2014年2月26日 星期三

2014.2.25. 老克答 Gilbert Wu 第二問: 商業簡報的學習重點

目前銷售人員士氣高昂, 也都主動在沒有值班的日子熱烈的邀約潛在客戶進行會談

但是目前由於新車尚未入駐展示間, 試乘車也尚未就緒, 因此僅僅依靠型錄跟規格配備表來促進成交的成效不太好。

但是相信到了3月份展示車輛以及試乘車都就緒後, 接單的進度與節奏會很快進入正軌。

need these in english?

Yes.....if you don't feel too many XD
In Chinese I can thinking more faster than English

1. For the time being, all the crews are in excellent vibe to boost sales, inviting prospective customers to have a friendly family chat on off-duty days2. New model is due to launch in March. That sets back the purchasing motivation for customers who showed enthusiasm coz they could only glance at the brochures and specs.

不過從年後這段時間也有觀察到, 對於新進的銷售人員而言是很煎熬的, 由於沒有實體車輛可以供他們與客戶商談, 因此他們幾乎無法發揮戰力, 尤其是A這家經銷商。

3. Estimated orders will in proper timing after the arrival of new models on the showroom together with the accessibility of the Try-outs.

A經銷商自從去年12月開始發生庫存不足的情況, 在1月份, 2月份的訂單就停滯下來, 他們也是目前進度落後最多的經銷商。

4. From observation during end January till now, it's real hard time for the rookies who didn't have real cars on hand and had to deal with customers only through catalogues. This happened especially painstakingly at (A) showroom.


5. Dealer A had had its supply shortage problem ever since Dec 2013. So far they are the farthest from their quota due to stalling in both January and February sales.

A經銷商的業務經理已經被要求從本週起, 每天陪同銷售人員去拜訪有望客戶進行銷售促進。

6. Deal A business manager had been required to attache their staff sales crew to visit prospective customers face en face.

A家在目前是接單進度最慢的, 他們的新進人員比例也最高, 我相信這其中肯定有絕對的相關性。

7. They are also demanded to have friendly chats with customer's family members on decision-making of the purchase. It's also their goals to check up items for the new crew to strengthen.

3月份我計劃每週至少抽出2天下午的時間與A經銷商業務主管檢討進度, 並協助他們設法推進業績。

8. Deal A is so far with poorest performance, having the most new crew members at the same time. Personally i believe in the co-relation of the two factors.9. I will have at least 2 afternoons from March, to sit and talk with the Sales Manager and see what i can do to boost their quota. I look forward to having a one on one conversation with SMs by turns.

You so fast!
I think it's enough for my meeting tomorrow.
Some regular stuff I can handle by myself.
see yachow
It's a great favor for me

i know
you should follow my instruction
if you don't


爲什麼你寫出來的我覺得不難, 但我就寫不出來?





coz i read 500 times the english you read that's why

Got it @@

Time to sleeping lo

Good nite & thanks a lot



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