2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母S篇


1.        SAAB 紳寶
2.        SS [納粹]黨衛軍

3.        ‘Saarinen
4.        saber-toothed cat 劍齒虎
5.        ‘sabre ; 二戰美國軍刀機
6.        Saburo Sakai 坂井三郎 (Dogfight at Guadalcanal)
7.        I’ll be sacked by the center. 被中心開除
8.        Sacred Costato Missionary Sisters 耶穌肋傷修女會
9.        safe zone 安全地帶
10.   safety catch 保險桿
safety preliminary 基本安全規則
11.   sai shio 最初
12.   Said I think about it. 我說了我會考慮.
Like you said, very O Eight. 如妳所說,08”fu”.
13.   ‘Saigon 西貢 ( Ho Chi Ming City 舊名)
14.   The Saint 七海遊俠 [1962~1969]; Roger Moore enacts Simon Templar
15.   sa’lacious 好色的
16.   ‘sesame chicken strip salad 芝麻雞柳沙拉
17.   ‘Salading [‘Islam]薩拉丁; 民族英雄; 以歐式騎士風度對待戰俘的第一個伊斯蘭王
18.   sala’mander 蠑螈
19.   sa’lami 義式臘腸
20.   Do you have tulle for sale? 你的 tulle 可以賣嗎?
21.   sa’linity 鹹性
22.   Salmone’llosis 沙門氏桿菌 [Monk Ba’cillus]
23.   ‘salvage team 救難隊; 打撈
24.   Samantha Brown 珊曼莎布朗
felt hat & peacock feather 厄瓜多爾原住民孔雀羽毛裝飾高呢帽
day trip 一日遊
cloud fog 雲霧林
Now you tell me. 現在才講.
Wishing tree and the old man 許願樹與老人
hand-painted 手繪的
Lona Misa 仿蒙娜麗莎畫作
       Hold that train! 火車給我停住! [仿化裝師道白]
25.   Sam’sara [Buddha] 輪迴; [transmigration; recur successively; passing through]
26.   sana’torium 療養院
conva’lescent hospital 療養院
27.   sand blaster 噴砂機
sand table [] 沙盤
28.   sandwich 三明治
San Francisco: Castro Area, Ike’s Place

“Jaymee Sirewich”
“Sorry Charlie”
“We’re just Friends”

‘sourdough bread
‘vegan sandwich 無奶蛋素三明治
29.   sandy pot 砂鍋
sandy bank 沙岸
30.   pine sap 松樹液
31.   ‘sapper 工兵
32.   cro’atia-‘bosnia-sara’jevo 塞拉耶佛
33.   sar’coffecus 埃及石棺
34.   ‘sari(s) 印度紗麗
35.   Sar’kozy 法國總理薩科奇
36.   sash 值星官值星披帶
37.   ‘satellite countries 附庸國
‘satellite dish 小耳朵
38.   ‘saucepan 長柄有蓋平底深鍋
39.   ‘saunter (v.) 閒逛
40.   ‘Savage Grace 浮華陷阱

  She was a master of understatements. 相當低調.
  dashing 英俊
  Don’t be tedious. 不要討人厭.
  My tits are sagging. 乳頭下垂
  very refined knowledge of math 數學很高竿
  So what do you say. 意下如何
  Don’t defend her. 不要一直替她找藉口
  Had she been on time, we could never have had this   discussion. 她如果準時, 我們怎麼會槓上!
  Taught by expert. 高人指點過.
  It’s typically on a personal basis. 本來就很私人的事.
  Do you think she gets stoned? 你想她有沒有磕藥?
  After you bunk her. 你先上她.
  We need another round. 再一輪酒
  Lay it at your feet 放在你腳邊
  out of spite 不屑
  Don’t’ get harsh with me. 不要對我大小聲.
  Let me pour you something to drink. 我幫妳倒點喝的.
  I don’t know … but straight out. 我只知道直來直往.
  when charm ceases 沒有魅力以後
  inheritance 繼承
  incur 發生
  Get your thumb out of your mouth. 不要咬大拇指.
  You put it there for safe keeping. 你怕丟掉才特別收好.
  I had to tear it up. 只好撕掉.
  I like to place an order. 我想外送.
41.   sauropo’seidon 波賽東龍
42.   Doubled Layer Roll/Sausage 大腸包小腸
43.   nice and ‘savory [] 開胃菜; 美味的; 鹹的小吃
44.   ‘ savvy (v) ; 知曉; (n.) 悟性, 理解力
45.   That year saw the arrival of two new jetliners. 那年問世了
46.   I have the final say. 我說了算.
Say what!?! ?
Says who. 誰說的. [Matt Damon, 重返榮耀]
Don’t say that again. 請不要客氣.
Try say that 5 times faster. 試著連著說快點五次.
Just saying. 說說而已, 不用介意.
47.   scabs 疥癬
48.   scale down 小規模的
a scale down of the exact version 按比例縮小版
scale it down to 1 inch trim 縮小到一吋
On a scale (of) 1 to 10, I give myself… 一到十分的話,我打自己.
I was practicing the boring scales. 我在練習彈音階.
They tip the scales in their favor. 鹹魚翻身
scale model of New York Long Island 紐約長島的縮小模型
Ike is the scale model for the Oscar Award. Ike的頭就是奧斯卡獎項的臉孔的原型.
49.   The rest goes without saying. 其他的想當然爾.
50.   ‘scallion 青蔥; 韭蔥
51.   scallops 扇貝
52.   Scams are turning on each other. 使陰謀騙局者正在互咬.
53.   He had better scamper along. 他最好是快跑.
54.   The dancers are only scantily feathered. 只穿了少許的羽毛
after a scant few hours 經過了幾個小時
55.   Man you look scary down here I gotta tell you. 老實說,你從這看上去還真像鬼.
56.   ‘scavenger 食腐動物
57.   Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. Don’t forget to smell the scent of flowers. 別急別擔心, 也別忘了花的香味.
58.   There are schism between the rich and the poor. 貧富之間有了裂痕
59.   ‘scholium 訓話; 旁注
60.   schade [G.] pity 可憐
61.   science student 理工科學生
62.   Scion 美國豐田車場
63.   It scoops up the rim. 挑起了那條鐵軌框邊
64.   Scorched-earth Policy 焦土政策 (Stalin)
65.   scoreboard 記分板
scoring 得分
You wanna score or not? 到底要不要做?
score years 二十年; vi’cennial
I scored the best girl in high. 馬子是高中校花.
I score big time on this one. 這一次我贏定了.
66.   They scoured the crash site. 地毯式的搜索; 鏟掘 /-au-/
67.   The Faulker Scourge [航空] 福克之 /~/;
The scourge of ‘terrorism天譴, 懲罰, 鞭打
68.   in a ‘scramble for cameras 慌忙亂找相機時
69.   scraper 刮刀; 刮削器; 鏟子
70.   while the Soviets scratched their heads 苦思的時候
71.   Scream [Edvard Munch孟克] ”吶喊
72.   screen saver 銀幕保護程式
73.   screener 試看帶
74.   I told you not to screw with me. 告訴你別惹我.
75.   ‘medical scripture 藥經
76.   scrubs 豬碎肉
77.   scrubber 鋼刷
searching for scrubs 到處翻撿零星食物來吃
78.   scruffy 紊亂的
79.   ‘scrumptious 美味的; 豐盛的
80.   be put into ‘scrutiny 被放大鏡檢視
81.   sand sculpting 沙雕
82.   You scum. 混帳.
83.   ‘scupper plug 排水孔蓋
84.   ‘scurvy 壞血病
85.   I’m trying my sea leg. 我試試看我適不適合待船上.
To test Anna’s sea legs 看看 Anna 會不會暈船
86.   sea calf 海牛
sea urchin 海膽 [short spine sea urchin 蝦夷馬糞海膽 E
Zo Ma Hun U Ni]
87.   ‘sea-faring people 討海人
88.   The ring seals the deal. 戒指打死了一切.
His doom is sealed. 命運已定
The machine gun sealed Maxim’s reputation. 蓋棺論定
89.   Navy Seal 海戰海豹隊
90.   The female comes into season. 雌的發情.
‘seasoned passenger
‘seasoned 老練的
high season 旺季
low season 淡季
91.   St. Antonio is second to none. 獨占鰲頭.
92.   He keeps a good many secrets. 他有好多秘密.
93.   Office of Secre’tariat 主任秘書處
94.   natural secretions 自然分泌物
95.   ‘secular 非猶太式的
‘kosher 猶太式的
96.   Security is gonna let you out. 保全會讓你出去.
Se’cure your ‘principal. 要營救你的目標人質.
97.   ‘sedar 雪達犬

98.   sedimen’tation 沉積作用
99.   See you around. 回見.
See you when we get back. 回頭見
I’ve seen a lot of things which I would never have seen otherwise. 要不是這樣, 我就不會長了這麼多見識.
The waiter lead you across the elevator power supply that had seen better days. 服務生帶你通過從前很輝煌的電梯電源箱.
100.              Lao Yang Seeks Bride 老楊徵婚
We do not seek leadership. 戀棧權力
101.              He was never seen again. 再也沒人見過他.
102.              ‘segregated 被種族隔離的
103.              Lions having seisures twitched uncontrollably. 抽蓄的     獅子不斷地抖動.
104.              Reality was self-‘evident. 現實不言可喻.
       Perfect self expression. 完整自我表達
       self-re’liance 自助
       Menai, the self-taught Scot 自學`成功的蘇格蘭人--
       self cultivation 修養
105.              sell-off 賣出
       best ‘seller 最暢銷品
106.              ‘semen [] 精液 [ ′s im ən ]
107.              sendai 仙台市
108.              a senior chap 年紀不小的男人
       senior citizen 老年人
109.              He is able to sense negative 6 to positive 3 G forces.
受負6 到正3 G
CNN makes senses of it all. CNN 讓一切都清楚了.
110.             vibration-sensitive scale 對震動敏感的鱗片
111.             ‘separates [時尚]單品
112.             ‘septic 敗血症
113.              The sequal is never as good as the original. 續集永遠沒
114.             seren’dipity 意外發現珍奇或趁心事務的本領
       Seren’dipity 3 [Manhattan奇緣冰淇淋店]
115.             ‘sergeant []班長 [ ‘sαr- ]
       first sergeant 上士
Sergeant Pepper 比柏軍曹 (Beatles)
116.             ‘serial number 兵籍號碼
117.              Seriously. 說真的.
He’s a serious actor. 實力派演員
Are you serious. 不會吧.
It’s a serious car. 不是鬧著玩的.
118.             Seren’geti 賽倫蓋提; 東非最大國家野生動物保護園
119.             ‘Servia (the Serv) 賽爾維亞
120.             service length 服役年限
121.              set a cold chill through my body 不寒而慄
to set on any ‘hostiles 攻擊任何有敵意的人
122.              second-hand ‘set-up 二手裝置
123.              settle the old scores with… 算舊帳
We couldn’t just settle. 我們絕對不隨便.
124.              Seven-eleven Cashier’s Conversation in English:
Buy 3 get 12% off 三件八八折
Mix and match items 任選()
Sugar and cream? 多少糖? 要不要奶精?
Short? Tall? Grande? Venti? 要多大()?
Promotion items/Discount items/Clearance/Closet Out/Manager’s special 店長推薦/清倉大拍賣/特價商品
MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price) 建議售價
Have a nice day! 謝謝光臨
125.              Munch severed himself from art. 切割
We could sever a neck. 可以切斷脖子
126.             Seeds of disaster have been sewn. 日後的禍根已經種
127.             sex shop 情趣商店
sexy car 拉風的車
128.             sexo’holic 性行為成癮者
129.              Antony Weiner is running for New York’s next mayor
candidacy in spite of hissexting scandal. 手機傳送私處醜聞
130.             ‘sexual aid 壯陽物
131.             sugar shack 糖舍; 簡陋木屋棚屋
132.             put … in the shade 相形見絀
133.              shadow ‘puppetry 皮影戲
134.              Shake them down. 搜一遍.
“Shake it, not stir.” [吩咐酒保用搖的不是攪拌]
135.              Every vehicle is subject to ‘thorough ‘shakedown. 每輛
136.              ‘shaky 搖搖欲墜的; 不安的
137.              sha’llot 紅蔥頭; scallions 青蔥
138.              shallow fry
139.              ‘Shanghaist 上海人
140.              shannxi province 山西
141.              Shao-lin Temple Display Team 少林武僧團
142.              You can still come back in good shape. 很好的身材
143.              Sharapova, Maria 莎拉波娃; 女網世界排名第一
144.              shards of vessels 青花瓷碎片
145.              Rhinos make sharp turns at high speed. 能急速轉彎
146.             Shar-pei 沙皮狗
147.              Shaw Film 邵氏
148.              shears 園藝大剪刀
149.             e’quipment shed 器材室
150.              a sheer genius 少見奇才
sheer evil Hitler 惡魔代言人希特勒
151.             sheet music 樂譜
152.              shell-shocked nations 被戰火摧殘的國家
153.              shelter dog 流浪狗 (20081109 Barack Obama on his
new dog at White house)
154.             ‘shelties 喜樂蒂
155.             ‘shemale 人妖
156.             human shield 人肉盾牌
157.              ‘Shinbo 真保
158.              ‘Shindoh 神道教
159.              When the sun don’t shine. 真有此日的話.
160.              We are in deep f---ing shit. 代誌大條了.
161.              ‘shitbags 廢渣; 廢物
162.              I’m in shock. 吃了一驚.
163.              shopa’holic 購物狂
164.              He was an excellent shot. 神槍手
top shot 頭號槍手
I had a really good shot of winning. 勝算很大
165.              shoe-shaper 鞋撐
166.              Shoot for the star. 放手一搏.
It’s the room you’re shooting for. 想營造的房間
shoot to kill 格殺勿論
Shoot-to-kill 殺無赦
167.              shore line 海岸線
168.              The brain shorts out. 腦袋短路.
Dogs are nothing short of ex’traordinary. 狗整個就是非凡的動物.
Big Shorts [上海]大褲插
169.             a shot of Tequila 一小杯龍舌蘭酒
one shot 一口乾了. [南韓]: 乾杯
Nice shot! 好球!
hot shot 高手; 搶手貨
170.             shove to one side, shove to other side… 鏟到兩邊
171.             show stopper 壓軸; 壓箱寶
Show-off! 愛現鬼!
And it shows. 大家都看得出來. [Heidi Klun, Project Runway]
172.             ‘showdown 攤牌; 大比拼
173.              ‘shrapnel 砲彈碎片; 榴散彈
174.              Her dreams are in shreds. 美夢破碎
shredded pork 豬肉乾
shredded look 破爛造型
175.              Shroud of Turin 杜林裹屍布
176.              Fresh water shrimp 河蝦
177.              She shuffles. 彎腰駝背地走.
‘shuffling 拖著腳在地上走
178.             ‘shutter 檔門
179.             Si’beria 西伯利亞
180.              sick man of Asia 東亞病夫
That was sick! 真炫~
Your folks must be worried sick about you. 擔心死了
181.              Sickle Cut 希特勒鐮割策略
182.              Whose side of it are you? 你到底是哪邊的?
Time is at your side. 在你身邊
‘side-betting 賭博插花
It’s a side-by-side frige. 這是對開冰箱.
He’s bringing a sidekick. 他帶著個跟班
effectively being ‘sidelined 等於實質被架空
side skirt 側裙
183.              ‘Siemens 西門子電子 [ ′s im ənz ]
184.              sieve; strainer 篩子
185.              ‘Sievert 西弗; [Sv]
mSv 微西弗
186.              Bridge of Sighs 嘆息橋
       Little Romance 情定日落橋
187.              I’m seeing signs of changes in people. 我看見人們陰險
sign of gen’tility 溫文儒雅的表徵
Everyone would say “Sign me up”. 大家都會說我要一     .
188.              It’s my signature piece. 代表作.
‘signature cake 招牌蛋糕
It’s the ‘signature of fast-swimming fish. 這是快泳魚類的特徵
189.              ‘Sika deer 梅花鹿
spotted deer 梅花鹿
190.              silky ride 舒適的
191.              silt 淤泥
192.              silver platter 純銀托盤
       Empire of Silver 白銀帝國

                Aaron Kwok 郭富城

               張鐵林 康笏南

               郝蕾 杜筠青

               原著: 成一白銀谷

               Boxer Rebels 義和團之亂

               Third master 三爺

               Banker’s guild 票號會館

               Loan sharks 放高利貸者

               天下傷心事多了, 別在這惹人嫌”.


               Lovebirds 小倆口

               Bodyguards 鏢局


               Nationalist revolution 國民革命



193.              silver-lining 銀邊計畫 /-ai-/
‘silver ‘liner 資深白髮員工
194.              ‘simmer 文火煮
195.              Sin city 罪惡之都
196.              a single mom, ... 身為一個單親媽媽
single origin 單一產區巧克力
A single philosophy with a singular goal. 單一的哲學, 唯一的目標.
197.              live on single-sex floor 住在單親宿舍
198.              one with ‘sinister in’tentions 企圖不軌者
take on a more ‘sinister tone 任務變調了
199.              ‘sinusoid [] 正弦; sinusoidal (a.) 正弦曲線的
200.              ‘siphon(s) 蚌類斧足
201.              The siren sounded. 汽車警報器響了.
fire-dancing ‘sirens 跳火舞女妖
202.              I'm sitting on my ass. 我閒得發慌. (from "Winds
of September" 九降風 subtitle)
sit … right in 剛好放進去
in one sitting 一餐之中
like sitting ducks 坐以待斃
203.              situation critical 十萬火急
204.             six-seeds 雜糧麵包
205.              Six'es and Nines! 六點九點鐘方向!
206.              The ship will be sized-up to 5 days. 將被試航五天
People sizes you up. [洛杉磯的人]打量你的尺寸.
Let me size up the meat. “一下這塊肉.
Show up at the expo to size up the latest trend. 去展覽與時俱進最新款式.
with size 4 times of Denmark 丹麥四倍大的面積
They are sizing up if the tree is good enough. 他們開始打量這個樹好不好用.
Let’s have it sized-up. 我們來量一量它的大小.
207.              The chain reaction sizzles out. 瓦解.
       go sizzling to the table 吱吱作響地端上桌 [Jamie
208.              To skew this on the ‘skewer 把肉串串上鋼條
       lamb skewers 烤羊肉架
209.              skid 打滑; 滑行
He is on skid roll. 窮途末路
I skidded the rice into the rice-cooker. 我把米快速倒入       飯鍋裡去.
210.              Skiers Olympus Mars “水星最高峰奧林帕斯山滑雪剛
211.              skim 勺掉湯上浮油
212.              skin friction 表面摩擦力
213.              Damned skippy. [美南俗] 帥阿. 緊繃的
214.              skit 諷刺文, 小喜劇; 捏造, 杜撰
215.              Maddy is a little bit skittish. 膽小如鼠的
216.              skort 褲裙 (skirt + shorts)
217.              skull-dragging 顱骨拖行
218.              Adu Jabar ‘Skyhook 賈霸天鉤
219.              slab 石板
220.             slacker 懶惰蟲
too slack 太鬆了
Don’t get slack. 偷懶
221.              The girl was slamming. 好辣
This thing’s gonna be a slamdunk. 絕對夠嗆.
222.              slap everybody back into reality 把每一個人打回現實
223.              Slasher movie 恐怖片
224.              sleek 圓滑的; 時髦的; 簡潔的
225.              soft sleepers 軟鋪
hard sleepes 硬舖
226.              sleeveless blouse 無袖女上衣
227.              sleight of hand [magic] 手部極快速令人混淆的技巧;
sleight 源自古挪威語 Norse: cunning, cleverness, slyness 狡猾 /slait/
228.              slice through tissue 切開肉組織
229.              slide-out 外拉式
230.              I feel slighted. 我被看扁了.
My achievements are slight. (Obama) 我的成就很少.
A slight of hand. 高明的手法.
231.              The chances appeared slim. 機會不大.
232.              slime 黏稠稠物; []鼻涕糊
233.              ‘slingback 露後跟涼鞋/高跟鞋
234.              The stray dog slinked around the corner lest he be
spotted. 那流浪狗訕訕然地繞遠路走免得被發現.
235.              slip noose 活繩
We slipped out. 我們溜走.
236.              slither (v.) 連走帶跑地滑行
237.              sloppiness 拉塌
238.              slot 出孔; 出口 [] 妓女
239.              They’re slowing down. 已經慢下來.
240.              slug 蛞蝓
241.              slump 低潮
242.              slurp (n.) 用力吸食(麵條)
243.              ‘atom smasher 原子衝撞機
‘hedron co’llider 大型強子對撞機
244.              smears 髒污物
245.              smelly 臭的
       aro’matic 香的
246.              smidge 一些些
247.              smoking gun 元兇
248.              as dark and smoky as possible 越黑越霧濛濛越好
249.              smooth and effortless 毫不費力地
I’m so smooth. 我演得好自然.
250.              SMS: Short Message Service 簡訊服務
251.              smudge 一小塊汙點痕跡
252.              snag 障礙; 暗樁
253.              snake charmers 弄蛇人
       make a snake (maneuver) S
254.              Snap! ! Going to snap on impact 一撞就會折斷
She snaps. 一觸及發.
Oh snap. 討厭.
to snap a few photos 稍微拍幾張照片
Snap out of it. 夠了喔.
His fangs snap forward like a switch blade. 毒牙像彈簧刀一樣彈出來.
255.             snapper 鯛魚
256.              a bit snappy 易怒的
257.              snare 套索
258.              snarling 疵牙裂嘴;
259.              snatch 偷取
260.              You sneaked up on me! [Guarding Tess] 你偷襲我!
sneakers 膠底運動鞋
261.              Did granny snore? 奶奶會打鼾嗎?
262.              snout (犬科)吻部
263.              snow-cone maker 挫冰機
264.              Getting kind of snug here. 有一點ㄦ.
265.              Yes. Very much so. 是這樣沒錯.
So much so, that … 如此規模, 以致於
266.             Sober up! 清醒一下!
267.             Chinese soft-shell turtle
268.             soi’ree [F.] 酒會, 社交聚會
269.             ‘socialite (n.) 社交名流積極活動份子
270.              ‘softies 軟腳蝦
271.              solar panel 太陽能板
272.              soldier beetle 菊虎
273.              I finally find someone solid. 終於找到可靠之人
All solid. 完全沒空.
‘solid slab 實心板
Jason is solid. Jason OK.
We got a pretty solid chance. 我們應該有很好的機會.
274.              ‘soloist 獨奏家
275.              summer ‘solstice 夏至 (Jun. 22nd)
winter ‘solstice 冬至 (Dec. 22nd)
spring ‘equinox 春分 (Mar. 21st)
autumn ‘equinox 秋分 (Sep. 22nd)
276.              Final Solution [II] “猶太人問題最終解決方案
277.              a complete ‘somersault 大筋斗
278.              sommeli’er [F.] 酒侍
279.              New ‘Songdo City 松島市
280.              We pledged our so’rority together. 我們是換帖姊妹淘.
281.              I stuck out like a sore thumb. 我看起來十特殊.
gonna stick out like a sore of the thumb 像疼的手指一樣明顯
282.              ‘sorghum /-gəm/ 高粱
283.              the Soros 223個月就重現一次的日()蝕現象
284.              had sorted out the less … ones 已經淘汰掉
Let’s sort it out. 把話講清楚.
285.              ‘Sotheby 蘇士比
286.              Sound Off! [] 報數! [Yours, Mine, & Ours 親戚麥計
287.              Sounds picturesque. 還不錯嘛.
288.              sour doughs 酸麵包團
289.             Sous chef 二廚
290.              souse 醃貨 /-au-/
291.              ‘Southeby 蘇士比(拍賣市場)
‘Forbes 富比士雜誌
292.              Southern Cross High 南橫公路
293.             ‘southwesterly 西南風
294.             soy nuts 大豆仁
295.             space out 放空
[abscent-mindedly forget to do something; spacing something out is like blowing it off, but is less intentional]心不在焉地忘卻做事情; 但是不是故意
296.              Ice cream spade 冰淇淋
297.              spa’ghetti strap 超細肩帶
298.              span the length of 2 stadiums 超過兩個運動場長
in a 24 hour span 一天之內
299.              On land, life is sparce. 陸地上, 生命很寂寥.
It was very sparce. 哪裡很空曠.
300.             spare bedroom 客房
301.              sparkling water ; soda water 蘇打水
302.              SPARQ 體能訓練法: [speed power agility reaction
303.              A tiny spash of water 小撮的水
304.              state of spasm 痙攣的狀態
305.              spawn 產卵
306.             spaying 雌性結紮
‘neutering 雄性結紮
She is unspayed. 還沒結紮
307.             Speak of the devils. 說曹操, 曹操到.
That speaks to their prowess. 說明了他們武力的強大.
308.              speaker 車內喇叭
309.              Spechelle 美國女子名
310.              Special presidential fund 總統特別費
       house specialties 招牌菜
311.              A lot of speculations going around. 大家都在亂猜.
312.              ‘speechwriters 文膽
313.              at the speed of sound 以音速
to speed things up 更快一點
314.              Just a dizzy spell. 有點兒暈而已. [Wings of the Dove
315.              to spice up tourism 宣揚
To spice things up 增點趣味
If you want to spice it up 想再辣一點的話
316.             spike strip 刺網
317.             Their stomach spill over with prey. (鯰魚)嘴裡的東西
318.              spin doctor [= spin meister = spin master] 操作形
319.             spire 撈網; 錐形體 /-aī-/
320.              It’s very spirited. 有精神.
321.              white dental spit sink 白色牙科涑口盆
He was not spit shine. 他不是所謂的光鮮亮麗.
322.              Spitfire [英人R.J. Mitchell研發]英軍二戰時最佳戰機
323.              a spite to … 否決, 被唾棄, 被怨恨
Hitler vented his spite against the Jews. 怨恨出在猶太人身上
324.              It's splashy. 愛現
325.              blood splatter 濺血
326.              split [dance] 劈腿
… split his times between A and B 蠟燭兩頭燒
in a split second 轉瞬間
splitting arrow 射穿箭頭
I’m ready to split. 我打算閃人
327.             spoil 廢土
328.              spoils 戰利品
329.              spontaneous human combustion 自焚
330.              spore 孢子
331.              sports diver 業餘潛水家
332.             spots trouble from the horizon 嗅到風向不對
333.             spotter 觀測機
334.             sprawl 延伸
335.              bed spread 床罩
The model will get a fashion spread on the fashion magazine. 模特兒將得到時尚雜誌的跨頁廣告
336.              he Finnish Gunman School Killing Spree 芬蘭校
337.              spring ‘onion 青蔥 (scallion)
338.              ‘springboard 跳板
339.              ‘springbuck 跳羚
340.              sprinkle system 灑水系統
341.              to run the 100 M sprint 跑百米賽的話
342.              buildings sprout up 雨後春筍的建築物
343.              ‘spudnut 馬鈴薯圈餅
344.              a spurt of joy 湧現的歡樂
345.              My steam iron ‘sputtered. 我的蒸氣熨斗噴水.
346.              ‘squabble 口角; 為瑣事爭吵
347.              squad 【軍】班; 小隊,小組
348.              ‘squadron 中隊,
349.              square 廣場; 方正的; []平方
       watt per square millimeter 每平方厘米瓦特數
350.              squash 小南瓜; 果汁汽水
351.              It’s a really tight squeeze. 真的很窄
352.              They squirm in your mouth. 在嘴中蠕動
353.             get squished 被壓扁
354.              Wren’s St. Paul’s Cathedral 世界第二大倫敦聖保羅大
355.              stabbing spree 刺人事件
a stab in the back 暗箭傷人
356.              stable 力士之部屋
357.              Stace 史黛西
358.              Stacy London (Fashionably Late越夜越時尚主持人)
359.              Staff ‘captain 安全士官
360.              He even has his stag night there. 最後單身派對
stag beetle 鍬形蟲
361.              The clip is a total stage. 影片完全造假.
362.              They were ‘staggered. 目瞪口呆
363.             Water began ‘stagnant. 停滯發臭的
364.              high–stakes business 高風險生意
       the stakes are high 很危險
       You eat at your own stake. 你自己食物的風險自負.
365.              break their ‘stalemate 打破對峙僵局
366.              ‘Stalingrad 史達林格勒
367.              stalk
368.             stall 攤販
keep the plane from stalling 免得失速
369.             ‘stamina 毅力; 韌性; 雄蕊 (單數: stamen)
370.             Stand by, and three, two, one! 預備, !
standing army 常備軍
China’s new standing committee 中國新一代常委
stand-alone system獨立系統
   stand-alone terminal
Stand Aside 閃邊 [船名]
I should stand on my toes. 罩子放亮點.
371.              stand-out piece 特別出色的設計
372.              from the ‘standpoint of … 的立場來看
373.             stand-up 單人演出方式的
stand-up comedian 相聲演員
374.             star-gazers 追星族
375.              ‘staredowns 大眼瞪小眼
376.              I would like to start with Terry. terry 開始.
Don't start with me. 別鬧我了.
377.              to starve them out 把他們活活餓死
378.              Hitler had stashed treasures for himself. 藏匿; 儲藏
379.              cricket stas’tician 板球記分員
380.              What’s the status? 現在什麼狀況?
381.              to stay on to solve the problem. 繼續不斷
382.              steals the show. 全場的焦點
383.              He is steaming mad. 他氣瘋了.
steamed pork buns 肉包
steamed rice cake 蒸年糕
Chinese steamer 蒸籠
384.              steel rod 鋼條
385.              ‘stegadon 巨齒蜥
386.              stench (n) (v) 惡臭; 散發惡臭
387.              stencil 模板
388.              step up 站出來
       Its (N) is a step up than the … 更勝一籌.
389.              sterling silver 純銀
390.              stern (a.) 嚴厲的 (n.) 船尾, 末端
391.              Aunt Gloria on ‘steroids. 服用類固醇的葛洛莉姑
392.              Stick with me. 跟著我
You stick me up. 你陷害我.
sticking out my tongue 伸出舌頭
sticking out my chest 抬頭挺胸
393.              I was scared stiff of it. 嚇呆了
394.             ‘stigmatized 被侮辱; 被指稱; 有聖傷痕; 被處罰
395.             sti’letto heels [It.]直徑小於1cm之細跟高跟鞋
396.              ‘stingray 魟魚
397.              stirred-fry
stirred-fried rice 炒飯
sau’te /-‘tε/
398.              endless ‘stockpiles of bullets strapped to it 數不清的子
399.             stock car race 改裝車競速賽
400.              ‘stockpile room 庫存室
401.              stone-cold sober 完全清醒
stone-wash 石洗(牛仔褲)
402.              3 stooges 三個笨蛋 /-u-/
403.              We need to stop this downward spiral. 必須立刻
Stop and smell the roses. 偷得浮生半日閑.
stop short 使震驚
Stop station master 停靠站站長
Oh, stop. 請不要再說了. (被稱讚時謙虛之詞)
stop gap 墊檔
404.              stored away for future campaigns 以備將來之用
405.              storm troopers 衝鋒隊
406.              story tellers 說書人
407.              Straße [G.] /-sә/
408.              Stradi’vari 名小提琴
409.              straight jacket 精神病患縛衣
Straight at him. 射中他. 丟中他.
We’re going 400 meters straight up. 上升四百公尺.
straight as an arrow 筆直地
410.              He is carrying both strains. 他攜帶兩個毒菌種.
[危機總動員 Outbreak]
a mental strain 精神壓力
411.             strainer 濾網
412.              straining with their eyes 努力張眼望
413.              whales stranding 擱淺的鯨魚
414.              The ‘lifeline of the British Army is strangled. 英軍的生
415.              strapless top 無肩帶上衣
a GPS beacon strapped to one’s waist 腰部綁著GPS
‘strap-on (‘dildo) 女同性戀人工陰莖的束帶
416.              strategic bombing 目標式轟炸
417.              ‘stratosphere 同溫層; 平流層
418.             Straw ‘mattresses 榻榻米
419.              stray bullet 流彈
420.             Lin-ing Streak 林氏連勝法
421.             street stall 路邊攤
422.              It isn’t his strength, 強項
423.              I’m stressed out. 我筋疲力竭了.
Someone’s seriously stressed. 有人在生氣囉~
under extremely stressful conditions 高度壓力之下
424.              stretch 加長型limo
~ satin 彈性緞面衣料
~ marks 妊娠紋
425.              strewn with pebbles 佈滿鵝卵石
426.              Be strict to those who are close to you; otherwise
to those that are not. 嚴以律己, 寬以待人
His father was strict with him. 他爸爸管他很嚴.
I am strict on the kids. 我對這些(相撲小力士)很嚴.
427.             I had a string of them. 我有一大堆.
428.             ‘stringent 銀根緊的, 迫切的
429.              They’ll give me a ‘strip-search. 裸體搜身
430.              2 strokes 二行程;  4 strokes 四行程
stroking the cat 撫摸那頭貓
431.              The street is now 1 million people strong. 街道已經有       一百萬的人潮.
432.              Stuck with it. 套牢了.
433.              ‘studio 畫室
434.              stuffing 鑲餡
435.              stupa [Laos.]大佛塔
436.             white ‘sturgeon 白鱘龍魚
roe; caviar 的原料
437.              fashion stylist 時尚專家
438.              ‘styrofoam 保麗龍
439.              ‘subadult 亞成()
440.              Sub’due me. 有辦法就讓我心服口服. 打倒我阿.
sub’duction zone 隱沒
441.              former Lehman Bro. CEO subpoenaed 被傳拘票
442.              sub’servient 奉承的, 卑屈的, 充當下手的
443.              The hormone subsided. 降低了
444.              subs’pecies 亞種
445.              2-hours’ drive, very substantial. 兩小時的路, 充實的
446.             ‘subterfuge 藉口,託詞
447.              It’s a subtle organization. 低調的組織
448.              sub’tropical zone 亞熱帶
‘tropical zone 熱帶
449.              Even suc’cumb to these ruthless swamps. 屈服於這窮
Finally he su’ccumbs. 最後他屈服了.
450.              Such were the times where… 這是一個的時代.
451.              suckas 爛貨
I just sucked it up. 忍受下來
452.             Suckers! 遜掉! [] 胭脂魚
453.             sucker-mom 師奶
454.              The elephant calves suckle, then sleep again. 象寶寶醒
來就吃奶, 吃完倒頭又睡.
455.              Sudden death驟死賽 (“Lose one and you are out.”)
456.              suffer 3-digit losses 遭受三個數字的損失
457.              sugar factories 糖廠
Some sugars? 要些烈酒嗎?
458.              sui’cidal spirit 自殺精神
459.              The suits 西裝族
460.             Sulamith Ish-kishor

       (1896 - 1977): 英國倫敦出生的猶太裔美國女性作家. 年僅十歲開始發表詩作. 舉家搬遷紐約如同小說 Our        Eddie 一般. Hunter College, 讀語言與歷史. 博覽   群籍並開始在 The New Yorker, Saturday Review, and       Reader's Digest發表小品. 包括 Children's History of     Israel The Carpet of Solomon.

461.             sulking 鬧脾氣; 鬱卒
462.              ‘sulphurous 硫磺的
463.              ‘Summit of ‘plummet. 成則王, 敗則寇.
464.              She’s super hot! 超正
465.              su’pplanted by 取代
466.              Supported by concrete only. 只有混凝土支撐.
467.             air su’premacy 制空權
       su’premacy of one race over the other 種族優越感
468.              Su’pressing fire! 壓抑火力!
469.              Sure thing. 不客氣.
470.              ‘surface 上升
dive 下沉
‘surface tension 表面張力
471.              surge 增兵; 激增
472.              China sur’passed US for the first time. 超越
473.              trade ‘surplus 貿易順差
474.              sound su’pressor 滅音器
475.              German army surrendered. 德國士兵投降了.
476.             sur’vival skills 生存技能
477.             Everyone is susceptible. 都可能罹難
478.              Susie & Sam 兩小熊名
479.              The solutions must be both inclusive and sus’tainable.
能操作的; 永續經營的
can’t physically sustain 身體無法為繼
480.              Swallow Grotto Trail 燕子步道
481.              ‘swanky 時髦的, 瀟灑的; 屌的
482.              swarm behavior 群游行為
peris’taltic movement蠕動模式
483.              ‘swastica 納粹黨SS軍萬字章
484.              SWAT team 特警隊 [Special Weapons and Tactics]
485.              sway (v.) (n.) 搖擺
The world is watching closely who in China would hold sway. 全世界都在注目中國最有權力者落在哪裡.
486.              Don't sweat it. 不用怕.
       sweat shop 血汗工廠 (Apple 的中國零件廠商如富
487.              He swept me off my feet. 把我整個迷倒.
488.              Swell! Can't wait. 太棒了, 我等不及了.
489.              swim the same route every year 每年游過相同路徑.
490.              swing states 美國大選時 沒有固定贏面黨的州
Swing it! 大家 high 一點.
She is swinging at me. 她不斷揍我.
491.              swinger’s club 換妻俱樂部
492.              my coffee swirl 咖啡押花
493.              swishy 稀巴爛的
494.              making Swiss Cheese outta their ...把他的...打成蜂窩
495.              Switch off your own light when you go out. 自己的屁股
496.              ‘swivel (v.) 旋轉
497.              GPS is in sync with time.  GPS定位是跟時間同步.
498.              Sorry but I have to ‘synchronize our watches. 抱歉我們
‘synchronized swimmers 水上芭蕾舞者
synchro’nicity 同時性
499.              ‘synchrotron 同步加速器
500.              ‘syndicate 企業財團
The Chinese ‘syndicate 中國集團; 財團; 組織

501.              in syndi’cation 重播

1 則留言:

  1. 結果 老克記錯
    B 的單字
    比 S 還是 T 的 單字 還少
    S 跟 T 的 英文單字 的 數目
    數目字驚人 @@~


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