some things cost more than you realize. 有些事遠超過你的想像.
       They are beginning to realize just how vast Russian is. 終於
51.   rear spoiler 擾流板
52.   has rea’wakened a love for teaching 重新喚醒了
53.   ‘rebar 鋼筋
54.   Re’bel without a Cause 養子不教誰之過
55.   re’booting 重新開機
56.   ‘recall campaign 產品回收計畫
57.   Please ‘recap what you did just now. 重述一下
58.   Economists say U.S. is now in recession. 經濟蕭條
59.   re’cessive genes 隱性基因
60.   reci’procalism 互惠主義
61.   re’claimed 回填的
62.   re’clus 隱士者
63.   I want people to recognize me what I recognize in myself. 我希望人們記住的是我想要別人知道的自己.
64.   ‘recoil 後座力
65.   re’connaissance 偵查; 事先考察  /-‘kanə-/
66.   The oldest sea-duck on record is… 最老的野鴨的記錄
67.   This is re’coverable expanse, I’m telling ya. 這是可回收成本, 我是認真的.
68.   ‘rectify 矯正; 調整
69.   Like the rockers re’cuperating. 搖滾明星來這裡休憩; .療養
re’cuperated 挽回, 恢復
70.   The 100 ‘python teeth are all re’urved. 後彎的
71.   Red Cliff 赤壁
to fight with back to wall負隅頑抗
to hide one’s capacities and bide one’s time韜光養晦
‘viceroy 都督
Zhang Feng-yi 張豐毅
Hu Jun胡軍
Naka’mura Shido中村獅童
72.   Red Guards 紅衛兵
73.   red knot 紅腹濱鷸
74.   red light district 風化區
75.   I like the red wine re’duction. 紅酒濃縮汁
76.   ‘redwood range紅杉林大觀
unfolding before you 在面前展開
‘rampant logging 濫伐
You don’t have comfortable chair to sit in.
You have back crunch all the time. 背痛得嘎喳嘎喳響
pur’suing what you enjoy in life 追求人生想要的
While it moves, it sent a shockwave down the trunk. 炸開的時候, 它往樹幹下方送出震動波.
They don’t topple out of natural causes. 倒下
Then we’ve done what we’d set out ot do. 我們達成我們剛開始設定要做的.
11 months of walking 走了十一個月
flexible tape 軟量尺
77.   red-blooded Canadian boys 活潑好動的
78.   red-crowned crane 丹頂鶴
79.   redeployed at … 軍力重新部署於
80.   Reel me in! 拉我上來!
81.   Hitler’s ree’merging at the United States 重新出現
82.   dramatic reen’actments 模擬畫面
83.   refinery 煉油廠
84.   reflex stripe 反光飾條
85.   refle’xology 腳底按摩治療學
86.   re’fueling stop 加油站
87.   refundable 可以拿錢回來的
No refund; no exchange. 不能退錢, 不能換貨.
Your admission fee will be refunded. 你的門票可以退費.
88.   Apple iPhone re’furbished 翻新的; 重新裝修的; 蘋果iPhone 整新品
89.   re’fute his saying 駁斥他的說法
90.   without regard for 完全不顧
91.   regiment 軍團
92.   registrationary 迎賓區
93.   regrouped 重組; 重整旗鼓
94.   ‘regular sugar 砂糖
95.   If it wasn’t ’regulated properly, … 調節
96.   rehabili’tation (名譽之)回復
97.   The Third Reicht 第三帝國
98.   a reign of terror 恐怖統治
99.   reig’nited 重新挑起
100.              rein’forced 加強的
rein’forcement 增兵, 增強
101.              re’iterate重做;重申
Let me reiterate that we have absolutely no plans to increase taxation.
102.              re’laying their movement 持續報導
103.              re’lent (v) 發慈悲, 變寬容
Nazis were unre’lenting. 不留餘地的
104.             re’lentless 毫不留情地
105.              He’s driving a relic. 開的是台骨董飛機.
106.              relief 紓困
107.              ‘relish [熱狗]佐料
108.              re’luctant 不樂意
109.              remake (n.) 重拍
110.              a ‘rematch 再比一次
111.              hair remedy solution 生髮水
112.              He remi'nisced about the notion that.... 追憶, 回想
113.              for any ‘remnants of DNA 殘餘; 殘留物
114.              re’morse (n.) 良心譴責
115.              We don’t even know remotely what we are gonna get.
116.              Threat removed. 威脅解除.
117.              A will render B obso’lete. A B 打得屁滾尿流.
That’s Jerom’s ren’dition. 詮釋
118.             ‘renegade 異端
119.             ‘renovate 翻新; 重新裝潢
120.              remains repatri’ation 遺體遣送作業
121.              We have 7 minutes to respond. 剩七分鐘可以反應.
122.              Reyk’javik 雷克雅未克; 冰島
123.              He’s a repeat juvenile offender. 青少年慣犯
124.              re’pellant 令人作嘔的
125.              I have a lot to repent for.
126.             repe’rtoire 劇目; 曲目; 全部技藝
127.              You better re’plenish the fire. 爐火
128.              We are making a rubber replica. 橡膠的假的
129.              re’port (v.) 報到; 報告
Double O Seven reporting for duty. 007到單位. [Skyfall]
130.              There will an official ‘reprimand. 將有官方的斥責說法.
131.              re’prisal 斥責
132.              re’pugnant 嫌惡的; 反感的
133.              Request on permission to go on patrol. 請求准許擔任
134.             There were 4 to 6 million ‘rescue dogs after Katrina.       翠娜颱風之後留下四百萬到六百萬的流浪狗.
135.              See the re’semblance yet? 看出相似處了嗎?
136.              in re’serve 有預備
       Reser’vation for Green. 格林先生的房間鑰匙, 謝謝.
137.             re’settle [ii德軍]重置
138.              ‘residue 殘渣
139.              re’silient (a.) 有抵抗力的, 耐力的
140.              ‘resonance 共鳴; 共振
141.              It will become the first line of treatment instead of a last
resort 這會成為第一時間處理方式而不再是最後沒辦
142.              his re’sounding victory 大獲全勝; 響亮的. 徹底的
143.              Too much of a valuable resources. 太珍貴了.
144.              Respect few; Fear none. 飛車黨規: 幾人之下, 萬人之
145.              after the afternoon ‘respite 在短暫午休之後 / ‘rεspīt /
146.              I’m one who believes in drinking responsibility. 醉不酒
147.              Rest My Chemistry (Interpol) 國際刑警組織
148.             Res’torer Guy 舊屋翻新我最行 (Gable Painter)
149.             Res’trepo 當代啟示錄
150.             resumé [F.]履歷
              三分鐘版本英文 [自傳-1]
                           i.                How do you do.
                         ii.                My name is Lai Yi-nian.
                       iii.                I'm (24).
                       iv.                I'm still single.
                         v.                I am a Senior Citizen Service major.
                       vi.                I graduated from Ming-hsin University in (2009) June.
                    vii.                I am the top prize in my class when i graduated.
                  viii.                I was chosen among the (30) candidates of the government-funded Youth Camp to study in America during (2007) (August) to (2008) (February).
                       ix.                I feel gratitude towards our ministry of education and our government for having this insight to send poor outstanding students abroad to broaden their views either in scholarly performances and scope of the world.
                         x.                Most of my teachers think that i'm trust-worthy and responsible.
                       xi.                I know I don't know much and i also know that i'm one of the few that are with highest incentive to better himself.
                    xii.                Thanks for your attention.
                                       i.                My name is XXX.  Please call me (Christoph).
                                     ii.                I’m graduating from Ming-hsin University of Science & Technology next June, in year 2 thousand ten.
                                   iii.                My graduation thesis is on Solar Energy, Heat            Transfer, and Fluid Mechanics.  Professor Zhang     Guo-ping thinks highly of my work.      
                                   iv.                I wish to continue my research in this field in your        great institution.
                                     v.                I’m I don’t know much.  But, I know I’m trustworthy      and up-mobile.
                                   vi.                I will prove myself worthy of your choice.
                                vii.                Thank you.
151.             re’surging 捲土重來; 東山再起
152.             re’tics 亞洲網紋蟒
re’ticulated ‘python 網紋蟒
153.             reti’rees 退休的老人們
154.             Cat’s paws retract and extend. 貓爪能.
155.             relic re’trieval room 撿骨室
156.             retro car 老爺車
157.             ‘retrofitting 翻新
158.              return on investment 投資報酬率
till it reached the point of no return 直到無可回復
Merchandise Returns 商品退貨
Many happy returns. 同樣也祝您好運!
159.             re’verberate 餘波盪漾的
re’verberating 有回響
160.              Ho Chi Ming is largely re’vered by Vietnamese people.
The Egyptians re’vered their gods.
161.             ‘reverie 幻想; 白日夢
162.              I have to re’verse. 必須倒車.
re’verse os’mosis 逆滲透
163.              China re’vives property tax to prevent bubble. 中國
164.              Your weekend passes have been revoked. 你的週末假     已經被禁足.
death sentence re’voked 死刑被撤銷
165.             Rector’s is the first revolving door restaurant. 瑞克餐    廳是第一座開始使用旋轉門的餐廳. 當時的口號是:      “Always open, always closed.” (永遠開著, 永遠關)
revolving door 旋轉門
166.              It ‘revved up the action. 使它快速運轉.
167.              ‘Reykjavik 冰島首都雷克雅未克
168.              ‘rheumatoid arthritis 風濕性關節炎
169.             ‘rhine stone 水鑽
170.             rhino beetle 獨角仙
171.             rhy bread 裸麥
172.             rice ball 飯糰
       rice dumpling 粽子
rice noodle 米粉; 河粉
rice paper 宣紙
rice whisky 米酒
rice bran oil 玄米油
173.              Richard Rogers 龐畢度藝術中心設計者
174.             I was working at a ‘rickety table. 我正在修一張搖搖晃
175.              rifle 步槍
176.              East African Rift 東非裂谷
177.              The white ‘sturgeon is too big to rig it in. 超大的白鱘龍
The Egyptian presidential election was said to be
rigged. 埃及總統大選聽說是被操縱壟斷了.
178.              I’m a professional ‘rigger by trade. 我的工作正式名稱
179.              By right they could all be dead. 他們本來應該都會死
He is a leader in his own right. 自己成為一個領袖.
You are absolutely right on. 正是.
180.              ‘righteousness 正義
181.              a rigid schedule 緊湊的行程
182.              rikusentakada 陸前高田市
183.              the Ring (Dohyo)相撲之土俵
bird ringing 小鳥腳環
BTO’s ringing scheme [British Trust for Ornithology]大英國協鳥類協會使用的小鳥腳環
184.              You can rinse. 可以漱口了.
185.              Rion An’tirion 利翁安提利翁大橋
186.              ‘riptide 激流
187.              I know I’ll rise to the occasion. 我可以派上用場; 勝任
188.              ‘risk-taking 冒險
put at risk … 使 遭受危險
189.              ri’sotto [It.] 燉飯
190.              rival for food & shelter 為了食宿大打出手
191.              ‘river-tracing 溯溪
192.              ‘rivet 铆釘
193.             Rivi’era 義法西臨地中海度假區; 拉斯維加著名旅館
194.             road bridge 陸橋
‘roadroller 壓路機
Road Gate Hill 路門丘
road snacks 路邊攤小吃
195.              animals roaming everywhere 到處有閒晃的動物
196.              ‘robot ;kklr;kdot1;kr;ko;kb;kce;kt;kkrl
197.              ro’bust 強健的;茁壯的;健全的; 粗魯的
   The once robust economy now lies in ruins.
The economy is su’fficiently ro’bust. 經濟算是活躍.
198.              Rock on! high!
   You rock. 你最棒了.
   They must be made rock-solid. 堅若磐石
       The dress was really rocking. 那衣服真的超時髦.
       rock sugar; regular sugar 砂糖
199.             Rocking horse 小木馬
200.             Rodeo cowboy 競技牛仔
201.             roe ; 獐鹿
202.             put … on death roll  死路一條
She rolls an 80 blazer. 她開一台blazer 八十.
Let the good time rolls! 好戲上場!
Chances lie if she could be rolled onto her side. 如果牠
能被用側面躺平, 牠就有救了.
203.             roller blind 捲簾
204.              The ‘Romanovs Carnage 羅曼諾夫家族大屠殺
On the cusp of womanhood 馬上就要亭亭玉立
Anas’tasia 小公主名
A’lexie 小王儲名
205.              Ernest ‘Rommel 沙漠之狐, 二戰德國將軍隆美爾
206.              roof tar 屋頂瀝青
207.             room temperature 室溫
208.             Ro’setta Stone 羅塞達石(解釋古埃及象形文字的可靠
209.              ‘roti [Hindu] 印度拉餅; 麵包
210.              ‘rouching  [服飾術語]衣料/-au-/
211.              The weather is rough. 天氣很差.
212.              It’s a round-the-clock business. 日以繼夜地
Please give a round a’pplause to… 用力拍手
a round of applause 掌聲雷動
We finish couple of rounds then we go. 再喝兩輪
4 million rounds of ammunition 四百萬子彈
Aren’t enough to go round. 不夠分.
I buy rounds. 我買單. 請客.
‘rounder 老千
Round-houses 客家土樓 (1F:廚房; 2F:倉儲; 3F:住宿)
213.              She suggested it in a very ‘roundabout way.她很
‘roundabout 兜圈子; 迂迴繞道; 不直接了當
214.              So routine, so damn-right boring. 好無聊.
215.              Royal 老爺飯店
216.              Today everyone is a ‘royalist. 今天每一個人都是保皇     .
217.              rub against each other 彼此磨蹭
rubbed it off again 又擦掉
rub one out 用手做了一次
218.              ‘rubbing
219.              It’s rubbery. 很韌
220.              rubble (n.) 粗石;碎石;瓦礫堆 ;kklr;kdot1;kr;kaa;kb;kldot;kkrl
221.              rubin sandwich 魯賓三明治
       beacon-dusted fries 灑培根口味薯條
222.              ruble(s) (n.) 盧布 ;kklr;kdot1;kr;ku;kb;kldot( ;kz);kkrl
223.              ‘rudder 飛機方向舵
224.              Rather rudi’mentary. 還蠻陽春; 落後的.
225.              ‘ruffian 無賴流氓; 搗蛋鬼
226.             ruffles 荷葉邊
227.              rugged 崎嶇的
228.              to rule the world with one name 統一天下
I wouldn’t rule out我不排除
…, that, ruled out trickery 排除了欺騙
229.             elephant’s rumbles 象鳴
230.             rum’bustious 喧鬧的, 吵雜的
231.              General ‘Rumel 二次大戰德軍統帥 隆美爾將軍
232.              run dangerously low on blood supply 幾乎沒有
John’s little ‘run-about. 約翰的小便車
Give us a ‘rundown. 介紹一下.
… returned home after running errands 辦完事
Steady on the run. 繼續前進中.
233.              ‘run-of-the-mill (a.) 很普通的
This isn’t the run-of-the-mill services. 這可不是普通的服務.
234.             ‘runner 星光大道紅毯
235.             runny egg 蛋黃會流動的蛋
236.             the runt of the litter 一窩之中最小; 最弱者
237.             ‘rupture 破裂
238.              rustle (v.) 覓食
rustling 沙沙聲

239.              ‘ruthlessness 無情; 殘酷



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