2013年9月30日 星期一

2013.9.30. 克萊兒說文法部落格新生報到使用手則

我是老克 ^^"

由於這個部落格建置十分之倉促 @@

也由於許多很棒的同學 由於看到老克實在太忙
紛紛從自己職業的崗位 下班 直接投入幫忙

在出版業已經很忙的 黑手大大
黑手大大的很棒的 partner Jackie Su
南山人壽已經很忙的 林騰鑫
馬里蘭奔走美國最厲害的醫學院已經分身乏術的 Rollie Rollie
林口經營工廠已經忙到不知今夕何年的 Armi Yang
中和幫忙家裏工廠送貨已經忙到不知道自己究竟有沒有結婚的 Ronnie Wu


英文達人級數的 >>>>>>>>>>> 請點:  "字典"
英文凡人級數的 XD >>>>>>>> 請點:  "老克答客問"
英文白癡級數的 XDDDDDD>>> 請點:: "三分鐘影音"
環宇廣播電台 找到這裏來的聽眾 > 請點:  "環宇播報稿"

還有問題的話 歡迎在此地留言

到 fb 克萊兒說文法(不公開社團)

我們是一個 完全還沒有任何辦法營利的單位 XDDDDDDDDD
大家都是 快樂的義工
老克 就是 帶頭的那一個
很歡迎您的加入 ^^b

2013.9.29. 答 吳有義同學提問 "音節用甚麼來分"?

大家好 ^^

不是用字母的 a e i o u 的 個數來分
也不是 用KK音標的 母音數量來分
也不是 用紙本版的字典的 單字 印刷時的 中間的 點點 來分
如果是那樣分的話 有義就不會猜錯 caviar 的 音節數了 lol


幾個KK母音的 "單位" 來分

Q: 請問 KK母音裏面 到底 分成幾個單位?

A: 總共分成 14種單母音的 單位
    以及 3種 雙母音的 單位
    總計 共有 17種 完全不一樣的 單位

    只要 聽到了 17種單位 其中一種 就算是 "一個" 音節了


    caviar (n.) 魚子醬

    ar 這三節

    因為 遇到一個 單位 就算一個音節
    第一節的 /k/ 要一直發到 /æ/ 才有一節
   /v/ 要一直發到 /ī/ 才有一節
   /a/ 要一直到發完 /r/ 才算把所有的聲音都有了單位


  一個音節 只有一個母音
  母音前面 可能多到三個子音
  母音後面 可能多到四個子音
  也可能都沒有 只有母音

  以單音節 glimpsed 這個字為例:

  母音 /ī/ 的前面 有兩個子音 後面 多達四個子音 但是 它因為只有一個母音 就是 一個音節

  這樣 大家都懂意思了嗎

2013年9月28日 星期六

2013.9.28. 答 吳佳憲 "我的英文好爛" 提問 XD

佳憲好 借老克拿你的名字小題大作一下ㄛ XD *********************************************************************************


老克 是 KK old school 派




是 無法 像高手一般 快速背單字的
高手們 不是背一個單字的

高手 是 背 重音節 那一個母音
搭配 自然發音那樣的 鬆散的學問


有辦法 懂 嗎


2013年9月27日 星期五

2013.9.27. 答米其伶同學: "我想要很快可以開口說英語"

 1. Combine both kinds of flour in a mixing bowl.
 2. Whist the flour with sugar, salt and egg yolk.
 3. Gradually stir in water to combine.
 4. Add clear limestone liquid.
 5. Sir to mix well and no lump remains.
 6. Let stand for 10 minutes.


米其伶 老克發現 要教你懂這面六句


 1. 能從電腦字典的資料 有辦法自己讀 每一個單字的 正確的讀法

 2. 單字 都 正確了 還需要 把 單字 跟 但 單字 中間的 縫隙 能夠 填補起來 (稱為 "連音")

 3. 光是這個工程 需要 耗掉一個 真的真的 非常喜歡英文 的 人 至少 一個月 的 時間 才有 老克         這一型的人 的 實力 的 1/100000000


 好啦 我開玩笑的 我意思是 有那麼簡單 那 像老克這種 無時不刻 是在聽CNN的人 請問 我們           是 傻子 嗎 =OO=


其伶 我等你像金良一 樣 用20秒 自拍17個 克網十七個母音 的 連發
沒有上面的動作 下面的動作 完全 都不需要 開始 因為 沒有 用

2013年9月25日 星期三





  1. 「克萊兒說文法」:困難文法簡單教!老克把文法分門別類,讓你簡單搜尋。
  2. 「老克答客問」:老克回答各大英文提問網站的問題,解決你學習英文的疑難雜症!
  3. 「三分鐘影音」:每天花三分鐘,老克到你家裡教你英文!
  4. 「老克字典」:Aa~Zz 最實用的超強單字庫!
  5. 「環宇播報稿」:克萊兒老師獨家分享

2013.9.25 答 米其伶同學問: "學了二十年英文 不知道從哪讀起"

我想 兩個依樣進度的人 會再一起
學起來 會不會比較快
它的進度 剛好跟其伶 都一樣
就從他今晚的示範 就可以了
英文 是從這裏起步的
奇魔字典 就會出來給你看阿
奇魔 就會打KK出來給你不是嗎
三分鐘影音 幕前拍到第九章
5925園的那一套 已經拍到第26章
我建議 找你真正職場用得到的單字
而且 花錢買一本比較厚的單自本
從明天開始 一個一個 用自己的手 登錄
老刻的影音 老克的節目 都要收聽 老克就不用每天都講同樣的東西
現在 還談不上被單字
因為 你還步會發母音
不會發音 是用不着寄單字的
因為 寄不注
還登錄妳職場上 最需要學的英文字
一個字唸對 別人看你的眼光 馬上不同
老實說 別人看你的眼光 也是馬上 調漆

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
單字 只需要:
1. 記下生字的拼法
2. 撇下 那個聲字的 重音
3. 單字下面 記 重音節的 母音

子音 不需要花腦筋去記
是母音 再花腦筋
所以water, 是a
1. 其伶: 台灣不是每一個教英文的 都能唸正確的英文
2. 那要怎麼分誰會誰不會呢? 要看看電影 HBO 聽聽大部分的英文 都是怎麼唸的
3. 英文 是 英國人的語言 就會分 是英國腔 還是美國腔
4. kimo字典 凡是標 第十號母音的 都要唸 第六號
5. 凡是標第六號的 都要唸 第四號
6. 為什麼呢? 字典標的是英國腔 問題是 台灣人 崇尚美國腔
第一章 就是十七個母音
也要聽星期二 18:00~19:00 FM96.7 老克的廣播節目
如果 奇鈴不打算看行動硬碟ˇ得化
那是給 想學文法的人 看的
功夫 應該不是 一個悅 兩個月 就學得會的
那 也不叫 功夫了

2013年9月21日 星期六

2013.9.21. 答陳彥良問"過去式"的例子

老克在影音中 經常用兩手張開一直線 教同學們 生命 在 英文中 是 如何分段的 lol

右手是出生到你目前看老克這個 Google 的 "更多" 裏面的 blogger 的 "克萊兒說文法"
你的身體 想像成只有一條想像中的經緯線 那麼寬
你的左手 就是離開了這個時空以下的 未來式


從你出生 到剛剛
你所想得起來的 任何一小件事件 一小片回憶 都應該用 過去式 來說明



甚麼才用 現在式呢?


Love is the most important thing for a woman.
Life is not really long.
Mid-autumn festival is the most vital ceremony for a Chinese.
Winter is not as comfortable as the other three seasons in this part of the world.
Computer geeks can either help or hurt the others hugely.
Typhoons are nightmares for Taiwan tourism.


大家發現 老克大部分 都在"說教"嗎
也就是說 老克大部分 都是在說 老克個人的 生命的 價值觀 而已

這些 "人的 某個特定時刻的價值觀" 以外的 從前的生命的總總 就稱 過去式
未來的總總 就稱 未來式 了

回到今天的標題 @@

過去式的好例子 有哪些?

1. I brought all my staff at the restaurant Mikazuki to Penghu in this mis-autumn festival.
2. We went to 6 Star Villa for a 90 min massage then we drove like mad to Miaoli hot spring resort.
3. We got up at 2:30 am and again hit the road in fear we wouldn't be able to catch the 6:30am ship to Magong.
4. The Mang-tian-xing shuttle ship was a bit bumpy but we arrived safely.
5. We rented motorbikes then toured around the island.
6. We finally found our way to B&B "Remember".
7. It was a hugely colorful B&B with benign host and hostess.
8. The bed sheets were clean and without any smoke left-over smell.
9. Then we departed for Ji-bei beach resort.
10. Everybody had a good time waiting for turns at banana boats and slipper tow boats.

寫不完了 ^^v


用猜的 通常都會猜錯
因為 有經驗的出題老師 一定會出 最容易猜錯的題目 ^O^

彥良 還有哪裏不太明白的嗎

2013年9月18日 星期三

2013.12.3. Uni Radio 老克來了 內容稿


老克選讀 美國文豪 馬克吐溫 的 湯姆歷險記 第一章

No answer.
No answer.
"What's gone with that boy, I wonder? You Tom!"

The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them, about the room; then she put them up and looked out under them.  She seldom or never looked THROUGH them for so small a thing as a boy, for they were her state pair, the pride of her heart, and were built for "style" nor service; she could have seen through a pair of stove lids as well.  She looked perplexed a moment and said, not fiercely, but still loud enough for the furniture to hear, "Well, I lay if I get hold of you, I'll --"

She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and punching under the bed with the broom--and so she needed breath to punctuate the punches with.  She resurrected nothing but the cat.


老克提醒同學 google play 九月底十月初就有 憤怒克 APP 上架了 同學們可以下載來練習"老克密碼"
老克密碼 = (一個單字的音節數, 一個單字的重音節第幾, 一個單字的重音節的母音第幾)
當天的節目 老克開始了第一次的空中謎題的遊戲


"I never did see the beat of that boy!"

She went to the open door and stood in it, and looked out among the tomato vines and "jimpson" weeds that constituted the garden.  No Tom.  So she lifted up her voice, at an angle calculated for distance, and shouted:

"Y-o-u-u- TOM!"

There was a slight noise behind her, and she turned just in time to seize a small boy by the slack of his roundabout and arrest his flight.  "There! I might 'a though of that closet.  That you been doing in there?"


"Nothing!  Look at your hands, and look at your mouth.  What IS that truck?"

"I don't know, Aunt."

"Well, I know.  It's jam, that's what it is.  Forty times I've said if you didn't let that jam alone I'd skin you.  Hand me that switch."

2013.10.1 Uni Radio 老克來了 內容稿 (來賓: Humphrey Chen)


Humphrey Chen 談自己的健身經驗

* yoga: [Ind.] 瑜珈術


Humphrey Chen 給職場上的男性同胞一些打扮的淺見:
1. 買些男性雜誌如 GQ, Man's Uno 來參考還不錯
2. 約會前 頭髮抓一抓
3. 與其花大錢買名牌 打球鍛鍊身體可能比較實際
4. 身材不太好買衣服的男性同胞 不妨到專門訂做襯衫的服飾店訂製


如何休閒? 漢魔同學推薦有動態 有靜態活動 更佳
靜態活動例如橋牌 拱豬
漢模舉自己為例 從前學生時期 只認識大老二這樣的牌戲
因為來老克家的關係 學到了拱豬這樣的簡單型的橋牌遊戲
才發現 一副好牌 竟然可以如同人生一般 是可以改變的
這樣的發現 以及自己的進職場以來的歷練 體會 開始深深着迷牌局如人生 的道理

2013.9.24. Uni Radio 老克來了 內容稿 (來賓: Humphrey Chen)


Humphrey 在網路上看到日本人發表的台灣年輕人的戀愛觀


青少年很顯然是速食式的愛情 各有備胎
Humphrey 首先想要感謝自己的父母一路的栽培與耐心 以及職場上呵護有加的直屬上司 張協理


Humphrey 提到雖然目前看起來好像有一點點外貌 自己的國中高中是相當黑暗的自卑的年代
父親望子成龍的心 讓不愛唸書的漢魔選擇放逐自己 最後勉強讀了高職 二專電機科 但還是不明白自己究竟為什麼要讀很討厭的電機學甚麼的 是最後到了明新科大念二技時 終於鼓起勇氣 改念自己還算有點興趣的資訊管理 從這裏 自己開始摸索電腦 也是因為電腦 才有機會幫老克的忙 進入老克當時演講隊的班底 也順便當老克的教學網站的電腦管理員 漸漸地 有了一點點的自信


退伍進了職場 整天對着3C的工作 讓他轉向業務的生涯規劃 張協理是人生中的貴人 引導他 鼓勵他 甚至自己掏錢 報名了卡內基人際訓練課程  一向羞澀 嫻少發言的他 竟然在一次的作業中 得到當週最優 MVP 獎 只因為為了做這個報告 她突發奇想 帶了媽咪做個腳底按摩 媽媽與師傅的對話 讓他 在次週上台的時候 一時語塞到眼眶泛紅 感動了在座每一個人 這樣的經驗 在漢魔的人生 留下相當的刻痕

2013年9月11日 星期三

2013.9.11 Jie Chang 同學問 "that" 的用法的總類


Jie Change:  克老師,有問題請教 下面是NASA的研究員受訪時的對話,有關於火星探測 最後有兩個that,各指何意? If life exists beyond Earth, and I am one who believes that it may very well, Mars, for me, is the most likely place that that life will be found.


 Jie Chang 妳的標點符號有問題
 在 that it may very well 後面那的逗號 XDDDDDDDD
徹查以後 再po一遍上來

倒數第六個字 的 that: 稱為 從屬連接詞 本身沒有耐大含意
倒數第五個字的 that: 稱為 指示形容詞 "那個"之意也
who believes that it 的 那個 that: 稱為 從屬連接詞的that 本身沒有多大的含意

( Jie Change that it may very well 後面那的逗號 他真的有寫... )

林肯的 蓋替次保演說 也有同樣的寫法
如果寫了的話 這種詞稱為 演講的 transcript 而已
演講詞 是用講的 不合文法 實際上聽不出來
如果用寫的 一翻兩瞪眼 這個科學家的英文 就死當了

(Jie Change XDD)

If the above were Claire's composition assignment
克萊兒 it would read like:
克萊兒 If life exists beyond Earth--and i am the one who believes that it may be very well--Mars, for me, is the most likely place that that life will be found.

(Rollie Rollie 請問老師dash dash在這的作用是啥意思啊?)

克萊兒 那個叫 mental parenthesis
請看 克萊兒說文法 p.119 第N欄
根本只是說者 自己心裏的OS而已
克萊兒 跟原本的SVO的句法 是 完全分離的
(怎麼辦 老克甚至覺得自己的英文比老外還好 我不是瘋了 就是罪了
Jie Chang 這樣說: 因為 句法 是 固定的 老師 是 暫時的
一個句號之內 能有幾組SVO 不是老克一個人說一說就算的
因此 才能說 它叫做 文"法" 人人有書可循 =O=
一個句號之內 不是隨便要寫幾個名詞 就寫幾個名詞
一定是能夠匹敵的N 才會用對等連接詞銜接
你的問題的那兩個 that 的 位階 都在 我說標點有問題的 那個 that 子句之後
it may very well, Mars, for me, is the most likely place that that life will be found. 這一句之內 就有 it/Mars 兩個名詞 而根本沒有半個大連街詞 或 小連接詞
就可以當場 指着 英文的六法全書 判定: 這個句子 根本 不合文法
一定是 口語的英文 不是 書寫型的 英文

2013.9.11 9/17#1重錄 & 世界名牌狗咬豬cont'd


七年前對於陳漢典從全民大悶鍋電視節目出線的際遇 非常羨慕
 很開心今天有這樣的機會 讓 如山同學 也有機會登上廣播電台 一圓上台之夢 
十一月開始 老克的節目 打算開始採訪人生走過的許多朋友 如
明新同事黃秀燕老師 等等
老克自己 受到自己的 sibling (手足) 中山女高國文老師 吳蕙青老師 也就是老克的大姊 從小的耳提面命 到了今天足以當人老師的地步
問題是 有了好的 sibling 也要有好的學習態度受教 人生才學得快 讓自己好得更快

 1. Chevignon 法國栩飛雍牛仔褲
 2. Diesel 義大利皇室專用合身牛仔褲
 3. Christian Dior 迪奧
 4. Dolce & Gabbana 多伽加巴納
 5. Ermenegildo Zegna 義大利男裝
 6. Elysee 愛利舍運動錶
 7. Fendi 芬迪
 8. Salvatore Ferragamo 菲洛加莫皮鞋
 9. FCUK 英國女裝
 10. Jean-Paul Gaultier 高第耶
 11. Givenchy 紀梵希
 12. Gucci 古奇
 13. Guerlain 法國嬌蘭化妝品
 14. Hasselblad 哈蘇相機
 15. Tag Heuer 豪雅錶
 16. Hollister 霍利斯特 T恤
 17. Jaguar 捷豹汽車 (積架汽車)
 18. IKEA 瑞典宜家家居
 19. Jil Sander 德國女裝
 20. Juicy Couture 美國少女時裝最時髦品牌
 21. Kenzo 日本女裝香水
 22. Koenigsegg 瑞典最新硬頂超跑品牌
 23. Kosta 瑞典水晶名牌
 24. Lanc^ome 法國蘭蔻化妝品
 25. Lanvin 法國浪凡女裝男裝

2013.9.10 Uni Radio 吳炎塗張黛露賢伉儷訪問稿



介紹老克的半自傳"外場教授"裏頭 提到的 台大女五舍104室 室長 台大歷史系 台南歸仁國中歷史老師退休 張黛露老師
以及 張室長的先生 歸仁國中英文老師退休 吳炎塗先生
以及 兩人 如何當年 在歸仁國中 因着台大歷史系杜教授的書 進而認識而結婚


吳炎塗老師育有二子一女 教育有成 老克特別請教教子良策
張老師謙虛說 根本沒管 只是 兩人只愛看書 連電視 都不大看 一家五人 只有或倒或臥 在家看書 如此而已
吳老師高中甚至 自己去看古文觀止 也不願讀國立編譯館的國文課本


張老師談老三小時候有點過動 被老師處罰 曾經 把營養午餐的青豆 偷含在臉頰裏六個鐘頭直到回家 也不敢直接吐掉
張老師如今談之 心疼寶貝當時年小 在台灣教育制度下受的苦 不禁潸然



吳老師淺談台灣亟需的教育改革 普設高雄高餐這樣的頂級職業學校 才是最快解決大部分新鮮人 毫無謀生能力的首要辦法


 吳老師談教師如何看待自己的職業 何謂教師的良心 好的老師 不是師鐸獎可以看得出來


談到台南的古老建築歷史 台南最古老的街道的有趣的名稱 台灣的教育 都沒有從這些歷史出發 我們都教出了 甚麼樣的下一代 能夠對自己的民族 國家 產生任何的 認同 呢

2013年9月4日 星期三

2013.10~11月 世界名牌狗咬豬 內容預告

1. Bottega Veneta 寶緹嘉 皮件
    1966年 義大利品牌 "Veneta 工坊"的意思; 又名: "義大利的愛馬仕"
    Cabat bag

2. Brequet 寶璣錶
    錶王; 愛因斯坦, 柴可夫斯基, 路易16, 法國王后 瑪麗安東尼, 沙皇亞歷山大一世, 英國女王維       多莉亞, 邱吉爾, 普魯士威廉一世, 美國國務卿杜勒斯 皆是愛好者

3. Bugatti Veyron 布加迪威龍
    Ettore Bugatti 設計師
    Pierre Veyron 法國參賽選手名; 以該選手為名之 紀念車款

4. Bulgari 寶格麗

5. Burberry 重錄[進階版]
    Burberry Check "Nova" 柏帛莉格紋

6. Calvin Klein

7. Cartier 卡地亞

8. Celine 思琳
    1945年 Paris

9. Chanel 香奈兒

10. Chlo'e 可兒

11. Christian Lacroix 拉克魯瓦

12. Coach

2013.10.29 Uni Radio 內容


民國65年 遠東版高中英文課本 第四冊 第九課

The Life of Mark Twain

This remarkable man went to a log-cabin school until he was twelve years old.  That was the end of his formal education.  In spite of this, he became the most famous literary figure of his generation.  He received honorary degrees from Oxford University and Yale University.  People speak of him as the best known humorous writer of all times.  He also brought realism and western local color to American  fiction.  He made millions of dollars by writing articles, short stories, and books.  His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, but he is better known all over the world as Mark Twain.

Mark Twain was born in a small Missouri village near the Mississippi River in 1835.  At that time, Abraham Lincoln was still a young farm laborer.  The first railroad in United States had been built seven years before.  The Industrial Revolution was at hand.  This was also the literary period later called the "New England Renaissance."


Mark Twain was not a healthy baby.  In fact, he was not expected to live through the first winter.  But with his mother's tender care, he managed to survive.  He had been born in a tiny tow-room cabin, where his family of eight lived together.  He had four brothers and sisters.

As a boy, Mark Twain caused much trouble for his parents.  He used to play practical jokes on all of his friends and neighbors.  The nature of his jokes often led to violence.  He hated to go to school, and he constantly ran away from home.  He always went in the direction of the nearby Mississippi.  He was fascinated by that mighty rive so that he liked to sit on the bank of the river for hours at a time and just gaze at the mysterious islands and the passing boats and rafts.  He was nearly drowned nine different times.  He learned many things about the river during those day.s  He never forgot the river scenes and the unusual people riding up and down it.  He later made the scenes and the people part of the history of America in his tow books, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

(老克 打算從 十一月份開始 展開 老克 人生偶遇專訪 系列:
11/5 貴賓 台南 歸仁國中退休 英文老師 吳炎塗 張黛露 賢伉儷 談 台灣鄉土教育之我見
11/12 貴賓 新竹市 吳龍堂先生 談 我如何教育我的孩子 吳進芳
11/19 貴賓 元智大學中文領域 黃秀燕教授 談 讀書與人生)


Mark Twain inherited his genius for humor form his mother.  Obviously, he did not inherit it form his father.  He once stated that he had never seen a smile on his father's face.  On the other hand, his mother had the rare gift of saying humorous things with perfect innocence.  This same gift made Mark Twain an extremely humorous public speaker.

After his father's death in 1847, Mark Twain left school and became a printer's apprentice.  His mother felt that he would make a living and get some education in this way.  He worked for the printer as an apprentice for two years.  During that time he received only his board and clothes as pay.  By 1853, Mark Twain was tired of Missouri.  He got an urge to see the world and he started with empty pockets.  Working as a printer, he lived in St. Louis, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia.  When he traveled to the Mississippi River again, he decided to become a river-boat pilot on the river.  He worked as a pilot for fifteen months, and memorized all the turns, shallow spots, and dangerous rocks in the 1,200 miles from St. Louis to New Orleans.  He learned about the pride and responsibilities of the pilots, and became an excellent pilot.  However, his life, a pilot, came to a sudden end when the American Civil War closed the river to navigation.

Then he followed his brother Orion to Nevada in 1861 and consequently became a miner in that frontier region.  During this period he started to write short articles.  He became the editor of a newspaper there.  It was at this time that he adopted the pen name "Mark Twain."  Later he worked in San Francisco for a while and then became a miner again.  In his spare time, he wrote a short story called "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." This story made him known all over the country, and he decided to become a full-time writer and lecturer.  He went to New York in 1867 and published his first book that year.  His next book, Innocents Abroad, was published in 1869.  It was a report of his European tour and a completely new kind of travel book.  It gave him a national reputation.

In 1870, Mark Twain was married to Olivia Langdon in New York.  It was an extremely successful marriage.  They were devoted to each other throughout their lives.  His wife Olivia had a strong and lasting influence on his writing.  In the years following his marriage, he wrote the books for which he is most famous: Tom Sawyer in 1876, and Huckleberry Finn in 1884.

He made vast profits from writing and lecturing, but time after time, he lost money in bad investments.  He finally lost his entire fortune in the publishing business in 1895.  He took the responsibility for all of his debts.  He wrote large numbers of stories in order to pay these debts.  After making a successful tour around the world giving lectures, he was finally able to pay.  Despite this tremendous effort, he had been able to keep his health.  His life had worse tragedies than the financial ones, however.  His wife died in 1904 after the death of three of their children.

At the age of seventy, his hair was completely white.  He decided to buy fourteen white suits and a hundred white neckties.  He wore nothing but white from head to foot until his death in 1910.

2013.10.22 Uni Radio 內容


 民國63年 復興版高中英文課本 第二冊 第四課

A Great Inventor (1)

Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847.  AS a very young child, he liked to read, but for some reason he never did well in school.  Edison himself remarked in later years, "I remember I never was able to get along in school.  I don't know why it was, but I was always at the foot of the class."

Edison spent only three months in school.  He continued his education at home, however, by reading with his mother, who never lost faith in her son.  Early in his teens, Edison had to begin work for the support of his family.  First he became a newsboy.  Then he worked for the railroad, selling books, newspapers, toys, candy and peanuts.  The nation was in the early days of the Civil War, and people were especially interested in the news.  Buying some old type, Tom decided to print his own newspaper on the railroad train.  His Weekly Herald, a simple newspaper of 16 inches by 12, proved a great success.  In four years, Tom earned two thousand dollars, which he all gave to his parents.

In the meantime, Tom was busy with scientific experiments.  In the same railroad car where he kept his printing press, he had a laboratory, with old tins, bottles of chemicals, and so on.  For some time, all went well.  But one day a bottle of phosphorus fell to the floor and started a fire.  Tom soon put the fire out, but his employer, the train conductor, was very angry.  He boxed the boy's ears and threw him off the train at the next station.  Because of that boxing, Tom's right ear could hear nothing for the rest of his life.


Edison was sad but not discouraged.  He returned home and continued his experiments in the attic of the house.  He put necks of bottles around ordinary wire for insulation, and tied wire from tree to tree between his home and the homes of his neighbors.  These wires became Tom's telegraph lines.  But one night a cow, returning home through the trees, walked into the telegraph lines and fell, with the wires all round her legs.  The cries and noise soon brought the neighbors out of their houses--and that was the end of Tom's home telegraph.

A Great Inventor (2)

Edison was never discouraged.  He was always eager to learn, and never hesitated to help others.  Once he saved the son of a station master from the wheel of a speeding train.  He became a telegraph operator, but again he lost his job because of his experiments.  He moved from city to city, getting jobs and losing or leaving them.  In the public library of Detroit, he finished reading "about fifteen feet" of books.  In Cincinnati, he bought for two dollars a great pile of old magazines.  Carrying them under both arms, he started for home of three o'clock in the morning, and was taken for a thief by a policeman.

When Edison was twenty-one, people were beginning to take an interest in his experiments.  Some of his inventions were sold.  When he was paid, he used the money for more experiments.  A friend has described Edison's life in those days.  "I cam in one night," said the friend, "and there sat Edison with a pile of books, five feet high, which he had ordered from New York, London, and Paris.


He studied them night and day, eating at his desk and sleeping in his chair.  At the end of the six seeks, he had read all the books, written a book about the ideas in them, and made two thousand experiments on the formulas which he had found in the books."

The years after 1873 were very important years for Edison and for the world.  The results of his work included the electric light, the phonograph, the kinetoscope...which helped later inventors create the modern motion picture machine.  He invented the mimeograph for making copies of printed material, and the electric storage battery, which was later used in subways and streetcars.

As Edison grew older, he never lost his interest in science.  Even as an old man he continued to work in his laboratory, with such interest that he hated to stop for lunch even on his birthday.  His work ended only with his death, in 1931, at the age of eighty-four.

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