2013年10月8日 星期二

2013.10.8. Uni Radio 內容稿 (模擬聽眾叩應)



Q: 請問如何用英文問"有沒有無線網路"? (新竹紜紜)

A: What's your password for wi-fi? 我可以要你們的無線密碼嗎?

wi = wireless 無線
fi = fidelity 保真

* 紅色部分 經過 老克美國學生訂正 特此感謝 rollie rollie XDDDDDDDDDDDD


Q: 請問在餐廳如何點餐? (樹林淑安)


Hostess • Hostess: “How many will you be tonight?” or “How many people are in your party?” • Diner: “Just two” or “two people”.
Drinks • Waiter: “Can I bring you some water?” or “Can I get you some water?” or “Would you like tap or bottled water?” • Diner: “Sure, we’ll have some water please. Tap is fine.” or “Yes. I’d like some bottled water please”
Ordering Salad • Diner: “I’d like to have the chef’s salad, please.” • Waiter: “What kind of [salad] dressing would you like?” • Diner: “What are my options?” or “What kind of salad dressings do you have?” • Waiter: “We have: • Balsamic Vinaigrette • Blue cheese dressing • Caesar dressing • French dressing • Ginger dressing • Honey Dijon • Italian dressing • Ranch dressing • Russian dressing • Thousand Island dressing” • Diner: “I’ll have Caesar dressing, please.”
Ordering Food • Waiter: “Would you like to hear the specials for tonight?” or “We have some specials this evening…” • Waiter: “Are you ready to order?” • Waiter: “Do you have any questions about the menu?” • Diner: “We’re ready to order. I’d like to have the steak please.” • Waiter: “How would you like that done?” or “How would you like that cooked?” • Diner: “Medium, please.” The range of levels of cooked meat are (from least cooked/most pink to most cooked): rare –> medium rare –> medium –> medium well –> well done However, because of health regulations, some restaurants will not cook your meat less than medium well!
Vocabulary Appetizer: The small dish before your main course. Bill: Also called “the check,” this tells you how much you need to pay for your meal. Booster seat: A child’s seat placed on a chair to allow the child to sit at the table (see also high chair). Bus boy: The person who cleans the tables and dishes off of the table. Check: The check is also called the bill. It tells you how much you have to pay for your meal. Dessert: The last sweet dish of the night, after your entrée. (Notice that it is spelled with 2 “s”s. Entrée: The main course. High chair: The chair a baby sits in (see also booster seat). Hostess/Maitre d’: The person at the front of the restaurant who greets you and seats you at a table. Menu: the list of food and drink options available to order. Party: The number of people who will be sitting at your table. Tip: Usually 15% (20% in New York City) of the bill. Waiters and waitresses rely on this money as their income. Also called gratuity. Waiter/Waitress: The person who takes your order and serves you food Wine List, The: The menu showing all of the wine options you have.

* 紅色部分 經過 老克美國學生訂正 特此感謝 rollie rollie 


Q: 如何與陌生人聊天? (新竹慧鈴)

A: Have we met? 我們認識嗎?
     Are you the one buying coffee at the ... ?
     諸如此類的 任何問話 只要能夠敘述剛剛對方做的任何動作 就可以了

- - - - - - - -  -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q: 如何問候對方的親屬? (新竹 Julia)

A: How's doing? 你好嗎?
     How's everything? 你好?
     How's (John) doing now? (約翰)現在在哪裡了呢?
     諸如此類的 只要能夠表達出妳記得對方親屬的名字 基本上已經達陣
     對於老外 一口流利的英語 不如一顆真誠的愛心




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