2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母T篇


1.        T- 大型看板
2.        T-5 [Heathrow 五號航廈]

3.        TB 肺結核 (tuberculosis)
4.        T back 丁字褲
5.        THC 四氫大麻酚
6.        TRA ticketing 台鐵售票處
7.        ‘Tabatha 搶救美髮沙龍
The Loft on Broadway 百老匯閣樓美容院
8.        Without a solution, all ideas are remained on the table. 沒有解答, 免談.
Table for one please. 一個人.
9.        ‘tablet 平板電腦
10.   ‘tackle box 釣魚箱
11.   another tact 別的計策
12.   No one tackles with this puffer fish. 沒人敢碰這隻河豚.
13.   tac’tician 策略家
14.   Let him tag along. 讓他跟吧.
dog tag 美軍兵籍牌
15.   ta’gine 西班牙烤飯塔吉鍋
16.   ‘tailgate party 開車族野外以後車廂烤肉聚餐
17.   I kinda hope it’ll take her all day. 我有點希望她會忙整天.
Civilization has taken a toll. 文明開始造成不幸.
Take care of the living and honor the dead. 照顧生者, 榮耀死者
for the invasives to take off 外來者開始爆量成長
Take Home Chef 帥哥主廚到我家
Londoners took the Cathedral to their heart. 倫敦人衷心愛護他們的大教堂.
take matters into our own hands 親自解決
US takes on China 美國挑戰中國
18.   the Chinese Indian ‘takeaways 中式印式外帶食物
19.   Tallaha’ssee, Florida 全世界最大磁場研究中心
20.   Taltuwacan [Aztec人之陽金字塔建築]
21.   ‘Tamahad missile 戰斧飛彈
22.   Tamaki Hiroshi 玉木宏
23.   Ta’mandua 小食蟻獸
24.   Can’t be ‘tampered. 不能相違背; 損害, 瞎搞, 竄改
25.   tan 褐色
26.   ‘tannery 製革廠
27.   that ‘tantalizes the tourists 誘惑著觀光客
‘tantalizing 令人心急的; 耐人尋味的; 令人神往的
to face a tantalizing decision 令人兩難的抉擇
28.   Tan’zania 坦尚尼亞
29.   tape 量尺
30.   ta’rantula 大蘭多蜘蛛
31.   They target other inmates. 他們對準其他的囚犯.
targe’tteer 瞄準手
32.   ‘Tarmagan 雷鳥
33.   taro 芋頭 / ‘taro/
34.   tarot [It.] 塔羅俳
35.   tarp 防水篷 (= tar’paulin)
36.   tart 柏油
37.   Tas’mania 塔斯馬尼亞; 澳洲東南部
38.   Everything is a matter of taste. 品味決定人生.
‘liberate the taste bud 解放味蕾
39.   ‘tater [] 馬鈴薯
40.   Saved but in tatters. 獲救, 但也不成人形了.
41.   If it looks a bit ‘tatty 如果看起來有點兒不整齊, 哩哩辣辣
42.   tax evasion 逃漏稅
43.   tea houses 茶樓
44.   I'm on the teli. 我在錄影啦.
45.   ‘tempering [] 回火
46.   Ten hut! 立正![]” attention!”之簡潔版
47.   Teuton (n.) 條頓人; 日耳曼人; 德國人
48.   I’m all thumbs today. 今天很笨拙.
49.   T Shirt without any writings on it 沒有任何文字的T
50.   tacking the ball 玩弄著球
51.   Taco Bell 美國墨西哥式速食連鎖店
52.   When you talk to an officer, you say sir. 跟上級說話時要說”.
53.   tail light 尾燈
‘Tailscratch [鯨魚名] 傷尾
54.   tainted milk scandal 毒奶事件
55.   The tract is taking shape. 跑道成形了
take a look at the sheer size of Bari Nic'a 光看看Bari Nic’a的大小就好
Take our phone relationship to a higher level. 把我倆的電話關係帶進另一個境界.
Take them out! 打死牠!
Take another one. 再照一張
takes more than elbow grease 不只是手肘的力
It is not taken lightly. 不是隨便說說.
take to the sea 入海
took the world by storm 全世界都想不到
Things like this take you to the top. 讓你一舉成名.
‘Tsall what it takes to take her out. 消滅她的唯一辦法.
I take it upon myself to shop them for you. 我把視為自己重任.
It really takes its toll on us. 真的很要命.
56.   Take Home Chef
Curtis Stone 帥哥廚師到我家
布丁蛋糕 recipe—(1)oatmeal + whisky + honey + 蛋白打鬆
(2) blueberry + strawberry + raspberry + lemon juice ++ 肉桂+
Ladle (2) into champagne glass
Then add (1) on top of (2)
Poach it in 140 degrees 水煮
Angel food cake
Gas’pacho soup
Dinner in the bag 冷凍包食品
57.   Take Home Handyman 裝修帥哥到我家
58.   Takeshi Kitano 北野武
59.   We are talking… 我說的是
Now we’re talking. 這才像話.
60.   ‘talon 鷹爪
61.   ‘tamarind 羅望子
62.   the tanning “曬膚界
bronzers 仿古銅色乳液
63.   the teacher who throws a tantrum and storms out of the room 老師突然爆發火氣, 憤而走出
64.   tar pit 焦油坑
65.   giant ta’rantula 大蘭多蜘蛛; 大捕鳥蛛
66.   ‘targeted 標的物
Make himself an easy target 活靶子
67.   ta’rim 塔里木盆地
68.   ‘tarnished 生鏽了的; 有污點的
69.   Taro Aso 麻生太郎
70.   tarte tatin [It.] 倒轉水果塔
71.   Saved, but in ‘tatters. 僅以身免, 狼狽不堪.
The credibility of the ‘Pentagon was in tatters. 形象全毀
72.   taunt 嘲笑; 奚落
73.   Tavi Gevinson 美國九歲的時尚教母
… increased her audience to 1.5 million hits a month
fashio’nista 時尚教母
make layman stop short and gawk 使得門外漢瞠目結舌
‘Nazarites 拿撒勒人; 希伯來修行者不飲酒不剃髮不觸屍體
Nazarites wore just enough to keep them warm, believing that was the wish of God. (拿撒勒人只穿夠暖的衣服, 深信這是上帝的旨意.) Over this past year I have become increasingly interested in clothing, and have developed a clearer understanding of the idea that clothing can be art (今年我開始對衣著產生興趣, 並開始認為衣服可以成為一種藝術…)… using fashion as self-expression can go beyond wearing a shirt with a slogan, as clothing has the ability to evoke an entire feel, or atmosphere, or emotion, or world.(用衣服表達自我不只是穿著寫著幾句口號的T, 因為衣著整體可以表達人的感覺, 氣氛, 情緒, 甚至世界觀)
74.   tax shop 福利社 [澳洲] (Ian Wright)
75.   tea house 茶樓
76.   …, teamed up with … 合作
77.   teaming with life 富涵生命
78.   teak 柚木
79.   tear duct 淚腺管
80.   teaser songs 口水歌
81.   Technologically and financially, you are giants, morally you are ‘pigmies. 論科技財政你是巨人, 論道德你是侏儒.
[On Yahoo Jerry Yang] "
82.   technological-savvy 科技導向
83.   Venus doesn’t have plate tec’tonics. 金星沒有板塊結構.
84.   She doesn't have the tendency to dance. (on Princess Diana) 她不愛跳舞.
85.   He is in Tees. 穿T
86.   ‘teeter-totter 翹翹板
87.   teetotaler 滴酒不沾的人
88.   I’m not sure I want to ‘televize this. 該不該讓這個上電視
89.   You didn’t tell us it’s going to be like this! 你沒事先說!
90.   a tell-tale syndrome 洩密
91.   te’lomerase (n.) DNA 兩端負責分裂的端粒
92.   ta’mali [Mex.] 玉米粉
93.   ‘tempering [] 回火; 處理
Obama tempered that with… 歐巴馬這樣處理了
94.   Set the ‘template for every carrier to come.
95.   I’m very tempted. 很心動.
96.   I’ll see you in 10. 十分鐘後見.
97.   te’nacity 韌性
98.   ‘tenant 房客
99.   He didn’t tend to it until it was too late. 等到照顧時已經太遲.
100.              ‘tender (牛肉)又嫩又軟
tenderizing the pork 把豬肉弄軟一點
101.             Barbecued pork ‘tenderloin [帥哥好煮意]
102.             Arm wrestling is the ‘tendon strength. 腕力比賽是靠
103.             Tenkaiwan’zai! 天皇萬歲!
104.              ‘tentacles (章魚) 觸角
105.              tentative (a.) 嘗試性的, 猶豫的
106.              Tepu’is 委內瑞拉東南高原的平頂山
107.              on first name terms 可以直呼姓名的最親近關係
108.              terra cotta soldier 兵馬俑
109.             roof terrace 屋頂陽台
‘terraces 梯田
‘terracing 巨蛋梯形看台
110.             on any ter’rain 任何地形
in his do’main 地盤; 領空
in his territory 領域
111.              te’rrestrial (a.) 陸上的
112.              ‘terret 動物頸圈供穿繩用的環洞
113.             terrier mix 混種梗
114.              terri’torial dispute 領土爭議
115.             ter’roir 風土
116.              45 ‘teslas of magnetic force (45T)
117.             tes’tosterone 睪固酮
118.              ‘testrun 試車
119.              Tetra Pak 利樂包
120.              text support 傳簡訊恭賀
texting messages to each other 只會打著簡訊的
121.              ‘textbook nar’cissism 典型自戀狂
122.             ‘texturized 拋光的
123.              1.8 meters, longer than I’m tall. 比我還高
124.              Ti’betan ‘thangka painting 西藏唐卡畫
125.              Thankshallowistmas 感恩萬聖聖誕節快樂!
126.              That'll be all? 好了嗎?
127.              "That one." (McCain's Obama那一個”)
128.              Theodore Roosevelt 老羅斯福
129.              thick stew 雜燴
130.              thievery 偷竊
131.              This leaves polar bears on very thin ice. 這使得北極熊       前途堪憂
132.              Don’t even want to think about it. 你想都不用想. (
See what everybody thinks. 看看別人的想法.
133.              What was I thinking?我當時是怎麼了才會答應這樣做?
134.              third mate []三副
third engineer 第三工程師
135.              a thorn in someone’s eye 誰的眼中刺
136.              Thoth 朱鷺鳥頭造型之埃及月神
137.             One one thousand, two one thousand, three one
thousand, four one thousand, five one thousand. 秒鐘兩秒鐘三秒鐘四秒鐘五秒鐘. [傘兵開傘口訣]
138.             Thrash’em! 痛宰他們!
The killerwhale thrashed the gray whale cub. 用力拍
If he thrashes around, that could be dangerous. 拍打
139.             Do a three sixty. 轉一個圈.
140.             Three top. 頂多三年.
Three-point shot 三分球
three-pointed star 賓士三芒星logo
141.              She looks thrilled to be here. 她可高興了.
142.              The traffic flows in ‘throttle. 節流
143.              Coming through! 借過!
The lioness was coming through. 正在走過來.
144.              Throwing all the marbles on the table 亂槍打鳥
words been thrown around 到處造謠
wool throw 羊毛製沙發套()
145.              lose thrust 失去推力
146.              He gives his thumbs up. 他完全同意.
as a rule of thumb 經驗法則; 約略的法則; 一般慣例
thumb down 喝倒采 (= turned thumb)
147.              ‘Thunderball [007] 雷霆火
148.              Operation ‘Thunderbolt 霹靂行動
149.              Operation ‘Thunderclap 雷霆行動
150.              ‘thyroid gland 甲狀腺
151.              Tianzi Fang 田子坊 (上海 康泰街 精品區)
152.              Ti’betan pla’teau 西藏高原
153.              tick 壁虱
154.              That’s your ticket home. 這就是除役的藉口.
155.              ‘ticklish 發癢的
156.              Ticos (= Costa Ricans) 哥斯大黎加人
157.              ‘tidal flags/zones 潮間帶
Tides grow high. 漲潮了.
158.              ‘tidbit 小知識
159.              We don’t get to see him in a tie. 很難看到他戴領帶.
tied dye 紮染布料
160.              4 different tiers 分四層
161.              Tiger Tank [] 二戰德軍虎式坦克, Porsche 設計.
       tiger shark 鼬鮫
162.              put … in a tight spot 使陷入困境
163.              tilt cab上掀車廂
164.              They are on the time out. 分手的階段
Times are rough. 景氣真差.
165.              time-lapse photography 延時攝影
166.             ‘tingly 有刺痛感的; 引起激動的
167.              After a tip-off 告密
It tips off the seal. 等於平白告訴了海狗.
You got your house in tip-top shape. 您的房子真是拔尖兒了.
168.              Titanic 鐵達尼號
269M 長達269公尺
Length of 4 Boeings 四架波音客機的長度
3 年在 Belfast 打造
She was keen to return to her home. 一心只想
1343 名乘客
20 艘救生艇
He strains his ears to listen. 他拉長耳朵去聽.
SS Carpathia 經過鐵達尼號救援船
SS Californian 經過鐵達尼號救援船
Titanic claims her fist victims. 鐵達尼的前五個犧牲品
He was an accomplished seaman. 他是一個很有資歷的水手
sister ship 姊妹船
British In’quiry 英國聽證會
Captain Smith 史密斯船長
Wireless man Philip 無線電員菲利浦
Californian’s wireman Evans 加州人號無線電員伊凡斯
MSF: 船長親自收件
Field of view are 4 degrees. 視野只有四度.
Use bonicular to confirm a sighting. 用雙眼望遠鏡確認看見
The iceberg passes Titanic almost at right angles. 冰山幾乎呈直角穿過鐵達尼
No evidence of a large gash. 沒有大的開口
The math is straight forward. 一算就知道了.
169.             titi’llation 搔癢; 愉快, 興奮
170.             to ki shi la zu sake [J.]時不知鮭
171.              To each his own. 各吹各的號.
172.             We toast the train. 火車炸毀.
173.             ‘toddy 棕櫚酒
174.             to-fu sheets 豆腐皮
175.             earth tone 大地色系
176.             Many are still hot to the touch. 送到時都還是燙手的.
177.             ‘twitchy 焦躁不安的
178.              on a toast relationship 可以乾杯的親疏關係
179.              Went toe to toe with… 槓起來
toe scour [土木]堤趾沖刷
Everyone has to be on their toes 100% all the time. 任何時刻都要全神貫注.
180.             It started to take the toll. 開始看見下場.
181.             ‘Tomahawk cruise missile 戰斧巡弋飛彈
aim at the ‘pilons 橋墩
near pin-point accuracy 幾乎是完全的精準
made another ‘quantum leap 量子; 大躍進
182.             tomb raptor 灰面鵟鷹
183.              tommy [] 英國佬
184.              tone (v.) 發出音響
Do you think GOP will tone down? 您認為共和黨會變溫和?
185.              Tonle Sap 湄公河支流: 洞里薩河
186.              They took the whole .... down. 全部打下.
It took to the sky again. 升空
He took it upon himself to rid the Germen. 親手
He took off. 逃走.
187.              ‘toothfairy 掌管小孩掉牙的神仙
188.              We are on top of it. 在掌控之中.
to top it all 最後
top dog 老大
top ‘battlist 迎戰第一把交椅
189.              topless photo(s) 上空裸照
shirtless photo(s) 男上空裸照
190.              To’raja 蘇拉維西咖啡
Golden ‘Mandheling 黃金曼特寧
191.              See you on top of things. 一切順利.
To top it off, we got you a ..... 最後, …
I know I got my top choice. 我已經有口袋名單.
top-down 敞篷車
This is over the top. 太誇張了.
top stars 大明星
192.              torch 噴槍
193.             torq(ue) 扭力
194.              ‘tortoise
giant toitoise 象龜
195.              Toshiro Aoki 敏郎 青木 (靜物工筆畫畫家)
196.              a total of … 總共是
Totally. 是阿.
197.              tote  背負, 攜帶, 搬運 /-o-/
198.              ‘Touareg 圖阿雷格族 [北非沙漠兇悍遊牧民族]
199.              I gotta toughen this guy up. 我得讓他堅強一點.    
200.              They touch up the paint every night.
Smart phones are also called “Touch Phones”.
201.              tou’che [F.] 刺中得分!
202.              I heard that the referee is a bit touchy. 聽說裁判
203.              They should tour. 他們應該巡迴演出.
204.              tour de force [F.] 絕技, 特技, 壯舉, 傑作
205.             le 'Tourbillon 陀飛輪
206.              London Tower Bridge 倫敦塔橋
207.              They are doing everything they can to protect the
town-ship. 他們盡全力保護鄉鎮.
township administrative office 鄉公所
208.             ‘river-tracing 溯溪
209.              Keep the construction on track. 掌控建築進度.
track star 田徑明星
yellow track suit 黃色運動服
track 坦克履帶
210.              GPS trackers 衛星定位系統
211.              traction 牽引力
212.              Trading Spaces [旅遊: 裝潢大風吹]
trade wind 信風; 貿易風
I’m a stone mason by trade. 算是石匠.
213.              trail 步道
214.             ‘trailblazer 開拓者
215.             ‘firefighting trailer 消防車
216.              train 新娘長裙裾
It’s a train-wreck. 不忍卒睹.
217.             trai’nee 學員
218.              trampo’line 彈簧墊; 蹦床
219.              trance state 起乩
state of trance 起乩
220.              to tran’sect the vein 橫切面
221.              Transformers 變形金剛
       Mojo "魔咒" (男主角小狗名)
       That's his bling. 那是他的佩飾.
       public prop 公有財產
       Bros before holes. 不能重色輕友
       tight ass & big arms 屁股緊翹四肢發達
       grease monkey 汽車技工
       (Put) your head on the hood. 頭放引擎蓋上!
       I'm gonna bust you up. 我就逮捕你.
       You on drugs? 你磕藥嗎?
       Get a med! 叫醫護隊
       E-bay page 網頁
       ‘mecatron 麥加登
       lady's man 萬人迷
       Optimist Prime 柯博文
       bumble bee 大黃蜂
       Asap! 盡快!
       Who's this? 這又是哪位
       juvy 青少年犯
       Star Scream 星星叫
       ‘Autobots 博派
       De’cepticons 狂派
       ‘Sentinel 御天至尊

222.              ‘Transit “全順貨卡車
223.              tran’sitioning 變性手術時期
        transition period 過渡時期
224.              …, ‘translates as Man Killer, … 意思是
“Burre Manager”, translation, personal butler.
Burre Manager 這兩個字的意思就是私人管家”.
225.             trans’national 跨國的
226.             What really trans’pired that day at the site was… 當天    那個地點真真確確發生的是
所知; 水份逐漸蒸發的; 來龍去脈
227.              trans’verse section 橫切面
228.              trap door ()
229.             tra’peze 高空鞦韆
tra’peze act 空中飛人特技表演
230.              ‘trapezoid [] 梯形: ladder-shaped
231.              Despite Luke Ryan’s brilliance, tra’vail, he died in the
prison. 路克萊恩再如何英勇聰明萬夫莫敵, 終究死在獄中. 難關; 艱辛 /-‘vel/
232.              to travel light: to travel without much equipment 沒有     行李的旅行
233.              tra’versing bridges 橫越橋梁
those who tra’verse it realize that…  橫越的人才能體會
tra’verse the river 在河裡往返尋找
234.              tray table 桌面
235.              trebu’chet [F.] 中世紀石弩; 投石機
       mangonel 石弩
       ‘catapult 石弩
236.              trekking Taiwan 遊學台灣
237.              ‘Trepassey [美船名] 翠柏西
238.              trepi’dation 不安
239.              using triangu’lation 使用三角測量方式
240.              ‘tributary 小支流
241.              a lofty ‘tribute 崇高敬意
242.              one trick pony 一招走天下; 黔驢技窮
243.              ‘trigger 引發
244.              eight trigrams 八卦;  the consisting of an
arrangement of single and divided lines in eight groups of three lines each as specified in the Book of Changes
245.              trip wire 絆網
246.              tripe 牛肚
247.              A triple threat 三棲新人
Triple A battery  3A電池
248.             ‘Tristan 崔斯坦 [男子名]
249.             ‘tritium [] the third isotope of hydrogen; 1 proton, 1
       electron, 2 neutrons
250.             where formerly only emperors trod 從前只有皇帝
251.             It’s a Trojen horse. 引狼入室
252.             She’s a trooper. 很勇敢.
253.             ‘trotters 豬蹄
254.             He has trouble sleeping. 睡眠困擾
255.             ‘truant ‘officers 缺曠課紀錄中心
256.             ‘trumpet mushroom 杏鮑菇
257.              Trunki 童手推式提包廠牌
258.              Truth-O-Meter 老實話測量表
Truth is, … 事實上, …
259.              the most trying 最搗蛋的
260.              They’ll die last man trying. 戰到最後一兵一卒.
261.              TSMC Affiliate Extension Class 台積電產學專班
262.              Tsu’mori Chi’sato 津森千里; 日籍女時尚家
263.              tsu’nami 海嘯 (groundswell; tidal wave)
kamaishi 釜石市
kesennuma 氣仙沼市
sendai 仙台市
miyako 宮古市
ishinomaki 石卷市
natori 名取市
rikusentakada 陸前高田市
otsuchi 大槌市
264.              'Tsup Cuty. 妳好. [黑人搭訕]
265.              ‘bushy tuft 濃密的樹叢
266.              There is a serious tug of war. 一場嚴重的拔河.
267.             tulle [F.] 芭蕾硬紗
268.              ‘tundra 苔原
269.              In tune of his times 與時代很契合
My senses felt perfectly tuned in to the forest. 我的感官跟森林合而為一.
She’s in tune with what’s happening. 她很知道現在流行甚麼. [Nina Garcia on rookie designer Gretchen, Project Runway 2010]
270.             Tung Chung Terminal 昂坪站
271.             ‘tunic dress 束腰洋裝

272.             ‘tunnel vision 狹隘視野
the Mr. Blanc tunnel fire 法國白朗峰隧道大火事件
273.             ‘turbine 渦輪; 葉輪機
274.             ‘turbulent 動盪的
275.             turd 糞便
276.             turf 草皮; 地盤
sod 草皮
277.             turn mat 停機坪
turn table 黑膠唱片轉盤
He’s the one who’s turning her in. 檢舉她的是他.
Turn up early, leave late. 早早上工, 晚晚下班.
takes a ‘horrifying turn 事情急轉直下
She’s just turning 18. 剛滿十八歲.
I was going to turn 30 myself. 我也剛滿 30.
We never know who she is going to turn up with. 大家     都不知道再來她要誰的.
278.              Quick ‘turnaround is essential. 高回航率是必須的.
279.              ‘turndown collar 翻領
280.              China was in ‘turmoil. 一片動盪
281.              ‘turnstile 十字轉門
282.             ‘Turpan 吐魯番
283.              ‘turret (坦克上)砲塔
284.              tutu 芭蕾舞紗裙
285.              tux ;
286.              TWA 800
China Airline 中華航空
All the crews are quite seasoned. 所有班底都是老手.
ba’llistic analysis 彈道分析
metallurgist 冶金學家
287.              tweels 瓦片酥
288.              The Twelfth of Never [Donnie Osmond]
289.              The Twelves [動物殺手: 都市叢林篇]
Dogs have 42 teeth, 4 long ‘canines designed to puncture and tear flesh. 狗有42顆牙, 4隻獠牙, 目的在穿刺撕裂肉類.
worse than getting mugged 被狗咬比搶劫還慘
almost in’vulnerable 百毒不侵
‘arctic 北極圈
an’tarctic 南極圈
bird hatchlings 一窩雛鳥
‘maximum adapta’bility 最強適應力
with weight like cinder blocks 空心磚的重量
A cornered rat may lash out. 被圍堵會猛擊
Ba’bboons know how to work as a team. 狒狒知道如何團隊合作.
ca’yote 郊狼
They bite through lead pipe. 他們可以咬穿鉛管
Noxious ‘potent cocktail 烈性強效的雞尾酒
Blood pressure ‘skyrocketed. 血壓立刻飆高
in’cisions 切口
They drift on the fringes of the human world. 流浪在人類世界邊緣
Dogs adapt to live well on a city diet. 狗很快適應城市的菜單.
Their smelling senses a hundred times better than man. 狗比人的嗅覺好一百倍
They’ll band together to an co’opperative hunt. 他們狩獵時集結合作.
inad’vertent feeding 人類輕忽的餵食行為
the city’s beige stonewalks 米黃色的人行道
raise his characteristic hood to appear dangerous 眼鏡蛇伸開牠的頭頸讓自己看起來比實際大
He is ‘streetwise. 學會街頭生活
switch blade 彈簧刀
Who can lay claim to this turf, it’s the gator. 除了鱷魚誰能佔有地盤
Nearly 80 ‘conical teeth 差不多有80圓錐形牙齒
Stealth is a critical importance. 悄行是致勝重點.
They don’t suck. They merely lap it up like a dog. 他們不是用吸吮的. 他們只是像狗一樣舔而已.
290.              Twilight of the Gods 眾神的黃昏
291.              twin-arm 雙臂式
292.              ‘twinkies 小海綿奶油蛋糕
293.              Twitter 推特: 社交網站; "微型部落格": 對話限制在      140個字之內的新型態社交互動; 有嚴格的形式限制,    嚴格如英文十四行詩(sonnet)或日文的三行俳句.       tweet(s):  twitter用戶收到的手機資訊內容
       Twitter account 帳號
       Twitter followers 推友
294.              construction ty’coon 建築大亨
295.              ty’phoon 颱風
       颱風之國際命名: 不會採用 Q, U, X, Y, Z 開頭的英文       ; 同樣名字六年才會出現一次; 發生重大災害的颱       (如美國的 Ka’trina, 台灣       ‘Morakot) 名字從       此冰封

296.              Tzu-chi 慈濟功德會

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