2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母O篇


1.        o hi me [J.] 公主
2.        O ka mi sang ga la no ki mo chi de su. 這是老闆娘的招待.
O dai wa i ta da ki ma sen. 不用錢.

3.        OCD queen 誇張型女性強迫症
4.        OST 原版音軌 (Original SoundTrack)
5.        Ukraine was OK. 烏克蘭還可以.
6.        Ba’rack Obama is pretty much in a’lign with McCain. 兩人同一戰線; 成一條線
7.        ‘obelisque [] 方尖碑; ‘obelisk
8.        o’bituary 訃聞
9.        I will happily oblige. 樂於照做
In case you need some sand, the Burj Al Arab room service will oblige. 如果你需要一些沙, 杜拜阿拉伯塔房務部將很高興達成您的心願.
10.   ob’lique angle 斜角 (vs. 直角)
ob’lique tones 仄聲 (三聲 四聲 及入聲)
make ob’lique accusations指桑罵槐
11.   ob’literated 消滅, 忘卻
12.   an ob’noxious smell 令人不快的氣味; 可憎的討厭的, 遭天譴的
13.   ob’scene 下流的
It must have been an obscene contrast with the poverty of Jesus’es country. 可恥鮮明的對比
14.   observation deck (台北101)觀景()
15.   David was obsessed with a girl he had just met.大衛被一個他剛剛認識的女孩迷住了。
The hostages were obsessed by the fear of death.
We are not obsessed by time. 我們不沉迷於時間.
16.   Make other bullets obso’lete. 讓別的子彈相形失色.
17.   ‘obvi [Ame. Eng. Slang] 很顯然地
streetz: streets “街道的街頭拼法
dawgs:dogs (?) “的街頭拼法
18.   oca’rina 陶笛
19.   Please rise to the occasion. 請讓自己稱職.
20.   occupational hazard 職業傷害
21.   It is powered by ocean mill fan. 風力發電
22.   ‘ocelot 豹貓
23.   octoge’narian 八十歲的人
octo- 凱撒之前為之意; 凱撒之後為
24.   Those odds are too high. 可能率太小.
the odd woman out 被打入冷宮
25.   Odyssey [發現: 深海打撈寶船系列]
26.   Der Mar is off the hook. (堪薩斯)德拉瑪已經脫離危險.
Sorry sir, i had to throw some of you off! 對不起先生, 我必須讓現場某些人先行離開!
Was that off the line? 太超過?
off the beaten path 人跡罕至; 非主流的
You are off to the right. 偏向右邊.
The green berets are trained to live off the land. 扁帽隊接受野地求生訓練.
It is off the limits. 非進勿進
At least I got 2 guys off my back. 至少有兩個人說不錯.
Get off your butt. 站起來!
It’s off. 歪掉了.
27.   o’fficially blessed 經過加持
28.   an ‘off-beat installation of indoor intercom 不合時宜的; 怪裡怪氣的
29.   to ‘offset the weight 為了補償彌補多出來的重量
to ‘offset typhoon wind 抵消
30.   The offensive continues. 攻勢繼續.
playing both-side offense 兩面手法
planned a new offensive 發動新的攻擊
31.   offered a lottery 辦抽獎活動
32.   Officers don’t run. 沒有軍官逃兵的.
33.   o’fficially prayed 加持過的
34.   oil spill 海洋漏油事件
35.   Oita Stadium 日本大分體育舘
stretching over 270 M across: 跨度 270 M
‘Pantheon 萬神殿: 43 M
Roman Emperor ‘Hadrian 哈德艮皇帝
‘pumice /’pmis/ 浮石
The dome was strengthened that would be otherwise very brittle. 巨蛋的屋頂加強否則將十分脆弱.
misa’ligned 錯位
took some 1000 years before someone tried to better it 經過一百年才有人想到將它改善
Florence Cathedral 佛羅倫斯大教堂

The 1418 ‘clockmaker Filippo Brune’lleschi 鐘錶匠, 早達文西100
Takes 300 men over 15 years to build this dome. 300個工匠花了15年才蓋好這個教堂.
It remains the largest brickdome ever built. 仍然是目前全世界最大的磚造圓頂教堂.
truss 桁架
tower crane 塔式起重機
boom 吊桿
de’veloper 開發商; 建商
West Baden Hotel 貝登水療旅館
Lee Sinclair wants to cash in on the boom. 海撈一票
You are a fine guy. You are crazy. Can’t be done. 您人不錯, 但是瘋了. 這是不可能的.
I’m creating an en’closure. 我正在做出一個封閉的空間
If locks to masonry 釘到泥水上的話
Take off your shoes, for you walk on holy ground. 請脫掉你的鞋, 因為你走在神聖的土地上.
To lighten the whole structure, the engineer makes his trusses hollow. 為了讓整個結構變輕, 工程師做出空心的椼架.
Texus Astrodome 德州太空巨蛋
Keep the air out, let the light in. 阻擋空氣, 只讓光線進來.
i’conic sport stadium 象徵性的體育舘
perfect for the pilots at his cockpits 坐在飛行艙裡的飛行員最需要的
unim’peded 不受阻的
di’vert the ray, de’fuse the light 把光改道, 把亮度折掉
One player tries to catch the ball.  He gets nowhere near it. 壓根兒找不到球.
glare 眩光
’fiberglass 玻璃纖維
The iris di’lates. 放大
visual field 視野
You lose the ‘contrast. 失去對比感覺.
The lack of light kills the grass. 沒有真的光線, 草都死了.
‘astroturf 人工草皮
steel matrix 鋼構架
crane it into position 吊到定位
glass fiber inside 玻璃纖維的裏
perfect transparency just enough to light up the pitch 剛好透明到可以照亮投的球
pe’rimeter 圓周
airy and effortless 空氣好,不費力
withstand the battering of wind and rain 禁得起風吹雨打
children’s paddling pool 兒童戲水池
Georgia Dome 227M (1989) 喬治亞州巨蛋
Make sure it doesn’t become a death trap. 要確定它不會成為另一個死亡陷阱.
Bradford Stadium (1985.5.) 3500觀眾56engulfed in flame 56個觀眾當場燒死
Ed McCann 艾德麥肯
Panic begins to en’sue. 接踵而來
con’vection 對流
no through pool 沒有對流口
make their way to the ‘exit /-gz-/ 使他們走得到安全門
Fans mounted in the ceiling begin to spin. 天花板的電扇開始自動旋轉.
The smoke is di’spersed harmlessly outside. 煙霧從外頭很安全地被驅散,疏散.
They can snuff out a fire the instant it happens. 他們可以偵查出火的起始點.
Infrared travels at the speed of light. 紅外線以光速進行.
The watergun automatically take aim. 水槍會自動瞄準.
Takes no ‘contest. 沒得比.
Oita Stadium 274M 大分體育館
Re’tractable roof 伸縮屋頂
At a flick of a switch 彈指之間
winches 絞盤
‘spherical ge’ometry 球型幾何學
A sphere moving over a sphere. 一個球滑過另一個球.
winched along by ‘pulleys 用絞盤牽動滑輪
in the reverse direction 反方向
must work in perfect harmony 需要絕對精準地運作
might be thrown out of their alignment 可能會飛出軌道之外
in case one of the wheels slipped off 假使一個輪子滑掉了
a triumph over engineering 一個工程學的勝利
looks effortless 看起來毫不費力
cowning piece 至高無上的作品
a second nature 人造自然
synthetic biology (synbio) 人造的生物學
36.   Very old lady. 老氣
old school bike 復古機車
37.   a bad ‘omen 壞兆頭
a lucky omen 好兆頭
38.   ‘ominous-looking 駭人的
He replied ominously. 令人不安的回答
39.   Second platoon on me! 第二排跟著我!
on my ‘tailgate 在我的車尾
You were on the line the whole time? 你ㄧ直在前線?
on TV and on line 也在電視上也在待機
on your headliner 車頂(內部天花板)
My money’s on Adam. Adam .
The pressure is on. 有壓力
buy on credit 用賒的
If I were tabatha, Melanie would be on the street. 捲舖蓋
On three… One, two, three! 數到三... , , !
Don’t give up on the Art. 不要放棄藝術.
They act as if they were on steroids. 好似吃了類固醇
It’s all on you! 怪你!
You better be on your toes. 你最好當心點.
I got nothing illegal on me. 我身上沒甚麼違法的東西.
The joke was on me. 嘲笑.
On to you. 交給你了.
On the third rice ball, he rested, and that was good. (Man Versus Food; 引聖經文體)
It’s on grill. 烤箱目前是的模式..
one on one 一對一
40.   Onge’patshket [Yiddish] 猶太語: ”亂糟糟”; Cluttered, disordered, scribbled, sloppy, muddled, overly-done
41.   spring onion “蒜仔”; 大蔥
42.   The ‘onset of hypo’thermia 失溫開始發作
43.   on-site lab 野地實驗室; 駐廠實驗室
She is the vet on-site. 她是在場的獸醫.
44.   one hell of a job. 幹得好.
one-armed Swordsman 獨臂刀
one-trick pony 一招半式; 黔驢技窮
One is better off ignoring the fluctuations of any ‘sector. 完全不聽任何小道消息的股票族是最妥當的.
I’ve always wanted to ride one of these things. 騎這種動物一直是我的夢想.
45.   oil drilling riggs 石油鑽油井
46.   that oozes confidence on his face 臉上露出自信
47.   In the open! 在天上!
open back 露背裝
We are open for business. 營業中
It opened to traffic. 通車了.
Paris is an open city. 成了不設防城市
I’m open to new ideas. 能接受新想法.
48.   o’pinionated 固執的
49.   They opt to set it up. 決心建立
50.   ‘optic nerve 視神經
51.   Not an option. 沒機會. 沒有別的想法就立刻採取行動了.
That’s not an option. 不可能.
many options 招式
52.   ‘opulent (a.) 富裕的; 豐饒的
‘opulence (n.) 豐富, 財富
53.   Or else, our lives cannot exist. 否則, 我們的生命無法繼續.
54.   o’ran 人類 [印尼土著語]
‘gutang 森林
55.   ‘orca 虎鯨
clownfish 蝴蝶魚
butterfly fish 獅子魚
56.   or’dained monks 受戒和尚
57.   leads the order of merits 領先積分
Order up! 上菜了!
One order. 一份(鹹酥雞).
58.   Orderly! 整齊!
59.   Flush the ‘ordure 排泄物 /-dg-/
60.   or’ganic ‘compound 有機化合物
61.   or’ganza 烏干紗
62.   ori’gami 摺紙
63.   o’riginal yogurt 原味優酪乳
64.   ‘Orioles 美國大聯盟金鶯隊
65.   They were less or’nate. 比較沒那麼華麗修飾打扮的
66.   orni’thology 鳥類學
67.   Russia’s Orthodox Christians 蘇聯東正教徒
68.   os’cilloscope 示波圖
69.   os’mosis 滲透作用; 吸收; 同化
re’verse os’mosis 逆滲透
70.   o’taku [J.] 御宅族
71.              the other woman 小三
72.   otsuchi 大槌市
73.   Kingdom of survival: Giant Otter 存活王國: 巨大水獺
‘kingfisher 翠鳥
weasel family 鼬科
Parents return to check on their well-being. 雙親回來看看它們是否安好.
74.   ‘Ottis 歐弟當家
Is that what gonna happen? [HBO animation] 這會發生嗎?
lady killer 大帥哥
Those who oppose? 反對的舉手?
I second the motion. 我附議.
This is so off-limit. 太超過
Return to your ‘designated cauldron. 回到你自己的鍋鏟裏.
What did you do that for? 幹嘛這樣做?
I got a pulse! 我有脈搏!
Ditch the body. 把屍體丟掉.
vegan 全素者
He's buying it. 他信了耶.
Would you stop doing that. 你可以拜託停止嗎?
Good as new. 跟新的一樣.
Ottis'es 歐提的
I'm in charge. 我是老大.
cow-tipping 把牛扳倒的
I'm ‘medicated for my imbalance. 我在吃不平衡的藥.
inside connection 高層人士
We are ‘rebels. 我們是壞人.
Breaks my heart. 好傷心喔
Toast to the new world order. 為新的世界和平乾一杯.
They're gonna disect us. 解剖
Bigger than life. 超厲害的
You think you can fill his shoes? 你能倒滿他的鞋?
That's our date. 那是我們的女伴.
See you round. 回見
Be proud. 很樂意
I go with the iron. 我贊成鐵桿
As long as i'm still kicking, nobody will be harmed inside the range. 只要我還在, 農莊裏每個人都安全.
I'm a precious object, and i shall treat myself as such. 我是很稀有的. 我也珍愛自己.
75.   They are out for the German Cup. 為德國盃而戰
She looked a little out of it. 她有點點不太像.
out of touch 老掉牙
out of time 日落西山
You are out of the drill. 你已經瞭了. (Pimp My Ride)
They be driving straight out of your way. 他們會立刻讓路.
I like every plan going out of window. 我喜歡那些泡
I give a 6 out of 10. 十分我給六分.
Get out of harm’s way. 保持安全
It’s a 2 out of 3. 兩盤勝三盤
Get out of here. 少來.
Out of the question. 絕不可能.
The captain is out of the picture. 船長已經不在考慮之列.
76.   He looks out-of-town. 他看得出來是外地人.
77.   out’landish comments 特異的言論
more out’landish as the night goes on 越夜越奇妙
78.   … was little more than an ‘outline 幾乎僅只於雛型
79.   Dolphins wil out’number the sharks 10 to 1. 海豚與鯊魚數目的比數是十比一
80.   ‘outriggers 懸臂
81.   think outside the box 徹底發揮想像力
82.   over the counter []內線交易
If you try to walk on water, you be in over your head. 如果你想走在水上, 你準備大水罩頂.
They are looking for some over-the-top designs. 他們要的是比較誇張的設計.
83.   He is too over’bearing. 跋扈; 囂張; 專橫
84.   over’blown 言過其實
85.   Man ‘overboard! 有人下水了!
86.   over’booking 超額預約
87.   an ‘overhaul of pro’cedures 徹底翻修, 大修
88.   ‘overlord 貴族
Operation ‘Overlord 大君主行動
89.   The most over’paid celebrity is Nicole Kidman. 妮可基曼被認為是最不值得其身價的名流.
90.   over’turned 顛覆的
91.   owl 鵰鴞
92.   club owner 夜店老闆
93.   a woman’s Oxford shoes 女姓的 oxford 便鞋 (傳奇女性飛行員Amelia Earhart 的所謂遺物)

94.   ‘oxidant(s) 氧化劑


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