1. pasty (N. 單數) /'pestī/ 胸貼
Rollie forgot his pasties last time. 羅力上次忘了戴胸貼了.
2. S1 be stronger than S2 S1 比 S2 強
陳漢典 is stronger than me. 陳漢典比我強.
姊姊 is the most hip female singer in Taiwan after her Bi Bi Bi album. 謝金燕自從她的"逼逼逼"風迷全 台之後, 目前是台灣當紅炸子雞女歌手.
3. 野狼學ICRT報路況
There is now a traffic jam in Zhong-xiao East Road. 現在忠孝東路塞車.
It's a bumper to bumper traffic flow. 目前以龜速前進.
It's rush hour. 現在是尖峰時刻.
There's an accident happening right at Huajiang Bridge. 目前華江橋發生車禍.
Something happened on roadside. 路邊好像發生了事.
In Taiwan, you see road-kills all the time. 在台灣, 滿街都是被撞死的動物屍體.
4. 世界名牌狗咬豬
a. agnès b.
/añi'ε bε/
b. Bally
瑞士高級皮鞋 1851年起家, 目前有男裝女裝等.