2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母E篇


1.        E collar []電子項圈
2.        E. coli 大腸桿菌

3.        e-mail 電郵
4.        ECFA/CECA/CEPA: China Economic Partnership Arrangement 兩岸三地經貿協定
5.        ECT 台灣英語網 [English.com.tw]
6.        EKIA: Enemy Killed in Action 敵人在行動中已消滅
7.        Amelia Earhart 艾蜜莉亞. 恩哈特
History’s Secret (2009.12.31) 歷史秘密檔案
POWs 戰犯
during the down time 停役時間
This is where she went down. 失事地點
‘medic 軍醫
Sai’pan 塞班島
There was this one guy who knows demo’lition. 爆破
That’s a big F. 大錯特錯.
be’headed 被斬首
‘Nimitz 尼米茲
an espionage cooked up by CIA and ‘Roosevelt. 一件由CIA與羅斯福策畫的間諜案
take re’connaissance of Marchall Island 勘察, 偵查, 事先考查
who bas been ‘scrutinizing the Earhart mystery all his life
一輩子心血就是解讀所有 Earhart 文獻資料
cracked the case 破案
They match right down to the tear duct. 淚腺管都像
Or is it a sleight of hand? 會不會只是偽裝高手?
margin of error 容錯率
which extends past the corner of her mouth 延伸超過她的嘴角
a ‘castaway 漂流者
“Find me if you can”. 找得到我就來.
The whole fabrication is based on conveniences, not facts.
Which holds up the critical eye? 誰比較能通過檢驗?
She was already an ‘icon. 她早就是全世界的偶像
She blew away the stereotype of what a woman should be. 她與女人的既定形象完全相反.
Her husband was a P.R. machine. 公關機器
Earhart barely cleared the end of the runway. 恩哈特差點飛出跑道.
freckles 雀斑
irre’futable truths 不辯自白的真相
8.        Early on, Da Vinci was seen as the prodigal. 很早以來
9.        earning its keep 免強糊口; 收支平衡
10.   rusty and earthy 粗糙的
11.   ‘easel 畫架
12.   east (a.) 東方的
The cinema is 8 miles east of here. 電影院離東邊還有八哩.
13.   Easter Island 復活島
887 “Ahu” 土著長者木雕像
14.   Eat your heart out. 讓你羨慕死.
Eating out 上館子
Everywhere I eat like a king. 我吃絕不馬虎.
15.   at his ‘easel 畫架
16.   Easy Company 二戰美軍傘兵部隊; E
17.   It repeats the ebb and flow all day. 整天消消長
18.   I heard an echo. Hello?  靜到一個境界.
19.   ec’lat [F.] 輝煌成就或名聲 /-‘la/
20.   ec’lectic 兼容並蓄的; 折衷; 不拘一格的; 多樣化的
21.   Eco Taiwan 環保台灣
shock absorber 避震器
22.   e’conomy car 國民車
23.   I was ecs’tatic. 我樂壞了.
24.   ‘edelweiss [G.] 高山薄雪草
25.   Yamashita had a tactical edge. 山下將軍擁有策略優勢.
The country that has the whole world on edge 令世界坐立難安的
26.   pretty ‘edgy 相當緊張; 新潮時髦
I’m on the ‘edge. 我緊張死了.
You put her on edge. 緊張死了.
27.   to ‘educate farmers on conservation 教育
28.   Eeny, meeny, miny, moe 小孩韓信點兵口訣, 有各種不同拼法各種不同版本
29.   ‘eerie (a.) 詭異的 an ~ funeral procession
‘eerily 詭異地
‘eeriness (n)
30.   education 員工訓練
31.   E’ffective immediately. 立即生效.
32.   went into so much effort 大費周章
33.   effusive 熱情的
34.   egg shape 蛋形
35.   Eight General’s Harmony Dance 跳八家將
36.   ‘Eilmer 義大利親自從25M高的建築自製翅膀飛行200M的僧人
37.   They were eking their way out of the jungle. (to withdraw painstakingly) 從森林千辛萬苦撤出來.
try to eke out a living 勉強挣口飯吃
38.   El Derado [Sp.] The Guilded One; The Golden One 金童
39.   You want me to e’laborate? 還要繼續描述嗎?
40.   When we learnt that the cow had survived the attack, we were e’lated. 雀躍萬分
They were in e’lation. 喜出望外
41.   River Elbe 源起捷克的中歐大河--易北河; 東德西德界河
42.   make them elbow their way through the sand 讓他們在沙地上匍伏前進
43.   Elbulli 鬥牛犬餐廳
44.   e’lectoral count 選票計數; 選情報導
re-e’lection 連任
a very sub’dued crowd 十分沉默的群眾
backlashes against backlashes 兩黨陣營流言盡出
swing state 搖擺州
‘teetering on a fiscal cliff 危危顫顫行駛於財政懸崖
45.   e’lectric ‘cuttery 電燒刀
electric eel 電鰻
e’lectric storm 電暴
46.   electro’cution 觸電
e’lectrocuting 令人觸電的
47.   electro-fishing 電魚法
48.   elec’trolysis 電解
49.   electronics 電子技工
50.   electro’static 靜電的
51.   e’liminated 被消滅的
to e’liminate the drag 減低阻力
52.   e’lixir 不老長生藥; 靈丹妙藥; 聖水
53.   ‘elongating 變長
Papillon’s limb is ‘elongated. 修長的
54.   Or else. 不然的話.
55.   em’bankment 築堤
56.   Ready to embark on a sailing ship? 準備好搭船出海了嗎?
57.   em’bedded in 嵌在
58.   em’bellishment 發揮; 裝飾品
59.   ‘ember 灰燼
60.   The Nazi ‘emblem, swastika, flies over Paris. 納粹象徵, 納粹黨徽,在巴黎市飄揚.
61.   It embodies the Indiana Jones spirit. 具體化了
62.   It has em’bossed words. 有浮雕的字體.
63.   second cub emerges to suckle 第二隻小獅子也來吃奶了
64.   ‘eminent 卓越的
65.   carbon e’missions 碳排放
66.   Emma 艾瑪姑娘要出嫁

       Jane Austen . 奧斯汀
       Hartfield 哈特菲爾德
       Knightley [by Jeremy Northam] 奈特利
       Mr. Elton 艾爾頓先生
       Harriet Smith 哈里葉特. 史密斯
       Jane Fairfax . 菲爾法克斯
       Robert Martin 羅伯特. 馬丁
       Frank Churchchill 法蘭克. 邱吉爾
       You are overqualified. 我請不起妳.
       There in no inducement. 沒有理由.
       We all concur that… 大家應該都不反對
       He is so obliging. 好熱心
       In Order of Appearance 按出場序
67.   You are making me emotional. 害我很激動.
68.   EMP 電磁脈衝
69.   He’s an empty uniform. 他根本不算軍人.
70.   No one has ever ‘emulated Da Vinci’s layer-after-layer painting technique. 沒有人跟達文西拼過這種塗了又塗的畫畫技術.
71.   En route they will discover … 在途中他們將發現
He is en route from A to B. 他正從AB途中.
72.   e’namel 琺瑯; 磄瓷
73.   en’bankment 土堤
74.   They are en’circled. 被包圍了.
75.   ‘enclave 一國之內的另一國屬地; 飛地 /’-/; 國際村
Macau, once Hong Kong’s rich enclave, is now an internationally renowned resort.
76.   Dangerous Encounters 遇見蛇王
King cobra 眼鏡王蛇
Spitting cobra 吐口水眼鏡蛇
Inland Taipan 內陸太攀蛇(最毒)
Russell’s Viper 盧氏蝮蛇(咬死數最多)
Fer de Lance 矛頭蛇
Rock python 非洲岩蟒(100顆尖牙)
When dangerous snakes come to mind 說到致命蛇種
I have a hunch where I should start looking for it. 我有該上哪裏找的預感.
He’s pulling out my grip. 要掙脫了!
Here’s how. 請看影片.
Africa’s Black Mamba 非洲黑曼巴蛇
‘elongated 瘦長形
77.   encrusted with corals 覆滿了珊瑚的
78.   with rye grainy on the back end 吃起來有裸麥的後勁
79.   After endoctri’nation, raciam is ‘rampant among the German soldiers. 教條洗禮之後, 德國年輕士兵洋溢種族歧視主義.
80.   Enemy of the State (1998) 全民公敵

campaign contribution 政治獻金
Will Smith + Genen Hackman + Jon Voigt 威爾史密斯+珍哈克曼+強沃特
Hitler bonkers 希特勒色情錄影帶
plate 車牌
brown & tan 深棕色
falsify ... 偽造...
Do chics dig longeries? 女人喜歡內衣嗎?
surveillance of society 監聽大眾
look stupid 出洋相
who bangs who 誰跟誰上床
who gets stoned 誰磕藥
we can't find a common ground 無法達成共識
weirdo 怪咖
maybe i should runt this tape to... 說不定我該放給...
we got a blue overcoat heading east 藍長外套往東
‘Syracuse 紐約州西拉鳩斯市
a guy monitoring migratory patterns of the Canadian geese 長期追蹤加拿大野雁候鳥型態的傢伙
2 electronic capabilities and 2 humpty dumpties (需要)兩個駭客跟兩個探員
he deversed it and if you would excuse me 恕我冒昧, 他是活該.
you're not going to believe what i have in my possession 你絕對不會相信我手裏有什麼
he is professionally wasted by a serious vitamin B deficiency 他被一個看起來嚴重缺乏維它命B 的職業殺手做掉了
'Ts already done. 沒問題
Get out of town. 走開.
Copy that. 收到
A guy that biked got craned. 單車騎士被撞
I miss you deep. 想念妳
homeless 流浪狗
Daniel Zabbits 齊比才
Pretty much in front of my eyes. 究在我面前
We're running comprehensive database search. 我們正緊急深度搜尋資料庫中.
prono rentals 租過的 A
spray paint 噴漆
i don't need blow over 不需要避風頭
i'm smeared. 我被抹黑
for those uninitiated 對付新鳥
slur for scheisler 猶太人的蔑稱
egg plant 黑人蔑稱
What makes you think it's you? 你怎麼會認為是你?
bug sweeper 反竊聽器
extortion game 恐嚇
74 degrees 10 minutes 74 10
by messengers 用快遞
like talk you for a second 可以見一下面嗎
we can all sort it out 都可以解決
Stand down! 小心露餡!
We need SAT backup now. 要衛星備份.
This is DC tunnel patrol. 這是華府隧道巡警.
Where does that lead? 通哪?
adjacent utility 附近設施
Normally i wouldn't do this. 通常我不這樣做.
None of them checked out. 沒一個符合.
drapes 窗簾
Nanny is leaving. Please advise. 保母走了. 請問下一步.
Stay put. 稍安勿燥.
Face forward! 向前看!
If i put my foot down, that's it. 我說什麼就是什麼.
house surveillance 居家監測
just for party animals 果然是奇門遁甲
I was a former conspirer. 我是始作俑者
senior citizens 年長者
Say hi to Bill. 這是比爾
Get one channel and stay with it. 選好就別再轉了
legit op 合法行動
They are stalling. 在拖延
standard training op 標準訓練程序
Urrrrh. You gotta tan a little bit of those things. ~ 你得把那雙腿多曬曬.
81.   Engineering Materpieces
Chief-Corporate Engineer 總工程師
Ali Isygonia
John Cooper
Mini Cooper
‘Rally Driver 拉力賽參賽者
The whole country is getting a face lift. 全都在改頭換面.
Re’lay stations 中繼站
Cords 燈蕊絨做的衣物
‘Conjure you up the past. 讓你不禁緬懷過去.
       They think it was over.  It is now.
Mary Guan 關瑪莉 (70年代明星)
       Blue Nun 藍仙姑
       trap door 活門
       re’volving dining room 旋轉餐廳
       ‘Leyland 禮蘭汽車
82.   Johnny English凸鎚特派員
83.   en’graved on your mind 烙印在腦海
84.   The duck in now totally en’gulfed. 完全被含住了.
85.   Enjoy (it)! 請慢慢享用!
86.   En’tebbe 恩德比機場搶救人質事件
‘convoy 護送隊伍
He e’xudes courage. 英勇雄姿風發
make a dash toward… 狂奔
‘detonated 引爆
Amin had changed his a’llegiance. 阿敏已經換盟友.
The sound re’verberates. 回盪
The plan is in tatters. 毀了
‘knowledgeable 有學問的
‘musket 毛瑟槍
My training was extensive. 我受過完整的訓練.
‘squalid 骯髒的
87.   Edward was so en’ticing that it drew people’s attention to the window. 愛德華非常引人注目 , 以至於人們開始注意到窗戶
88.   Stalin likes to keep his entou’rage guessing, which appeals to his vanity and his pervert sense of humor. 喜歡讓他的隨從不斷猜測, 以滿足他的虛榮心和變態的幽默感. 親信
89.   en‘velop (v.) 包括
The priest believed that he was enveloped with God’s miracle and mercy. 那牧師深信自己被上帝的奇蹟與恩典包圍.
90.   I don’t want to push the ‘envelope too far. 我不想逼得太超過.
91.   I don’t enjoy any of them. 我ㄧ個都不喜歡.
Enjoy the water. 玩水愉快.
92.   the e’normity of it 整個事件
93.   It’s a war designed to enslave, or exterminate. 奴役, 消滅的戰爭
94.   en’snared by blood feuds 被世仇籠罩
95.   Enters XXX. XXX 出現了.
96.   enterprising 積極進取的
97.   (Churchill to Percival): No thought of surrender should be entertained… 投降一事, 想都別想.
98.   en’thralled 被迷住
Hitler enthralled all his generals. 使所有的將軍對他神往.
99.   en’thronement 即位; 登基大典
100.              I’m not en’thused by 並不感到特別有趣
101.              en’ticed into 慫恿
102.             The queen was en’tombed. 下葬, 成為的墳墓
103.             ento’mologist 昆蟲學家
104.              deeply en’treched into your work 專心在妳的工作裡
105.             We are en’veloped by dust. 全部被沙覆蓋.
106.             pushing the ‘envelopes of sub technology 潛水艇的外      型科技的進步
       I try to push my own ‘envelope. 盡了最大的努力.
107.             environ’mentalist 環保學家
108.             to en’vision 想像
109.             ‘enzyme 酵素 /-aim/
110.               EO4 Lin Teacher! 林書豪你好棒! (利用電腦注音輸入法之對應鍵盤描寫台灣青少年次文化之球迷創意; “ㄍㄢˋ ㄌㄧㄣˊ老師意旨青少年間彼此極度熟識的寒暄語,詞彙強度接近國罵,當天出現在CNN新聞的台灣球迷利用林書豪的林以及台語的你們的詞彙剛好諧音,彰顯出說者與聽者血脈同源.)
111.              countless ‘eons 幾千萬年
       for eons 亙古以來
112.             e’phemeral 短暫的
113.              their epic migration 壯麗的遷徙
       epic-making 創舉的
       ‘epicenter 震央, 中心, 集中點
114.              E equals MC square. E等於MC平方.
115.              in the name of liberty and equality 以自由平等之名
116.             I couldn’t e’quate any of the rape. 無法正確以文字表
117.             e’questrian 騎師
118.             ‘equity 正義; 公理; []股票分紅
The company awards its employees with ‘equities. 該公司用股票獎勵員工.
119.             It’s the Russian equivalent of German Gu’derian. 等於
是德國 Guderian 俄國版.
Me’chanical Equivalent of Heat 動質變換定律
120.             e’rector [] 豎立肌
121.             E’rectus 直立人
122.             ergo’nomics 人體工學
123.              e’rroneous instructions 錯誤的指示
124.              volcano e’ruptions 火山爆發
125.              Esperanto 無國界世界語
126.              ‘espionage war 諜報戰
127.              The establishment: those who are in the political arena
at the moment 當權派
128.             es’tate 地產
real es’tate 房地產
‘realtor 房地產經紀人
129.              ET (Energy Technology) 能源科技
130.              etching 銅版畫
131.              ‘ethene ;kklr;kdot1;ke1;koe;ki;kn;kkrl  (n.)【化】乙烯
e’thereal ;kklr;ke1;kdot1;koe;ki;kr;kii;kce;kl;kkrl 如空氣般輕的;飄逸的;精緻的
e’thereal music
She has an e’thereal beauty.
132.              very low ‘ethical standard 低道德標準
133.              eu’phoria (短期)極度愉快; 極度興奮; 極樂世界
134.              to ‘euthanize the entire population 全部安樂死
eutha’nasia 安樂死 (mercy killing)
135.              Eva Braun 希特勒情婦
136.              evacu’ation 搬空
137.              evangelical 福音教派
138.              even numbered plate vehicles 雙號車牌
139.              event planner 晚宴設計師
13th in 25 events 二十五場比賽排名世界13
140.             Everyday Exotic
‘panko [J.] 麵衣
sch’nitzel 炸豬排
shallow fry
plastic wrap 保鮮膜
‘sinew 筋腱
Cauliflower is a great vessel for flavor.
4 cloves of a garlic bulb 蒜球的四瓣
‘cumin 小茴香
chick peas 藜豆
dry white wine 不甜的白酒
You’re off to the races. 心滿意足.
I often have chicken stock on hand. 隨時隨地
141.             ‘everyday hero 平民英雄
142.             Theory of Everything 萬有定理
143.              He must e’vict the caved bears. 使遷移
e’viction notice 移師通知; 驅逐; 逐出
144.              ‘evildoer 壞人
‘wrongdoer 惡人
145.              Sex, the most powerful in evolution. 演化時最強的是
146.              ewe 母羊
147.              ex-‘marital relationships 前婚姻關係
148.              to the exasperation of his mother 令他媽媽活活氣死
149.              Sir Bedivere Cast the Sword Excalibur into the Water.
150.             That’s a little bit excessive. 有點過分.
151.              executive officer 副連長
152.              This is an ‘exercise. 演習
153.              Ex’hibit A: A 展示品
154.              ex’humed from the grave 從墳墓裡挖出來
155.             E’xotic weapons 奇門遁甲
Double mallots 雙槌
Rope dart 繩鏢
156.              expands 3 to 4 times 拓展了三至四倍
ex’pansion joints 伸縮縫
157.              Many political leaders ex’patriate from fatherlands.
158.              expect to have a worldwide economic slump 預期將有
I wasn't expecting that. 我沒做這樣的預測.
159.             in case somebody might have a laugh at my expense
160.             experimental reactor 實驗反應爐
161.             ‘expiated only through prayer 才能免除
162.             Where our exploration ends, yours begins. 我們的探
險結束, 您與您的愛車的探險才要開始.
163.             His popularity grew expo’nentially. 以倍數成長
164.             ‘expos 展場
165.             It’s an expo’nential question. 無解的問題. [] 指數的
(越多的燃料才能推進越大的火箭; 越大的火箭會消耗越多的燃料, etc.)
It’s growing expo’nentially. 它已經蔓延到無邊無際.
The science of DNA has developped exponentially. DNA科技的進展, 一日千里.
166.             ex’pounded the scrolls [耶穌]闡說經軸
167.             It cannot ex’punge the history. 無法刪去歷史
168.             ‘exquisite 高檔的
169.              extended out of a 10 by 10 inch hole 從一個十寸開方
Cat’s paws retract and extend. 能伸能縮
170.              just to see how ex’tensive the surgery has been 只是看
171.              go to the ex’tent that… 大費周章; 甚至到
172.              ex’ternal fertili’zation 體外受精
173.             ex’tortions 勒索; 敲詐
You paid your extortions? 付保護費了?
He faces trial on extortion charges. 他將因被指控敲詐
174.              use salt to ex’tract water 排出
175.              He was ‘extradited back to Taiwan. 引渡回台 /-ai-/
176.              ex’trapolating 推斷的, 展開來說
177.              Extrater’restrial: Blue Moon 天體之外: 藍天
It is clothed with oceans and continents. 上有海洋大陸的覆蓋.
Cygnus constellations 天鵝座
common configuration 常見結構
178.              e’xuberance 生氣勃勃; 繁茂; 豐富; 充溢
e’xuberant 活力旺盛的
179.              e’xude 散發出氣味
… e’xudes a substance 分泌
180.              eye drops 眼藥水
eye sore 醜八怪; 眼中釘
181.              eyeball to eyeball 近身肉搏戰
182.              ‘eyeliner 眼線筆
183.              ‘eye-opener 令人大開眼界的東西
184.              It’s an incident I never thought one day I’ll be an
‘eyewitness to. 我從沒想過我會有一天成為這種事件       的目擊者.
It’s almost an ‘eyewitness account. 幾乎是目擊者的親

185.              Ezra 埃斯拉



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