2013年8月28日 星期三

老克狂人字典 字母Z篇


  1. by zero one hundred [軍] 凌晨一點
    They got us zero! 他們把我們壓著打!
    Zero Day 零時差攻擊日 [美青少年監獄第一天地獄震撼教育]

老克狂人字典 字母Y篇


1.        yabu sami 流鏑馬

老克狂人字典 字母X篇


1.        X-ray scanners  X光掃瞄機
2.        Xers and Yers  X世代與Y世代

老克狂人字典 字母W篇


1.        ‘wabler 鳴禽; 歌手
2.        ‘waffle 鬆餅

老克狂人字典 字母V篇


1.        Deep V V
2.        V E day (=Victory in Europe) 歐戰勝利日
D Day [] 開始行動那一天

老克狂人字典 字母U篇


1.        U-boats 二戰德國潛艇
2.        USB 隨身碟 (Universal Serial Bus) 印度工程師發明

老克狂人字典 字母T篇


1.        T- 大型看板
2.        T-5 [Heathrow 五號航廈]

老克狂人字典 字母S篇


1.        SAAB 紳寶
2.        SS [納粹]黨衛軍

老克狂人字典 字母R篇


1.        RMB 人民幣
2.        I’ll race you! 我們比誰快!

老克狂人字典 字母Q篇


1.        Q-tip 棉花棒
2.        Qi “”: body’s energy

老克狂人字典 字母P篇


1.        PCTS  [Post College Trauma Syndrome] 大學畢業後症候群
2.        P.J. 空降救護隊

老克狂人字典 字母O篇


1.        o hi me [J.] 公主
2.        O ka mi sang ga la no ki mo chi de su. 這是老闆娘的招待.
O dai wa i ta da ki ma sen. 不用錢.

老克狂人字典 字母N篇


1.        NGC: National Geographic Channel 國家地理頻道
2.        na po li tang [J.] 番茄義大利麵

老克狂人字典 字母M篇


1.        M.P. 美國憲兵
2.        MRI scan 磁核共振掃描
Functional Magnetic ‘Resonance Image 有效的磁核共振

老克狂人字典 字母L篇


1.        L.A. Ink [LA刺青客]
Kat Von D 凱特馮蒂

老克狂人字典 字母K篇


1.        kama’ishi 釜石市
2.        kami’nari [J.]
ina’zuma [J.] 閃電; “稻妻

老克狂人字典 字母J篇


1.        jabbing for the neck 使勁脖子
2.        jack 參魚

老克狂人字典 字母I篇


1.        IPO: Initial Public Offering 公開募股
2.        iPOD: ‘I’ ‘internet’ or ‘individual’

老克狂人字典 字母H篇


1.   They hacked the ivory and were gone. 狠狠砍下
Shoot the hack outta them! 把他們通通射穿!
getting the hack out of here 快走!
hack saw 弓鋸

老克狂人字典 字母G篇


1.        G strap 丁字褲
T strap 丁字褲
2.        GMT: Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治標準時間; [UK]冬日日光節約時間; 如以 []”宇宙時間”(Universal Time)解時, 又名 “Zulu Time“.

老克狂人字典 字母F篇


1.        ‘Fabian [G ]男子名; 飛比恩
2.        the whole ‘fabric surrounding the ‘Romanovs 編造杜撰

老克狂人字典 字母E篇


1.        E collar []電子項圈
2.        E. coli 大腸桿菌

老克狂人字典 字母D篇


1.        D Day [] 行動開始那一天
D-Day: Man & Machines 決戰諾曼第

老克狂人字典 字母C篇


1. CEO ‘turnover 總經理更替
1.    CGI: Computer ‘Graphics ‘Interface 電腦圖像介面
‘tempering 修片

2013年8月27日 星期二

2013.10.8 老克來了 內容概要


老克第二次 親自示範 如何利用朗讀課文 奠定自己的文法基礎

A String of Blue Beads

Pete Richards was the loneliest man in town on the day Jean Grace opened the door of his curio shop.

On this winter's afternoon the little girl was standing outside the store, her forehead against the glass of the window.  Earnest and enormous eyes studied each discarded treasure, as if she were looking for something quite special.  Finally she straightened up with a satisfied air and entered the store.

behind the counter stood Pete himself, a man not more than 30 but with hair already turning gray.  There was a bleak air about him as he looked at he small customer.

"Mister," she began, "would you please let me look at that string of blue beads in the window?"

Pete parted the draperies and lifted out a necklace.  The turquoise stones gleamed brightly against the whiteness of his palm as he spread the ornament before her.

"They're just perfect," said the child, entirely to herself, "Will you wrap them up for me, please?"

Pete studied her with a stony air.  "Are yo buying these for someone?"

"They are for my big sister.  She takes care of me.  You see, this will be the first Christmas since Mother died.  I've been looking for the most wonderful Christmas present for my sister."

"How much money do you have?" asked Pete warily.

She had been busily untying the knots in a handkerchief and now she poured out a handful of pennies on the counter.

"I emptied my bank," she explained simply.

Pete looked at her thoughtfully.  Then he carefully drew back the necklace.  How could he tell her the price?  The trusting look of her blue eyes struck him like the pain of an old wound.

"Just a minute," he said, and turned toward the back of the store.  Over his shoulder he called, "What's your name?" He was very busy about something.

"Jean Grace."

When Pete returned to where Jean Grace waited, a package lay in his hand.  It was wrapped in scarlet paper and tied with a bow or green ribbon.  "There you are," he said shortly.  "Don't lose it on the way home."


She smiled happily at him over her shoulder as she ran out the door.  Through the window he watched her go, while sorrow and loneliness flooded his thoughts.

The child's hair was wheat yellow; her eyes sea blue.  Not long ago, Pete had been in love with a girl with hair of that same yellow and with eyes just as blue.  The turquoise necklace was to have been hers.  But there had come a rainy night--a truck skidding on a slippery road--and the life was crushed out of his dream.

Since then Pete Richards had lived too much alone with his grief.  The blue eyes of Jean Grace jolted him into sharp remembrance of what he had lost.  The pain of it made him recoil from the joy of holiday shoppers.

During the next ten day,s trade was brisk.  When the last customer had gone, late on Christmas Eve, he sighed with relief.  It was over for another year.  But for Pete the night was not quite over.


(老克錄音 連 re過都沒有 老克到這裏 連接下來文章要發生甚麼事件 甚至都不知道 XD)

The door opened and a young woman hurried in.  She looked familiar, yet he could not remember when or where he had seen her before.  Her hair was golden yellow and her large  yees were blue.  Without speaking, she drew from her purse a package loosely unwrapped in its red paper, a bow of green ribbon with it.  Presently the string of blue beads lay gleaming again on the counter before him.   "Did this come from your shop?" she asked.

Pete raised his eyes to hers and answered softly, "Yes, it did."

"Are the stones real?"

"Yes.  Not the finest quality--but real."

"Can you remember who it was you sold them to?"

"She was a small girl.  Her name was Jean.  She bought them for her older sister as a Christmas present."

"How much are they worth?"

"The price," he told her solemnly, "is always a confidential matter between the seller and the customer."

"But Jean has never had more than a few pennies of spending money.  How could she pay for them?"

"She paid the biggest price anyone can ever pay," he said, "She gave all she had."

There was a silence then that filled the little curio shop.  In some faraway steeple, a bell began to ring.  The sound of the distant chiming, the little package lying on the counter, the question in the eyes of the girl, the strange feeling of renewal of faith in the heart of the man--all had come to be  because of the love of a child.

"But why did you do it?"

He held out the gift in his hand.  "It's already Christmas morning," he said.  "And it's my misfortune that I have no one to give anything to.  Will you let me see you home and wish you a Merry Christmas at your door?"

And so Pete Richards and a girl whose name he had yet to learn walked out into the beginning or the great day that brings hope into the world for all of us.

同學們 ##
妳會愛上這一個 笨到 連最白癡的小女孩 都同情的 笨男人 嗎

2013.10.1 老克來了 內容概要


老克選擇 四十年前 高中生的 遠東版英文課本 第四冊 美國短篇小說家 歐亨利 (O'Henry)寫的
After Twenty Years 親自做 朗讀課文 示範:
The policeman on duty moved up the avenue impressively.  The time was barely ten o'clock at night, but a chilly wind with a few drops of rain in it had driven most of the people off the streets.

About midway of a certain block, the policeman slowed his walk.  A man with an unlighted cigar in his mouth was standing in the doorway of a store.  As the policeman walked over to him, the man spoke up quickly.

"It's all right, officer," he said.  "I am just waiting for a friend.  It's an appointment made twenty years ago.  This may sound a little odd to you, so i'll explain.  Twenty years ago there was a restaurant here--Joe Brady's restaurant."

"It was torn down," the policeman said, "about five years ago."

The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar.  The light showed a pale face with keen eyes and a little white scar near his right eyebrow.  There was a diamond pin in his necktie.


"Twenty years ago tonight," the man continued, "I dined here at Joe Brady's restaurant with Jimmy Wells, my best friend and the finest fellow in the world.  He and I grew up here in New York together, just like two brothers.  I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty.  The next morning I was to start for the West in make my fortune.  Jimmy didn't want to go; he thought New York was the best place on earth to live.  Well, we agreed that we would meet here exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what our conditions might be or what distance we might have to travel."

"It sounds pretty interesting," the policeman remarked.  "haven't you heard from your friend since you left?"

"Well, yes.  For a time we wrote to each other," the other man continued, but after a year or two we lost contact with each other completely.  But I know Jimmy will meet me here tonight if he's alive, for he always was the most loyal fellow in the world.  He'll never forget."

The waiting man pulled out a handsome watch, the lif of which was set with small diamonds.

"You did well in the West, didn't you?" the policemen said.

"You're right! I've had to compete with some of the sharpest people in the country to make my fortune.  A man gets dull in New York.  But the West makes him sharp."

"I'll be on my way," said the policemen.  "I hope your friend comes.  Are yo going to leave if he's not here exactly at ten o'clock?"

"Oh, no," the other said.  "I'll give him half an hour at least.  If Jimmy is alive, he'll be here by that time.  Good night, officer."

"Good night, sir," the policemen said and then he went away.

About twenty minutes later a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up to his ears, hurried across form the opposite side of the street.  He went directly to the waiting man.

"Is that you Bob?"  he asked doubtfully.

"Is that you, Jimmy Wells?"  responded the man in the doorway.

"It's good to see you!" the new comer said, grasping both the other's hands in his own.  "it's good old Bob.  I knew I'd find you here if you were still in existence.  Well, well, well!  Twenty years is a long time.   The old restaurant's gone, Bob.  I wish it remained, so we could have another dinner there.  How did you like the West, old fellow?"

"Marvelous.  I found everything I wanted there.  You've changed a lot, Jimmy.  I never thought you were so tall."

"Oh, I grew a little after I was twenty."

"Are you doing well in New York, Jimmy?"

"Moderately.  I have a job in  one of the city departments.  Come on, Bob.  We'll go around the corner to a place I know and have long talk about old times."


When they reached the lighted area, they turned to look at each other.  The man from the West stopped suddenly and released the other man's arm.

"You're not Jimmy Wells," he said angrily.  "Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man's nose from a long one to a short one."

"Sometimes it changes a good man into a bad one," the tall man replied.  "You've been under arrest for ten minutes, Silky Bob.  The Chicago police thought you might come to New York and they asked us to arrest you.  Now, before we go to the station, here's a note I was asked to give to you.  It's from Officer Jimmy Wells."

The man from the West unfolded a little piece of paper handed him.  His hand was steady when he began to read, but it trembled a little by the time he had finished.  The note was rather short.

Bob: I went to the appointed place on time.  I was the policeman you were talking to.  When you struck a match to light your cigar, I saw the face of a man wanted by the police in Chicago.  Since I hated the idea of arresting an old friend myself, I sent a plain-clothes man to do it.


歐亨利的小說 以 paraprosdokian 式的結尾聞名, 而人性中的"兄弟情誼"的刻劃 感動老克 四十年 不墜

2013.9.24 老克來了 內容概要


製作人小森交代 須要重複 找到老克的"四個角落" XD
老克決定 把 很硬的文法教學的部分 盡量地 放在 google B blogger 裏面
1. Google B blogger 克萊兒說文法

    在老克海內外許多學生紛紛前來幫忙之下 這個部落格目前有了很粗淺的規模
     林騰鑫同學幫忙分開標籤 首頁變成老克目前最喜愛的淺紫色 ## 還幫老克改成html 連榮華學      長等着出版的三分鐘影音 都可以直接po到這裡來
     吳進芳同學 從馬里蘭 "twenty-four seven"不斷地用道地的美語幫老克校稿 (按: 一天24小時 一      週七天之意)


2. Google Play 克萊兒說文法APP
3. YouTube  克萊兒說文法
4. fb 克萊兒說文法 (不公開社團)


5. 九月底十月初終於要上架的 Google Play "憤怒克"APP (老克密碼猜碼遊戲)
6. 老克英文"補習班" XD
    2014年初 竹北文興路高鐵旁 老克親自授課
    一對一 或 小班制教學
    洽 03-667-5555


竟然 老朋友 是 因為 老克的 克萊兒說文法的 徐士哲同學 的 序 才找到老克
老克反省 應該要常常問身邊的人: 你知道 你是很好的人嗎 這一類的 問句
老克朗讀自己幫 "島嶼的過客"這本書 寫的序言

2013年8月25日 星期日

2013.8.25 老克狂人英文字典 首發版 字母A篇


a.  本字典主要針對有能力聽到英語, 從之判別音節的節數及拼法的讀者寫成的當代美語日常用語工具書, 並查過 Merriam-Webster’s 確定拼音. 與一般市面的英文字典有相當大的不同.
b.  讀者讀過第一冊第四章第四節如何迅速背單字?”, 可以自行自修, 或者按興趣, 或者按字母編排, 開始迅速進入台灣大多數教科書找不到的字彙, 讓自己很快從曼哈頓腔的美國話聽懂任何英語.
c.  本字典所列單字中的撇號 (apostrophe) 符號是重音的意思, : ‘Gettysburg 指的是蓋帝茲堡(演講詞)這個生字的許多音節中, 重音在第一節.
d.  查詢單字方式: 建議先大略瀏覽過一遍, 知道大略包含哪些單字, 日後有用到時, 可以
1. Ctrl+F  鍵入欲搜尋字
2. 到本螢幕最右上角尋找  鍵入欲搜尋字


1.        ABC: Armani+Burberry+Christian Louboutin (shoe) 全身名牌的人
2.        AG 美國司法部長/總檢察長 Attorney General
州檢察官 State Attorney
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